
Half My Identity

Reina Calysto is the daughter and only child of the Alpha of the Eclipse Pack, the largest and strongest pack in the Celestial Alliance. Reina always felt out of place in the werewolf pack. She was... different from the other werewolves. Regardless of this, the pack is very accepting of her. During her Coming of Age Ceremony on her 18th birthday, a group of high ranking vampires infiltrate the gathering and tell her who she really is in front of everyone there: she's a Pure Blood vampire, a descendant of the vampire Dracula himself. They offer her a chance to rejoin their kin, but Reina politely declines. As the Alpha's only child, she is expected to become Luna of the Eclipse Pack. But with this new knowledge of her true origin, Reina is now torn between her identity as a vampire and as a member of a werewolf pack. She starts to doubt if she made the right choice and wonders if she really belongs among the werewolves.

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The Coming of Age Ceremony

"Are you ever going to tell Reina that she's a vampire?" Beta Devin asked. Alpha Raizen's facial expression hardened as an awkward silence filled the room.

"What need is there to tell her? Does it really matter?" Alpha Raizen calmly responded to Beta Devin.

"Don't you think it's important for Reina to know her origin? It's part of who she is after all." Beta Devin made his point. Alpha Raizen sighed.

"I do, but she's only six years old. She doesn't need to know right now. In due time I will tell her. But for now, we'll keep it a secret. The other werewolves need not know either." Alpha Raizen said in a deep, wise sounding tone.

"I see. Very well then." Beta Devin said as he left the office and went back to join Gamma Lukas in watching the children again. Beta Devin was worried that as Reina grew up, she would notice that she was different from all the other werewolves. He was worried that she would approach her father and mother and ask about it and they would tell her the truth and she wouldn't take it very well. Beta Devin was right about something: Reina did notice that she was different from everyone else in the pack and at school. As she grew up, she developed more powers/abilities than the other werewolves had. She also developed a thirst for blood which she kept a secret and assumed everyone else did as well. Deep down inside, Reina did feel a little out of place. But her pack and friends accepted her for who she was so she never really questioned what she really was which relieved Beta Devin.

~Time Skip (About 12 Years Later)~

"Happy 18th birthday Reina!" Jenna Wilson said to Reina as she came up to her as she was getting her textbooks from her locker. Reina turned to her blonde, wavy-haired best friend and smiled at her.

"Thank you Jenna." Reina said as Jenna wrapped her arms around her and gave her a quick hug.

"So am I invited to your Coming of Age Ceremony?" Jenna said teasingly with an upbeat tone. Reina smiled and sighed.

"You already know the answer to that. You're my best friend. Of course you're invited! You know as well as anyone that the celebrated werewolf's friends, family and pack are all invited to the Coming of Age Ceremonial Celebration." Reina said as Jenna remained silent and eyed her with a smirk.

"Yeah but you're not just any celebrated werewolf, you're the daughter of the Alpha of the most powerful pack in the Celestial Alliance! Which means that all the Celestial Alliance's Alphas and their sons and selected guests are also invited. Your Coming of Age Ceremony is the biggest and most important celebration of the entire alliance! It's the ceremony where you find out who your fated mate is, and basically decides the future of the two packs involved. One of which is the most powerful pack in the alliance!" Jenna exclaimed with excitement. Reina sighed as she closed the door to her locker.

"Aren't you excited Reina?" Jenna asked Reina who paused for a brief moment.

"I guess I am, but I'm kinda nervous too. This is a huge deal for me. It comes with a lot of pressure and attention." Reina said as Jenna clapped her on the back.

"Oh come on! You're the most popular girl in the school at the top of every class. And you have those grades because you push yourself too hard to be the best. You're already used to pressure and attention." Jenna said as Reina turned and looked her in her peridot green eyes with her crimson ones.

"Jenna, there's some things you wouldn't quite understand. You're the daughter of a warrior of the Blue Moon Pack, one of the smaller packs of the Celestial Alliance. I'm the daughter of the Alpha of the Eclipse Pack, the most powerful pack in the alliance. Our worlds are completely different. I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but that's just the reality." Reina said as she began to walk to class. Jenna followed after her.

"Jason is gonna be there for sure. He wouldn't miss it for the world! He's probably praying that you're his fated mate." Jenna said, changing the subject as Reina blushed slightly at the mention of his name. She had a crush on Jason. Even though Reina never admitted it out loud, Jenna knew that Reina like Jason. And it was obvious Jason liked Reina too. She often teased Reina about it.

"You know, you should just ask Jason out already. I'm sure he'd say yes without missing a beat." Jenna said.

"I don't want to ask anyone out. I want to wait and find out who my fated mate is." Reina said in all seriousness.

"Well you're no fun." Jenna said as she pouted and crossed her arms.

