
Halley's journey

Halley is a human who was lost in space. he strives to go back to Earth using the fastest way through teleportation. unfortunately, access to teleport to Earth does not exist on the available list in the teleportation device. Earth is also too distant to be reached by the strength of a space engine. To go back home, Halley needs a bigger engine and an advanced teleportation device that has access to every planet including Earth. But, to have those devices, Halley must gain money to buy or prepare items and create a solid plan to steal them. therefore, Halley begins his journey as a mercenary and a traveler through space. He fights for money, saves for money, kills for money, and collects items for fortune. He will encounter an unexpected journey and unintentional meetings with other characters In his adventure. Will he make it back to his hometown?

Silentart · Khoa huyễn
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13 Chs

Chapter 12: Job assassin

I need you to kill him...…. He took everything from me...….. I want him dead.....

It's the last voice message he received from his client. Another job arrived five days after his quest with TGB. Halley hadn't finished fixing his wound and burned clothes from his quest, now he had to deal with another job. He had to sigh, but he couldn't refuse an income.

Today's task is an assassination. As if he had never done it before. Halley had killed many creatures in his job. Becoming a hitman never seemed so special to him. Another thing is that his client is a woman. He doesn't know what she looks like, he only hears her voice from a phone. She paid him 5.000 Antz to kill a man she hates. He couldn't say he was disappointed looking at the low price, But the woman was only a housewife who didn't make much of a living. 5.000 Antz is the one she can afford and she needed his help. Halley had no choice but to agree. However, she only gave him a photo of his target to start his job.

His target's name is Roabo carhta. In the picture, Roabo is a man with yellow pale skin. He has a face like a human with no flesh, an unusually narrow chin, and a bald head. He has no ear, but two holes on the side head as his hearing. His eyes are just two strips on his head and not sure if he had vision. His mouth is so small that Halley wondered how would he speak. The picture only showed his face and his odd long neck. Halley put his face on his scanner to find out his real identity. The process only took about a minute, and then stocks of information about Roabo started appearing on the screen. Halley looked at them one by one.

Roabo's location is on a planet called Mexotopia, a planet that has two moons. Hally looked further into the place he was staying. The planet has six continents, two of them were the biggest. They're stood side by side, almost forming a heart symbol. Roabo's whereabouts were found on the biggest continent on that planet. Halley zoomed the continent and saw 174 states resided in it. Roabo was found in one of them. He searched for Roabo's current location and found him in a metropolis city that was rumored to be an entertainment city. Halley analyzes his identity to find his job and the reason that he's there. it didn't take too long for him to find out and start his engine to leave for that planet.


Halley had known what an entertainment city would look like. It is a city to have fun. Amusement Park, cinema, mall, swimming pool, theater, beach, bar, and every attraction in that city. If this is his hometown planet, the city would be his heaven. 

He tracked Roabo's identity in this city. Roabo works at a theater in that city. There will be an upcoming show in that theater, and Halley will use this chance to kill him. Unfortunately, the city doesn't allow any spaceship to land on that surface. Every spaceship should be left in the national airport. With that, Halley had to abandon his ship at the airport and use public transportation to that city. He arrived three days earlier before the show started. Halley booked a nearby hotel near the theater and dressed himself as a tourist. 

Hotels on an alien's planet aren't the same as human hotels. It didn't provide any facility that was suitable for humans, rather it gave facilities for other alien species. For example, the bed. The hotel provides kinds of beds that are adaptable for many alien species on every planet, except humans. Those beds sometimes look like a small hole on the floor, a handhold on the ceiling, a frame of fur hanging on the wall, a solid rock, a lava pool, or no bed in the room at all. Since there has never been any human in the galaxy federation, beds like mattresses never existed in hotels. 

Next is Bath. Bathrooms mostly don't exist in space hotels. Because not all aliens need to clean themselves. Usually, the hotel provides special devices to help the customer with their hygiene, like a potty or a diaper. Customers who need immaculacy must ask the hotel service to bring them the devices they need. After that, the food. 

Serving food is also different in Outer Galaxy hotels. The food is not the problem, but the eating method is always a problem. From Halley's experiences, he had to eat the food served in a hot tube. Sometimes he drinks porridge liquid in a silicon dumpling. Worst of all, he often served the food uncooked and alive. A literal living creature tied up and seasoned on a plate sprinkled with dirt. Halley recalled the taste of that creature when he bit the head. It was unexpectedly delicious. 

Finally, the luggage. Most aliens never bring their belongings to the hotel. Even if they do, they bring their belongings inside their body. If they don't have that characteristic, they'll hire a certain alien species to carry their luggage. Halley would rather use a bag than hire someone else.

"One room please," Halley said to the receptionist.

[lll..llll..ll..llllllllll?] The receptionist said in their own language.

"...The room with the rug wall" Halley chose the type of room he wanted to get.

[llllllllllllllllll…..lllllllllllll…llll] The receptionist gave him a small metal cubicle that was supposed to be the room key.

Halley received the key and left without saying anything else.


