
Chapter (6) He is a Genetic Freak

(Dr. Naomi Hunter Pov)

-Timeskip incoming-

It has been a little over a month since our abrupt departure from Jericho VII. Since then I have been analyzing the blood samples and running tests to check the proper genetic markers. I know it might seem that the tests were taking a lot longer than they should have, seeing as there were only around 200 children to test…And you would be right, I purposefully dragged ass getting these results to Ackerson. Consider it revenge for everything he has put me through.

I am currently preparing the data from the tests to present to Ackerson at our scheduled meeting. I have about an hour till the meeting is supposed to begin so I am taking my time and being thorough in the data I already have. I say data I already have because there is still one more test I have to do and it should be complete by the time or a little after. I am not too bothered that the test isn't complete because the probability of that test actually amounting to anything is lower than zero, and we have already gotten one candidate with the held genes that were in the correct range for the project and an acceptable mentality.

Counting the individuals located in this batch of refugees the total count of children for Oni's new top secret project has reached 311. The figure while seemingly unassuming speaks volumes to how restrictive the requirements are. Not only does a screened subject's genetics have to contain multiple requirements to even be considered for the program, after a genetics test the patient must have a sufficient mindset and intelligence quotient that is recommended by Ackerson.

"It's a shame that Locke boy was just barely outside the range for genes. I am certain Ackerson would of loved to twist his hate for the UNSC into a deep loathing of the Covenant." I say to no one in particular just thinking out loud.

"But it doesn't matter, we will find more than adequate replacements for him. Hatred for the Covenant isn't exactly a rare currency nowadays anyway."

After lamenting the loss of a good prospect I look down to my wrist in order to check the time on my watch. "Ten minutes." I say aloud


The sound of the software checking the grabbing the final test without bothering to check it. I place it on the bottom of the stack of other tests that I will have to go over with Ackerson, and before you ask yes I have to go over literally every test with him even if they came back negative. The man is thorough. I must give him that but he really knows how to test the limits of people's patience. After gathering all of the required materials for the meeting I set off towards the meeting room. Hopefully this meeting has no surprises because I would like to get back to my regular research.



(3rd Pov) (prepare for a bunch of disposition into the mind of Ackerson)

As Doctor Naomi Hunter arrived at the regular meeting room. She walked in to find that Colonel James Ackerson had already appeared on the screen, and seemed to have been waiting for her to make an entrance.

She chalked his early appearance to a feeling of over eagerness due to the prospect of finding more seeds for his project. She felt that his excitement though not shown in his outward appearance was due to the size and scope of the project. She wouldn't be surprised if Ackerson had considered the proposal to be his life's work and was looking forward to the glory and fame within the upper ranks of Oni. From what she knew about the project and what she hypothesized, the drugs she was working to develop for human augmentation were worth at least that much.

Though her hypothesis was again close she still wasn't entirely correct. Yes, it is true that James Ackerson was largely motivated by a desire for personal glory. That wasn't the reason for his near obsession with the Spartan-III, in fact the entire reason he presented the idea of the Spartan-III initiative could be attributed to his envy and rivalry against a infamous scientist.

Doctor Catherine Halsey the head of the progenitor program to Ackerson's Spartan-III program, the Spartan-II initiative. Catherine Halsey's Spartan-II program was the epitome of dubious ethics shrouded behind the statement "For the Greater Good". The original purpose of the project was actually not meant to fight the Covenant at all in fact almost the entirety of the project was before any semblance of the Covenant was discovered. In all actuality the Spartan-II's were meant to be used by ONI to crush insurgents that were gathered around or in the outer colonies.

Shortly after the activation of the Spartan-II's Ackerson requested funding for a project of his own. The Spartan-III project, while initially it didn't gain much traction. After the first few years of the Human-Covenant war began to show that Humanity was losing and losing badly, his proposal was green-lit. Initiated in 2531 the training class consists of 497 individuals and still have a couple years of training and augmentation before being prepared to be declared active.

Ackerson's entire goal for the project was in fact not to turn the tide of the war. Not only does the funding for the Spartan-III project not include enough to outfit the Spartans with Mjolnir armor, the premier battle armor equipped by every Spartan-II. The project doesn't even include the superior augmentations given to Spartan-II's, instead opting for pure chemical enhancement.

In preparation for the project, ironically Ackerson did extensive research on his rival's work with the project. From copying and analyzing genetic profiles of the candidates to observing the flash clones that replaced the kidnapped originals to even covertly acquiring the autopsies of the clones' bodies after death from congenital diseases. He observed every move his disgusted rival made and planned to one up her with a sequel program. Though he most certainly didn't copy his rival, for example he did not implement flash clone replacements for the originals and dubbed the practice "dubious" accrediting it to one of Halsey's many failures in the project. While saying this however he was abducting children that had immense hatred for the Covenant due to being newly orphaned during the war.

