
Handbook to a monster apocalypse

what if one day life ended as you knew it? and you are suddenly faced in a world full of monsters, would you be able to survive or would you run blindly into danger? This book contains helpful tips on how to survive in a monster infested world.

Akumurix · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Rule # 3 Pretty girls are deadly

It's been a few hours since I started walking, fortunately for me I haven't met any monsters yet everything was peaceful...too peaceful. Also, unfortunately for me the sun is starting to set which means it's hard to see in the dark and monsters would soon roam the streets.

It's still a few kilometers away from the big city but I am currently in a small town, the sky is starting to get dark and I sought shelter in one of the broken houses. The windows are broken and there are shards of glass on the floor. I tiptoed silently and looked around the house, it was completely empty. I set camp in one of the bedrooms.

I suddenly remember a tip that was given to me by a soldier "You can't have both." I thought, they always tell us that in the outside world; to avoid unnecessary attention you can't have both, meaning you can't eat then sleep after, since eating emits scents that might attract monsters as some has high sensitivity when it comes to smells or sounds and sleeping means you're as good as dead in a monster attack.

Choose one, they said. Eat then leave or sleep as quietly as possible then leave. I heard my stomach rumble but fatigue overpowered it, it's already night anyways and I won't die if I miss a single meal. I decided to stay in the living room since it's the nearest to the exit then I boarded the windows with a blanket but left a little crack just so a bit of moon light shines in.

I've been afraid of the dark ever since I was a child yet it was nothing compared to what's happening right now. I laid down in the dirty sofa, was about to drift into sleep when I heard a whimper and a low growl coming from the backyard.

The sound jolted me awake and I grabbed my handgun, I had second thoughts wether to investigate the sound or stay in the bedroom where it's "safe". Of course, choosing the stupid decision again I went out to investigate.

You'd think that a low growl in the backyard wouldn't reach the living room, but living in an apocalyptic world makes your senses sharp, and you'd be on high alert all the time. I walked slowly to the kitchen, looking both left and right till I reached the door to the backyard then out I went. There's nothing there and I wasn't hearing any growling or whimpering noises anymore.

I was about to go back inside, laughing at myself for being a fool and falling for auditory hallucinations when I heard a woman crying. I stopped and listened intently, I followed the sound finally a survivor! I found her in the corner of the fence, near the bushes. She was sitting down, her hugging her knees to her chest and she was sobbing loudly. I called out to her.

She looked up at me, her eyes swollen from crying, tears still falling from her eyes but she was beautiful. Far more beautiful than any models, actresses that I seen, she was ethereal. There was an air of mystery around her, I was sure that I'm straight, but now not so much. I was still a few good meters away from her, but her scent was strong. It smelled of flowers but at the same time it also smelled of death. Her eyes shined a beautiful color of red, dark as blood but brilliant as a ruby. She was frighteningly pale, as if she hadn't seen the sun for years. Her hair long raven black, shiny and straight, and her lips the color of a rose. She was wearing a white flowy dress, seemed to be made of high quality materials.

I was so mesmerized of her that every though, doubts and worries that I had disappeared. She spoke in a hauntingly sultry voice " Come to me, keep me warm. " Her arm outstretched, as if beckoning me into an embrace. It feels like I was hypnotized, my mind was blank and it felt like I wasn't in control of my body, I walk towards her but was distracted when a huge flash of black ran towards her barking, growling in anger and started attacking her. It was a dog.

In a flash, the woman started screaming like a banshee, and her features rapidly started to change. Her eyes turned pure black, hair became a tangled mess and was moving on its own as if sentient, her nails claw like and teeth sharp. Aside from her hair, eyes, claws and teeth. She retained some of the beauty she had, she was like medusa. She had control over her hair and was using it to attack the dog, she was still crying while fighting.

Eventually I regained consciousness, she threw off the dog enough to send it flying. I pointed the gun at her immediately and shot her, fortunately by God's grace I shot her on the head, she fell down. Twitching.

That was it? She's dead? I heard the dog whimpering, it was lying down. I quickly checked on the woman, she was still crying and twitching. What I noticed was, she was slowly turning to ash, she was staring at me but wasn't uttering a word, In some way she felt human. I left her and went to check on the dog.

Fortunately there wasn't any fatal injury, but there are a few cuts here and there and probably a sprain too. Luckily, when he was flung away he fell onto a flowerbed which cushioned his fall. The gunshot probably attracted nearby collosals as I heard screeching nearby, I have to move quickly.

I carried the dog as gentle as a could, He was growling at me but, I assured him that I was only trying to help, I quickly brought him inside and treated his wounds and gave first aid. I let him rest first, I probably need to feed him tomorrow.

I know I said pack light before, but I just couldn't left this pup to die. I had to do something, it was because of him that I was still alive with no scratches and injuries. Thankfully, even with all of the commotion earlier, no other monsters came to attack us...yet.

I moved in the bedroom, although far from exit I figured security was better as I temporarily barred the door with anything I could find and carry which included a small nightstand, a chair and a small drawer, we could probably escape through the window if worse comes to worst. I was currently lying down on the bed, the dog curled up beside me. I decided to call those women monsters "Medusa" as again, I recalled comparing her to medusa earlier. I easily killed her, maybe she isn't as tough as the collosals or strippers, maybe I just caught her off guard but anyways, I was lucky.

It took me a while to fall asleep, but eventually I was lulled into sleep by the groaning, screeching and howling of the monsters in the night.

This is where Rule#3 goes in, pretty girls are literally deadly. Double check, if it's really a person you are talking to and if you smell a scent of flowers and decay and nonstop crying. Run, run away immediately.