The room he got wasn't too uncomfortable. Even though he didn't receive a bed, he could still use his sleeping bag to sleep. The room was shaped round with no corners. It doesn't have a bathroom, so Halley asked for a water spray to be delivered here for his hygiene. The only thing that the room has is the fur rug displayed on the wall. It is supposed to be the bed for an alien species. 

"As if I'll sleep like Raruga"

Raruga was an alien species that specifically slept on a wall. It is the same intellectual alien species that has pterosaurs with bald heads, membranes that spread between their six arms, and two legs with only two toes on each leg. They come in different skin, but the common color is pale blue. When they sleep, they usually spread their membrane wide and stick them on the wall. Their legs will fold up to their chest and the head will rest as the entire body starts hanging on the wall. They usually sleep on a regular wall, but the hotel puts the rug on the wall to make them comfortable.

Halley won't sleep like they do, but he admitted that the fur rug was comfortable. Thankfully, the rug was so attached that he could take it off and lay it on the floor. He could use this as his bed since it's warm and comfortable. Halley began to adjust himself in his room before he continued his job.



After an hour of checking in the hotel he's staying in, washing himself with hygiene spray, setting up his comfortable rest, and eating his lunch, Halley went outside to find Roabo. The theater isn't too far from the hotel he's staying at. Halley could go there on walking.

Along the way to the theater, Halley could see how lovely the city was. It looks like an interpretation of a futuristic city from old movies that he watched when he was little. Only here, there are no humans except him. The denizens in this city were all in different shapes and fashions. It was the same as every alien city he had visited in the aerospace universe. Only this city is one of the futuristic ones. 

From afar, Halley could see the theater across the street three buildings ahead. The Theater's building looks like an indoor Colosseum with hologram advertisements shown on the wall. Halley fastened his pace and looked straight at the building. He didn't bother to look anywhere other than what was ahead of him.


He was shocked. Something bumped his knee and fell. It stopped him and looked at the careless tiny creature that didn't know where they were going. Turned out, it was an alien child with vile cloth covering its shoulder and chest. The child was looking down and Halley could only see the bald head in pale blue skin color. When the child looked up, they met eye-to-eye.

The kid has pale blue colored skin. Its face looks like an infant bird that hasn't grown any feathers. Even the beak looks soft and wrinkled. It has big eyes with the color blue navy and white gradient. Halley saw white dots floating in its eyes. There are hundreds of them. The dots floated to the white area and came out of the eyes as tears colored in black, then ran through the cheek. Is he crying? Halley thought. The kid might get scared of him for giving him a death glare. Halley decided not to care about the kid again and walked away. But as he continued his walk, tiny hands gripped his pants and made him stop again. This time, Halley was annoyed. Then he looked at the kid to see the sorrowful expression with tears.

"Help me…."

The kid begged with a whimper. It cried harder and grasped his pants stronger. Halley was bewildered. He seemed unsure if he wanted to help the little kid or not. The fashion already pictured his guess that it might be a beggar, who just wanted food. But Halley was more curious about how many hands that tugged on his pants. He felt like they were more than two. Halley looked down; he saw six hands gripping his pants. Tiny arms like twigs underneath the cloth. The membrane hangs down between each arm. With that observation, Halley recognized the kid's species. Speaking of the devil….., He thought. 

"You are….. a Raruga?" he asked curiously. 

The kid nodded. Halley chuckled in disbelief. He might know the species but he never tried to look further into the species or the planet they live on. He only knew how they usually sleep on the wall. It was the first time Halley saw the infant Raruga in a hybrid planet. He never knew that the infant Raruga could be this ugly, He recalled seeing the adult one look so colorful. Halley wasn't sure how long should he look at this ugly thing. Though, he knew the fact that the kid's suffering was not his business. He could guess that the kid probably wants some money.


As he could guess, Halley gave a tiny diamond to the kid. This diamond could be sold for about 5.000 Antz in this city. That much should be enough to live for a poor child. The kid gazed at the diamond on its hand bewilderedly. Halley continued to walk away after done with his good deed. The kid was startled, it wasn't what it wanted him to do. The kid kept chasing him. Halley became annoyed again knowing the kid wouldn't let him go. He tried to walk faster.

"Wait! I don't need this!"

"If you don't need it, give it back. ungrateful child"

"No, I need your help to hide me"

"Hide you? Why?"

"From the adults who took me from my home"

"You were kidnapped?"

The child nodded. Halley understood all the situation. It only matters what decision he will make. If he helps this child, he will get involved in a child trafficking business. The kidnappers probably will go after him too. With that excuse, Halley already has an answer.



"I ain't got myself involved in a child trafficking"

"But, my life is in danger, I could be killed any moment…"

"That's your problem, not me. I'm not some kind of saint who helps everyone. Go ask someone who could really help, cuz I'm sure I'm not"

Halley left the kid alone. He walked faster so the kid won't follow him again. 


He sneaked in from the backdoor. The theater was closed due to the preparation for the upcoming show. It didn't allow anyone to go in or near the gate. Yet, Halley successfully crossed the security gate and entered through the backdoor. He had prepared a disguise as a stagehand. Though, he still sneaked around the building so that no one could see him. 