Moving back to the topic at hand Naomi Hunt oblivious to the context of the project, for now. Took a seat in front of the camera and screen projecting the image of Colonel Ackerson, and began to arrange the tests. She placed the unread test to the side, planning to both present and read it at the conclusion of the meeting.

-time skip through a bunch of unnecessary reporting-

"-And now we have the final report. I haven't seen the report myself because the analysis finished just before the meeting. So I hope you do not mind me reading the report before presenting it, so I don't look like a total buffoon." Doctor Naomi Hunter asks

"Go ahead" responds Colonel Ackerson with a nod of his head

'The last report is on that weird kid, Samson Reese, the one who wouldn't answer my questions. I doubt he qualifies for the program, but lets see what he's got. I don't want to piss off Ackerson by not doing my job.'

As Naomi begins skimming through the report her eyes slowly open to grow wider in disbelief. Throughout her interpretation of the report she at multiple points stops shakes her head and re-reads the figures and data presented.

This state of reading only to be shocked further goes on for multiple minutes. Ackerson watching this scene unfold gets increasingly curious and antsy as to what the paper says. He cannot remember seeing the Doctor have such reactions to anything shown or seen before, including some of the top research papers in the entire galaxy.

Finally Naomi takes a deep breath and lets out a long sigh and adopts a wry look on her face before saying in a excited yet monotone voice "..Well I take that back we have two prospects in the ship and the second one is extremely different when compared to any of the other children scouted."

"Elaborate" Ackerson says with narrowed eyes

"Well I don't know how to describe the candidate in question except by stating that he is a monster in human skin." she pauses

"Quickly go on, what do you mean monster?" Ackerson asks with childlike excitement

"His genetics are perfect-scratch that they are better than perfect according to the template you asked me to test. His genes pass all markers, even without the usual gene therapy he should be able to take in the forecasted augmentations as he is now, but that's not all."

"He also has an anomaly of a piece of DNA. As of right now I don't know what it is, what it does, or what it means. The program that did most of the analysis on the genetic coding couldn't make heads or tails of it either strangely enough. It seems that we have ourselves a diamond in the rough." Naomi concluded her analysis of the report.

"...And you are certain that these readings are correct." asked Ackerson after a long pause.

"I can run the tests again with the leftover blood, but in my opinion, yes these tests are 100% valid." Naomi replied in honesty

"Before I get my hopes up. Why don't you tell me about what you were able to analyze when you spoke with him, or if he has the proper mindset for the project." responded Ackerson before making any final decisions.

Thinking back to the strange boy Naomi described her brief encounter with the boy. Especially the fact that he wouldn't directly answer any questions she asked, but would keep his responses to 1 or 2 word answers. This caused Ackerson to go silent in contemplation trying to ascertain the reason behind the boy's strange behavior given the details from Naomi.

"So… he wouldn't give any real answers to your query?" rhetorically asked Ackerson as he pondered the boy's actions before finally giving Naomi a task to immediately perform "Doctor Hunter I want you to ask the personnel responsible for managing the area that he has been living in. From the people who hand out rations to the marines who stand guard. I will stay on call and I want you to report back immediately after ascertaining any possible interactions he could have had with other people."

"Understood I will have that done within the next couple hours, and will report back as soon as possible. I will also re-run the report to make sure that the first test wasn't just a fluke" Naomi says before rushing to begin the task.


Yo yo yo new chapter dropped!?

Sorry for delaying the upload I had a test this morning so I couldn't finish up the chapter in the morning like I usually do.

Soooo yeah our Mc is like a 1 in a couple billion if not trillion for genetics he really used all his luck for that.

Now I know I said I would have this story be more realistic and honestly I don't think him having such good genetics is that farfetched. He is taking the role of Noble 6 if you all haven't noticed I dropped quite a few hints throughout the chapters posted so far and Noble 6 was an absolute monster as well. If you look at Noble 6 objectively he, with like far less experience than the Spartan-II's and lesser augmentations was classified as more of a threat and at a higher lethality than all but one of them. That one being the main protagonist of the universe John S-117.

Anyway he is going to need those genetics and all the training I plan to put him through if he wants even a glimmer of hope to survive what I throw him through.

No chap tomorrow and maybe Wednesday because I have 2 more tests this week, but I will do my best to post at least one more chapter this week and probably 2 this weekend. No promises though.

Anyway I hope you enjoy the rest of your day and I will see you Star Side.