

Dear Readers, I'm so sorry for updating this late. I didn't have a Wi-Fi connection for three hours!



'Luckily I got a handsome fiancé who's got a royal mansion and lots of money. I shouldn't have told him to wait six months. What if when the time comes he falls for another girl? I should have acted fast.'

Should she change her mind then?

'Nope, I can't. I have to think this through properly. They said I don't have parents. Then they must know where I am from. If my documents were really destroyed, they wouldn't know about my parents. Or maybe they are the ones who tried to kill me?'

She shivered slightly remembering the pictures Mu Feng showed. In the pictures, it looked like the gangsters really wanted to kill her.

'But if I really angered a mafia and they hired people to kill me and also if Mu Liang is the head of that mafia then they were supposed to kill me not save my life? Also, I lost my memory, no need to care about what they did, right?'

'But they must have some ulterior motives. I mean, why they would help me, a stranger and trust me with household and office keys, and let me stay at her in a mansion, moreover, let me do anything I want? Not only that, he wants to marry me of all things! Could it be....'

'Could it be Mu Liang is the rival of my enemy? They say that 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend.' Maybe that's the reason for saving her. In order to get all the information out of her, they want to keep her and be here for when she got her memory back. Maybe they destroy all her information to keep her safe.'

'There are too many 'maybes' and 'ifs'.

Then she shook her head inwardly, 'It doesn't seem right to be so suspicious of them. After all, they saved my life. I'm in debt to them. Not only did they seem to care for me a lot, especially this Liang guy. Just the way he is hugging me…-'

All of a sudden, her pupils became bigger than a soccer ball.

How many seconds had passed since they hugged each other?

'No! That's wrong!' Mu Lan screamed inside. 'I didn't hug him first! I was hugged! I was hugged!'

She felt her face was getting hotter.

While she was being tortured, Mu Liang, on the other hand, was in heaven.

As he hugged her tightly, his left hand was on her shoulder and right was on her tiny waist. He could measure up her tiny but seductive waist and furthermore, her breasts were clung to his muscled chest.

He could feel her breasts moving up and down when she was breathing, giving him goosebumps all over. She had a beautiful smell on her body. Close to her breasts, it contained the scent of vanilla.

'But her soap smells belle.' He himself bought every piece of necessary goods for her.

Her scent drove him crazy.

Who would have thought vanilla smelt this sexy?

He wanted to hug her for an eternity. He didn't want to let her go even for a second.

'Why did she want to leave? Why couldn't she stay here and study? Did she think I'm not good enough for her? I can be the best husband in the world. How does she not understand it?'

As he was sulking, he felt her shiver slightly.

He frowned. 'Is she cold?' When he was asking himself, suddenly he made a discovery.

Mu Lan's heart was beating fast matching his own heartbeat!


Lovely Readers, some of you are interested in my origin, right?

Let me enlighten you a bit... ;) ;) ;)

Disha- this word is not only Hindi but also Bangla and Nepali. In three languages it's meaning is the same which is 'direction'.

Florence- this word comes from Latin 'Florens' which means 'to flower', in the sense of a blossom. (Maybe that's why I have an attraction towards flower.)

Are you all confused about my origin now? ;p


Here's the answer'''

===>>> I'm from Bangladesh. :D

Editor: Waphels

Do you like the scene going on between Mu Liang and Mu Lan?

Hope you don't match up wife Mu Lan and Disney Mu Lan. ;D

With Love ~

Flow07creators' thoughts
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