The stairs and the floor he walked in finally led him to the back of the stage. All stagehands were busy with their tasks and their discussion with the director. From all the stagehands, Halley couldn't see Roabo's everywhere. He heard sounds from behind the backdrop. Halley took a peek outside and saw the actors practicing for their act. His eyes scanned the actors residing on the stage arena, and found the familiar face from the picture his client had given him. 

"That's him, he's an actor"

Roabo's face was shown a bit different from the picture. Halley guessed that the picture was taken years ago when he was younger. He observed Roabo's acting course. He seemed to be mastering the field. Other actors looked fond of him and like it when he's around. The female actors squeal like a kettle when they see him. He seemed to be the guy that was viewed as handsome from other people. Hence, he got the role as an actor. Though, Halley has a second opinion about his appearance. 

Suddenly, something pulled his uniform. Halley flinched at the thought he might get busted for taking a peek. He turned around to see the culprit, and saw the little kid earlier who asked him for help. Halley was confused but mostly angry.

"What the heck are you doing here!!?"

"I don't want to be left alone, so I followed you"

"I told you, I don't want to help you"

"Please! I'm begging you! At least let me follow you! I'll be as silent as a rat!"

"What's going on here?"

Both were startled. They gazed at the stagehand manager who seemed bothered by the obstacle in the stage. 

"What in the universe hell is going on here? Why is there an infant in this facility?"

From the voice of that manager, it sounded like a woman. She looks like a female mannequin with her arms taken off and her head replaced with a cubicle. Her face was flat like an art painted on that cubicle. Her eyes are just two lines crossed with each other. Even without showing her expression, Halley and the kid knew she was upset. 

Both didn't say anything. The manager was waiting for their answer. The kid shivered to death, meanwhile, Halley stepped forward facing the manager to confront her. 

"Manager, this kid has been following me from the street. I've… . "

"Who are you?" She asked back. 

"I…. Uhh…. The stagehand… . "

"I never see you around"

"Just got here"

The manager stared at him suspiciously. Halley prepared a distraction device behind him in case it came to a dead end that he needed to escape. The manager walked up to him and scanned him head to toe.

"Where's your name tag?"

Halley never considered a name tag since he thought no one would recognize him. 

"I forgot"

"then you're not allowed to be here. I don't care if you're a stagehand or not. Without a name tag, no one is allowed to step foot in here."

Halley was a bit relieved, but he was also mad that his plan failed because of a kid. Halley glared at the kid with anger. The kid was shocked, knowing what he did. Halley grabbed the kid by the arm tightly and dragged it to the exit. The kid winced in pain as the strong arm crushed the bones. They walked to the backdoor but suddenly stopped when someone called him. 


The voice came from beside Halley. He turned to the figure who called him by another name. It was another stagehand. From the voice, he sounded like a man. The stagehand is a walking cactus plant. His skin is blue with a purple gradient, a cactus shaped like a Mickey Mouse on top of the other cactuses moved as his head. He walked with tiny tentacles as his roots. The stagehand doesn't have a face to show expression. But from the tone of his voice, Halley knew he smirked sarcastically towards him.

"Is that you, buddy? It's about time you show up. Where have you been for the last three months?"

Halley didn't answer as the stagehand walked closer.

"So, this is what you look like, huh? You got nervous to show up at work after being absent for three months"

It seemed like it was the first time that the stagehand had seen Dagdar's appearance. He immediately assumed that Halley was Dagdar. Halley replied to him with words of lies.

"Three months? Is it that long?"

"Of course it is! You're on this team but you never show up!"

"Sorry, I was busy….."

"Baaah, I don't give a damn, at least you show up. By the way, is that your kid? A Raruga?"

The Cactus head shifted his head to the stray kid. Halley tried to explain to him that it was not"

"No, it's…."

"What a coincidence!! I heard Raruga could stick on a wall! we need extra help in a higher place in here"

What an unpredictable occurrence. Halley even gaped his mouth upon hearing his words, but he tried to be natural without jumping into a decision.

"Can't one of the stagehands be tall enough or can fly to help?"

"No can do, we are in shorthand. The actors are busy with their roles and none of us are tall enough to reach the ceiling."

Halley sighed and looked at the stray kid that he was holding. If he could use this kid to make him stay here, then he will.

"Fine, but can you convince the manager?"

The cactus head didn't reveal his expression, but he could tell he's smirking. "Hey, manager!"

The manager looked at him in an instant, that's where he began to explain "Let him stay for a day, will ya!? He got Raruga in here, we need an extra hand for ceiling decoration!!"

"Are you willing to use a child for your work?" the manager replied.

"Well, if they don't want it they can leave. How about it, kid? If you help, you'll get a free ticket.

The stray kid stared at the stagehand with fear. Then it looked at Halley who was still holding its arm. Halley's face looks serious as if he's saying 'If you messed this up, I'll kill you'. The kid had no choice but to nod. The stagehand was happy to hear the kid's answer. He sent Hallet and the kid back to the theater and gave them a load of work.

"Do I have to stay and watch this kid?" Halley complains as he's still mad at the kid.

"What are you talking about? It's your kid. You have to watch your kid in case that thing got into trouble"

Halley grunted while swaying his back and led the kid to the place where they were supposed to work.


The members left them in a storage room. Halley began to bombard the kid with questions and yells.

"Listen here, you little brat. You're lucky things turned out to be safe. But if you're going to stand in my way again, I will kill you. I won't hesitate."

"I'm sorry for bothering you, sir. It was not my intention to do so. All I wanted was a safe place.."

"And you think following a stranger is safe for you!? What if I'm actually a sex offender that could do you worse!? You can't just blindly follow someone you think it's safe!"

Halley raised his voice. This nonsense has gotten him over the edge. He turned his back on the kid and sighed heavily. He could hear the child sobbing at his yell. Halley calmed himself first and started a conversation with the kid.

"What's your name?"

"*Sob* Rai'te" 

"Are you a male or a female?"

"I'm a male *sob* I'm six weeks old…. *sob*"

The reason Halley asked this is because Raruga's gender couldn't be identified by the first look. Both women and men look the same. Their age is also shorter than other aliens. Halley heard from the news that the oldest Raruga ever recorded is 36 years old. A six-week-old Raruga is the same as a six-year-old human child. Halley walked to the boy and crouched down. He looked at him intimidatingly.

"What help do you expect from me? huh? what do you think I can do?"


"Stop crying!" Halley shouted, and Rai'te flinched at his yell.

"I just wish to stay in a safe place"

"And what? Just because I got out of a hotel, can I provide you with a safe place? who knows what stuff I'm keeping in my room"

Rai'te didn't respond. He knew asking for a stranger's help would be ridiculous. Yet, he couldn't help it. Rai'te was desperate. The hell he escaped from is on the move to capture him. They might already prepared a cage and a chain suitable for a kid like him. Rai'te doesn't want to go back. No, he doesn't belong there. He wanted to go home. He wanted a safe place that would protect him from harm. Yet, he's not strong enough or smart enough to survive. For a weak kid like him, asking a stranger to hide him away is the only solution in his mind. Since the police station was out of nowhere he couldn't leave his spot or else he'll be noticed. 

Rai'te hid in a dark alley beside the hotel where Halley stayed. He wanted to look for someone else, at least a family that could help him. However, while he's hiding behind a boulder, an alien spotted his figure and decides to walk closer. The figure was familiar, it awakened his fear. Yes, it was one of his kidnappers. That devil face with eyes sticking out like snail's eyes, and a figure like a bigfoot with no hair. Rai'te trembled and cornered even more in his hidden place. He needed to run away or grab the closest person he could get. That's when Halley walked past that alley on his way to the theater. Rai'te jumped at him and asked for help. But Halley refused and shoved him away. 

It didn't work. He was panicked and scared. He looked at the figure who once spotted him. He saw that figure walking away; he might be safe from now. Until that figure stopped the foot and looked back. the figure examined Rai'te's shape and found the missing boy from their trafficking business. Rai'te became panicked. He started to run. The figure fastened the step as well. 

Rai'te flapped his membrane to fasten his run. That's how Raruga run as well. Fortunately, his pace was fast enough to catch him up with Halley. Until he went inside the theater through the backdoor and Rai'te followed behind him. The kidnapper had turned their back around and acted like a normal vigilante.

Now, he's entangled with Halley for a reason and couldn't go back. He needs to beg Halley or pursue him to make him stay. Or else he must think of another plan.

Where's your home?" Halley asked him where he came from. From his expression, he knew Halley was annoyed.

"I…. I'm from...raruga"

"Then why…."

Suddenly the storage room opened. That cactus-like alien came again to interrupt the 'father-and-son' conversation. "Hey Raruga, could you help us with the upper decoration? you can climb, right?"

He came at the worst moment. Halley imagined many ways to kill him. He even planned to roast him to make roasted cactus. But he felt a gaze from the kid. Rai'te asked him for permission with his eyes. Halley must act like a father or else he will be kicked out of the building.

"Or are you guys still talking? I'll just come back later…" The cactus alien sensed Halley's murderous glance, he decided to back off but Halley cut his excuse.

"Nope, it's good. He can help"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, we'll talk later" He shoved Rai'te's back towards the exit. The kid obeyed and walked out of the storage room to help the stagehand. 

During their shift, Rai'te has been helpful as a member of the stagehand theater. While he was working to decorate the background. Halley was nowhere to be seen in the eyes of others. He sneaked up on the catwalk to observe Roabo's training. 

From what he looks, Roabo was a talented actor. It was unknown what role he got but whatever it was, that man was mastering it. He even advised other actors on how to play the role right. Since he was surrounded by other actors, Halley couldn't get a chance to kill him. If he wants to end the job quickly, the best method is to corner him in a quiet place and kill him. However, he could also poison him with drinks or snacks. But that seemed impossible since Roabo looked like he didn't take any break from training. Halley decided to wait and observe him until the chance came.


It has been five hours of non-stop training. Halley passed out several times during observation. This is his last nap after he found out they're closing up for today. All the actors gathered in one circle for a prayer. Roabo became the lead prayer. After they finished, he gave a motivational speech to encourage the actors for their performance tomorrow. 

"Alright, let's pack things up! make sure you rest well, everyone"

"Yes! Sir!" Everyone cheered as they separated.

Halley sneaked up to the backstage. The materials and the background were all set. The stagehands could finally rest after finishing the last touch. They began to scatter around and chatter with the actors. Roabo can be seen walking to his makeup room. Halley decided to follow him.

He tailed him like a shadow. Unknown to his presence and quiet as an ant. But as he followed him, someone else was tailing behind him too. He looked around and saw Rai'te sneaking behind him. Now that kid has started the heat.

"What are you doing here? go away" Halley whispered while kicking the kid.

But Rai'te didn't obey. He avoided Halley's kick and moved aside from him. Turned out, he wasn't paying attention to Halley at all. Rai'te ran to Roabo as if he was trying to get his attention. But Roabo didn't notice anything suspicious behind him. He walked off casually to his room and banged the door closed. Rai'te was hit by the door as it closed and bruised his head. He sobbed and rubbed his forehead. He looked at Halley who saw him bewilderedly. 

Everybody in the theater started to leave the building. It was already night when they finished training. They thanked Rai'te for the big help and looked at Halley suspiciously since he was nowhere to be seen. Halley decided to take the kid to his hotel. There's something off that Halley needs to figure out.


They arrived at the hotel. Rai'te trembled all over his body. He flinched when Halley locked the room. He thought Halley's going to do something to him. But, he sat across from him instead.

"Why did you follow Roabo?"


"Why did you follow him?"


"Answer! Dammit!" Halley snapped.

"He… he's my father…"

"Father!?" That was an unexpected answer. He never knew a plot twist would be present. While Rai'te backed up out of fear, Halley tried to progress this fact in his mind.

"Your father!?"



"Mister...… why did you follow my father?"

Rai'te responded to his confusion with another question. But Halley couldn't answer that because it is none of his business. Halley shut his mouth to refrain from any word coming out but the kid kept asking him.

"I want to see my dad. Can you take me to that building again?"

"Why would you want to see him?"

"The safest place…. is with your parent"

"You said you were being chased"

"But with my father, I'll be safe. And I won't bother you no more"

"Your dad is just an actor. How can he defend you from your kidnappers?"

"He could take me away….. and we'll go home together"

Halley stopped talking. He looked at Rai'te with disbelief. The last line has a point. If you can't fight, you can run. That's how weaklings do when they face trouble. But to protect their child, running away wouldn't be a bad thing. However, relating to his job, Roabo couldn't run because Halley was chasing his life. He will leave Rai'te behind with the corpse of his father. Personally, Halley won't mind if this happens. He doesn't care about that kid's feelings.

 But, what if handling that kid to his father will grant him more money than his client had given him? One thing Halley knew about this planet, was that stage actors were considered celebrities. From the data he read, Roabo has played in many theater shows from the day he knew how to walk. He had gained popularity over the years of his career and received a lot of fortune from his accomplishments. Imagine if he could sell Rai'te to Roabo or ask him for ransom money. He could make much more than how much he received from his client. Of course, he'll have to return the money to the client and tell her that the assassination failed.

"Kid, it's late. You should sleep first"


"Yeah, tomorrow I'll take you to your dad. Right after his performance"

"Oh thank you, sir!" For the first time, Halley saw that kid smiling. There's a silhouette of a meteor in the kid's eyes. It's a sparkle to tell how happy he is. In response, Halley smirked and chuckled lightly. 

"I know I'm in a safe place…" Rai'te murmured happily. Halley heard it.

"Yeah.... Safe place..."


Halley decided not to sleep again. He went to the roof to watch the stars. The city was still alive even though it's past bedtime. It reminded him of the city he once visited when he was young. 

Rai'te was sleeping soundly on the wall. Halley had to put back a rug wallpaper to the wall for the kid to sleep in. Halley wondered why he even booked a hotel just to be used by a stray kid. He didn't even sleep in that room. However, he shrugged his shoulders as if it was not a big deal as long as he could keep his things in the hotel.

Halley pulled out the hologram on his left eye and dialed a number to call Roabo. He's planning a scenario of an 'I have your son' kidnapping phone call. He knows this is a crime to kidnap a child and ask for ransom money. But he won't do any favor of returning a child to the parent without rewards. Halley is not the kind of hero who would do good deeds for nothing.

20 minutes had passed and Roabo hadn't picked up any of his calls. Halley was getting impatient. He pulled out a tiny drone and searched for Roabo's whereabouts. He planned if the ransom money didn't work Roabo wouldn't give him any money, and Halley would kill him and leave Rai'te in a cab destined for Raruga's homeland where he could get home by himself. 

The drone captured Roabo in a hotel. It looks like a five-star hotel since it's a tall building, and Roabo's room is located on the highest floor. From the tiny drone vision, Roabo looks drunk. He held a woman in one arm and alcohol in the other arm. The phone can be seen notifying him of a call but he ignores it. Halley cursed him. 

"Dammit, so much for a rest…."

The plan has failed. Halley would never come up to a drunken man and confront him about the man's son. It would cause unnecessary fights and might lead to a terrible ending. As an assassin, Halley couldn't go there and kill him either because he's not alone. He didn't have a choice but to wait until morning.



Morning came. Halley told Rai'te to stay in his room. He went to the theater and entered through the back door again. Inside the backstage was busy. Stagehands preparing the mic and the background, actors rehearsing their line and their roles, the director and the manager supervised all the crew restlessly, and Roabo was nowhere to be found. Halley had a guess he was still in this makeup room. He disguised as the absent stagehand and blended in with the people in there. He walked to Roabo's makeup room and planned to knock on the door, but someone stopped him.

"Roabo is talking with the director now. You can't disturb him"

"Oh sorry"

"The stage will start soon, go and prepare the lightning!"

The stagehand manager walked away after she yelled at him. Halley scoffed at himself. It is always bad timing. He wondered if this man would ever be alone. Instead of following the manager's order, Halley wandered around the building. He's looking for Roabo so he can stalk him until his target is alone. But Roabo can't be found again. Where would he be while talking with the director at this hour? 

Halley walked to the entrance, he saw the lines of the audience waiting to buy a ticket for the show. It was pointless to come here, Roabo wouldn't be in a place like this. Halley made his way back in the building. But as soon as he stepped, Rai'te ran towards him and yelled at him.


"What!?" Halley was furious. This kid never listens.

"Mister, Thank god you're here"

"What part do you not get for staying in the hotel!? What are you even doing here!?"

"I'm sorry for troubling you. But the adults..... They knocked on the door. I had to escape from the window"


Looks like Rai'te's kidnappers found his whereabouts. They will continue to chase him until they get him. Some of the thugs may have a sharp sense of smell so they could track him out through his smell. Halley was frustrated. What place could be used to hide this kid after he finishes with the father? Halley looked around to find a clue and suddenly got an idea.

"Go through the backdoor, blend yourself with the stagehands, and wait till I finish my job"

"Where will you be, sir?"

"None of your business, now Go!"

Rai'te ran and went inside the backdoor. Halley followed behind him to make sure no one else followed. The kid was greeted by all the stagehands and they quickly gave him a job. Although, they ignored Halley's existence and even glared at him offendedly. But Halley didn't mind, so he ran to the catwalk and stayed there to keep an eye on Roabo. 

The stage has started. Roabo is the main protagonist of the show. He played as a prince who fell in love with a princess from a cloud kingdom. His acting was so realistic when he portrayed himself as a delusional man falling in love. If Halley hadn't taken this job as his assassin, he might have considered buying the ticket and watching this play. 

But he remembered he had to keep an eye on the kid too. He won't get the money if the kid isn't there. Halley went down to backstage and asked the same cactus guy where the kid was.

"Oh, some guys want to talk to him and I let him talk outside. I don't know who they are though…."


Halley was shocked. The kidnappers had found him again and they'll take him somewhere far away. According to the cactus guy. He had been missing with the kidnappers for about 15 minutes. Halley rushed outside and turned on his device to track the kidnappers.



Being locked inside a dark and humid place has been a traumatic experience for a little kid. Especially when he's tied up by a string on his hands and neck. That string is so strong that it can cut off his hands if he moves for a bit. His mouth was stuffed with a ball to keep him from screaming. Now, Rai'te could only suppress his cry and hope for a miracle. 

Four adults came to the room. They all have humanoid bodies. but their heads are reptiles. The leader is the one with Komodo with spikes on his head. Beside him is the gecko head. Their minions are cobra heads and a Lizard with a snout and a bit of fur. Rai'te trembled terribly. He's afraid of what things they will do to him. Even though his mouth is not being cuffed, Rai'te finds it hard to speak.

The gecko head walked towards Rai'te and lifted his chin with a cane.

"He's still in good condition. Should we take off?"

"Yeah, better hurry. We can't stay at this place for long" The leader answered.

Rai'te refuses to go back. It was the place where he received torture and neglect. With instinct to escape, he wiggled on his chair aggressively. He tried to break off the string that strangled around him. He doesn't mind if the string scraped his skin into two or three slices. Seeing his futile endeavor, the gecko swung his cane and hit it against Rai'te's head.

He fell in an instant. A large bruise formed on his head along with a trail of blood. Rai'te cried in pain, his tears began to drench like a waterfall. While the gecko looked at him with an annoyed face.

"Stupid ungrateful child. How much trouble have you caused us!?" The gecko hit him again by the shoulder.

"Can't you be a useful errand boy for one day!? Because of you! We lost our customer! They refuse to work with us thanks to your incompetence!"

Yelled the gecko while he struck the cane onto Rai'te's figure, causing him bruises all over the place.

"That's enough, Palic, '' the Komodo head instructed. Palic stopped his attack and walked away. The Komodo head kneeled in front of Rai'te.

"Are you out of your mind? How many times do I have to tell you that if you try to escape, you will end up like the corpses in the basement? You knew we bought you; you are ours, don't even think of running away"

He recalled the nightmare he would never forget. The view of the basement in their secret base. Where they keep their criminal evidence and illegal fortune. Rai'te, as the slave of that organization, walked into the basement of that place for his errand. There, he saw the room full of corpses being disassembled into pieces, not even one corpse was in good condition. He remembered the words his kidnapper had said to him.

[This is what happened to the minions who are being useless. If They were no use in any job, their body would be good for another fortune. It could happen to you too if you neglect your duties]

Those words lingered on him like a ghost. Rai'te knew he would end up like that someday if he disobeyed them. But the torture they gave him was unbearable and he had to escape, even though he knew he wouldn't be able to survive anymore if he was caught. Turns out, he was caught again.

"You made our reputation low. You busted our business. You've become an obstacle for us"

"I….. just….. want to...see….. My mom..." Rai'te sobbed.

"Get over it. Your mom thinks you're dead"

"She's looking for.... Me….."

"She gave up many months ago. A mere mortal won't bother to search for someone who has been missing in almost two years"

"I'm not missing.... You saw her….. You took me….."

"Then she might be too scared to deal with us" He grinned to scare Rai'te.

"Please, sir...… you're going to kick me out..... Just do it….. so I can go home and see her….."

There was silence after his plea, then the leader gave his answer.

"Fine then, you are no use to us anymore"

For the first time, the words that came from their mouth gave Rai'te a bit of relief.

"Hey, call the driver to start the car, then Call the doctors to come"

All the hopes were shattered instantly. The relief only lasted a couple of seconds. Rai'te realized he won't go home to his homeland after the Komodo head told his man to call the doctor. It was no lie, he's going to be disassembled and left to die in a basement.

Rai'te started to crawl for an escape. but his effort was so futile that it was easily noticed by the lizards. The snout lizard stomped on his head, preventing him from crawling further. The gecko head laughed at his hopeless effort.

"Not so great to have your hope in vain, huh? Do you think we're just gonna toss you somewhere and leave you alone? No, we're going to use every last of you"

"Ya sure about that?"

An unfamiliar voice came from the entrance startled the lizardmen and Rai'te. They looked at the same time to the source of the voice. At the door, stood a human man drenched in sweat. He's breathing heavily. His eyes were fiery with rage. He looked like a man that finished a marathon run. It was Halley.

"Mister!" Rai'te's hope is still intact.

"Who the heck are you?" The cobra head coldly approached him.

"I'll answer if you tell me where you bought this kid," Halley answered him.

Without feedback, the cobra's head raised his legs and slammed it against Halley's head in a second. But to his shock, Halley grabbed his leg with his hand. He gripped the skinny leg and lifted him up into the air. The cobra's head screamed in panic. Halley slammed his body harshly to the door as if he slammed a filled sack onto the wall. His comrades yelled his name. But Halley continuously dragged his body on the floor by holding his leg and then threw him out to the corner of the room. The cobra's head became unconscious. His comrades saw him in horror. Palic, The Gecko head avenged his friend. He swung his cane aggressively towards Halley. But Halley easily dodged his attack. Palic was getting angry. He lifted his cane higher and hit it against the forehead. 

Yet, Halley dodged it. He grabbed the cane with it still near and pushed the handle onto Palic's chest. Palic backed down and held his bruised chest. Halley took over the cane and hit his face hard. Palic already fell unconscious, yet Halley hit him again on the head until it bled. 

The other two lizards began to attack him in turns. The first one is the Komodo head who strikes him with a dagger, but Halley uses Palic's cane to hit him. The Komodo head dodged his attack and struck forward. But Halley grabbed his hand and expanded his arm to take the dagger from him. Then Halley stabbed his shoulder with the dagger.

 The next one is the snout lizard who attacks from behind. Halley already noticed his presence. He went to choke him with string but Halley swung the cane upside down. The end of the cane hit the crotch and delivered pain to the snout lizard.


A gun was shot. It hit Halley's prosthetic hand who held the cane. The cane fell to the ground, But Halley's hand was fine. He looked and saw the Komodo head holding a gun and his shoulder. Halley scoffed as the Komodo head kept shooting him. Halley didn't turn on a shield so he had to dodge the bullet. He moved quickly to avoid the bullets. Then the shooting became uncontrollable because the Komodo head was getting frustrated. Halley pulled the snout lizard and used him as a shield.


The snout lizard was shot, he's dead right before he said stop. The Komodo head realized what he had done. He got angry and began to run out of bullets. He kept shooting the snout lizard corpse that was used as a shield. Halley moved forward along with the corpse as the shooting continued. At the end, the Komodo head ran out of bullets when Halley was already a few inches from him. 

The Komodo head threw away his empty gun and began to flee. But Halley stomped his feet against his neck and held him down on the ground. 

"Not so tough now, Huh?" Said Halley sarcastically.

"Who are you? Why are you after us?"

"Me? The same as you, but stronger"

Halley declared himself as a kidnapper like those lizards. He admitted he wanted to capture Rai'te too for ransom money. But he didn't expect to hear that they had a different reason for their kidnapping.

"So, you said you bought him"

The Komodo head didn't respond

"Where did you buy him?"

"...… Why? Are you a cop?" He chuckled, trying to provoke Halley. 

Halley turned on his cannon gun on his prosthetic hand to threaten him. Komodo's head backed down in fear, but he still dared to state his defense. 

"Just so you know, we're just a buyer, okay? We're not that bad from his dad who sold him"


Suddenly, a figure slowly stood behind Halley while holding a cane. He swung his cane towards Halley. The Komodo head smirked at Halley. That's when Halley noticed something behind him. It was the gecko head that was unconscious. 

Just as he swung his cane at Halley, his pace was no match for Halley who could counter his attack faster. Halley swung his laser gun against the gecko's head instead and blew his body. He left a giant hole in the gecko head's chest. The gecko's head fell and died. Halley turned his business to Komodo's head, Who was trembling in fear.

"How much was he?" Halley asked.

"Th...thir…ty…..A….Antz" he can't speak normally anymore, knowing that all of his men were killed by one man.

"30 Antz? How much is he worth? Kinda cheap"

"It's…..what... his father....offered…..us"

"Damn, I'm not surprised. Oh well, I'm done."

Without any hesitation, Halley fires up the cannon gun again and shoots it into the Komodo's head. He left the body with a shattered head and blood all over the floor. All of those lizards were dead, and Halley was at ease. He released the string that strangled Rai'te and got him out of the empty house. He stole the lizard's car and drove off.

In the car, Rai'te sat in the backseat. He is usually locked in the trunk by his kidnappers. He looked back to see the view of the trunk from the backseat view. Suddenly his eyes widened as if he saw something horrifying. A corpse lay lifelessly on the vehicle trunk. The pulse was cut and it looks like it left a lot of blood. The familiar face of the corpse took him back, it was the bigfoot with snail eyes. He was one of the abductors that abused Rai'te along with those lizards.

"Sir, o..on the trunk….."

"Yeah, I met him first. I asked him about you and he pissed me off"

Rai'te looked away from the corpse. He'd rather pretend he didn't see anything.

"Did you know?"


"You were sold by your dad?"

"...…Yeah, it has been long"

"How's your mom?"

"She tried to find me but failed"

The road began to fill with silence. Rai'te can relax for the first time in a long time. He didn't know this relaxing feeling would last but at least he was able to enjoy it for a moment. On the other hand, Halley finally knows who his client is and why she said she wanted him to die. Halley knew what he's going to do.


The theater had finished. The actors congratulate themselves for their success. They gave their thankyou to other staff that had helped them through the show. Roabo was the presenter of all the actors. He gave them a speech with a nice sincere smile. The staff were moved by it and gave their thanks. After the speech was over, Some of them went home or stayed in the building. Roabo went back to his makeup room to remove his clothes. When he opened the door and walked in, he was surprised by the intruder who trespassed his private room. Roabo was shaken, he remembered he locked the door. Then who is this man?

"You're Roabo?" The intruder spoke.

"Y….yeah?" Roabo seemed like a coward.

The man showed his disgusted expression. His disappointment towards Roabo's action for selling his kid. That's right, that man is none other than Halley. 

"Do you need so much cash that you sell your kid?"

Hearing his criminal act has been exposed, Roabo slumped onto the ground. His feet grew weak. He would be at the end of his career if people knew his bad deeds. People would even try to kill him if they knew that the reason he sold his kid was because he was in such a poor state that he needed money to buy some ale. 

Of course, the man in front of him won't hear such an excuse. He sat on his knees and looked at Halley with tearful eyes. He begged his sin to be forgiven and to be released for a punishment such as losing his career.

"I'….. I'm…..sorry"

Before he could speak further, Halley sliced his neck and decapitated his head. Roabo died on the spot. Halley might not have gotten as much cash as he wanted, but he still got the money his client had offered him. Now, he has completed his mission as an assassin.


They stood in front of an old house. It might look rusty but at least the house stood still. The environment is filled with brown grass that is refreshing in the eyes. Trees with cream leaves swayed away by the wind. Some leaves stuck in Halley's hair and flew away seconds later. Rai'te beside him was holding his hand while watching at his own house. 

Soon, the front door opened, revealing a woman who looked like Rai'te. The only exception is that the woman looks worn out as if she hadn't rested in days. She saw Rai'te holding Halley's hand while looking at her nervously. Suddenly, her tears flow down to her cheek. She finally saw her boy again. The woman ran to hug her son. Rai'te also released his hand from Halley and ran to her mother. They hugged in each other's arms and cried in joy.

"Oh, my son! My everything!" the woman cried louder

Halley recalled her request. She said on the phone that Roabo took everything from her. He realized what 'everything' meant. It means her son. Rai'te is everything to her. It made Halley wonder what kind of thing he could call 'everything'. Halley couldn't answer now, but if he had to guess, maybe it's his home, on Earth. That's why Halley strives to survive, to go home. 

sorry for taking so long! I tried to finish this fast but there's always another need that I have to attend. But now that I post it, enjoy!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Silentartcreators' thoughts