"Look, what if I asked Jason out and he said yes and it turned out he wasn't my fated mate? That'd be awful!" Reina said as Jenna just dismissed the possibility completely.

"Yeah? Well... it's definitely Jason. I can feel it!" Jenna said with confidence and Reina laughed as they reached the classroom.

~Time Skip~

It was early evening and Reina's Coming of Age Ceremony was just beginning. The pack house was decorated beautifully and Reina was dressed up for the occasion. She was wearing a long, elegant indigo strapless dress dusted with rhinestones, especially towards the bottom. Most of the guests had already arrived. Jenna was one of the last guests to arrive. Now they were just waiting on Jason and his parents.

"Thanks for coming Jenna. You look great!" Reina said as she complimented her friend. Jenna twirled in her white and light green floral dress.

"Thank you Reina! But I'm nothing compared to you. You're gorgeous!" Jenna said as she smiled,  grabbing Reina's hands. Reina chuckled back. Suddenly a car with the Moonlight Pack's crest pulled up at the gate, catching the two girls' attentions. Alpha Allen and Luna Allison exited the car first, then Jason. And man did he look hot! He was wearing an indigo tuxedo with black lapels, a white dress shirt and a black neck tie. His outfit perfectly matched Reina's dress. Jenna immediately let go of Reina's hands and leaned in towards her.

"Did you guys coordinate your outfits on purpose?" Jenna whispered.

"No, I'm just as surprised as you are." Reina said dumbfounded at the coincidence as Jenna's facial expression turned into a playful smirk.

"This is evidence that Jason is your fated mate." Jenna said, nudging Reina with her elbow. Reina blushed slightly for a brief moment. She just sighed at Jenna who rolled her eyes.

"It's totally Jason. I'm not budging on that." Jenna said, briefly putting her hand on Reina's shoulder. Jason's parents Alpha Allen and Luna Allison stopped to greet Reina then went on in while Jason was still where he was dropped off straightening his cuffs and neck tie. Once he was finished, he made his way to Reina and Jenna. As Jason walked towards them, Reina began to smell this amazing scent. She couldn't quite describe it in words, but it got stronger the closer Jason got to her. It sent pleasurable shivers down her spine. Jason also noticed an enticing scent as he approached the two girls.

"I'll leave you two alone to chat now." Jenna said as she winked teasingly to Reina who blushed. Jason gently grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips and kissed it, the scent flooding his nostrils as he held her hand close to his face. Reina blushed again, but more prominently this time. Jason let go of Reina's hand.

"You look exceptionally beautiful tonight, my lady." Jason said in a romantic tone as he stared into Reina's crimson eyes with his deep blue ones. He was never formal with her like this. It was unusual, but charming at the same time. Reina let out a small laugh at his formality.

"Thank you. You're looking quite handsome yourself." Reina complimented him back while blushing and slightly averting her gaze to the side. Jason chuckled at her flustered behavior.

"Shall we go inside?" Jason asked as he held out his arm.

"Yes, let's go." Reina said as she looped her arm through his and walked with him into the pack house. At the ceremony, Reina was formally introduced to all 13 of the Celestial Alliance's Alphas and Lunas. Sons of the Alphas between eighteen and twenty-three years old were also introduced to Reina as potential mates. Many of them attended Reina's school so she already knew a few of them a little. After Reina had been introduced to everyone, she was free to mingle with anyone she pleased until the Ritual was to take place. As Reina talked with everyone noticed that none of the Alphas' sons had that special scent that Jason had. Every time she was within his vicinity, she could smell him. And she wasn't the only one experiencing it. Jason could also smell her too. As the night wore on, their scents were only getting stronger. No one else seemed to notice it, just them two. Jenna found Reina at the table where the refreshments were.

"So... you having fun?" Jenna said in a playful tone. Reina took a sip of her mango punch before answering her.

"Yeah, actually. I'm having a great time. But there's something strange that's been happening this entire night... Ever since Jason got here, I've been picking up this scent off of Jason. I can't put into words what it smells like, but it's really good. A-and it affects me in a weird but pleasurable way." Reina said as Jenna's cheerful smile turned into a smirk.

"I knew it, I just knew it! See? I told you Jason was your fated mate." Jenna said, poking Reina's shoulder with her finger. Reina gave her a perplexed look. Jenna sighed like Reina failed to notice something obvious.

"That's what they call scent pairing. It's the way werewolves and vampires find their fated mates. They say that when the youngest of a fated pair turns eighteen, an amazing scent will waft from each mate and only those two can smell each other's scent." Jenna explained to Reina.

"Oh, that's what that was..." Reina said as Jenna nodded her head.

"They say that the longer the pair goes without copulation, the stronger the scent gets until they give in to their carnal desires." Jenna said with a mischievous smile. Reina blushed heavily at the mention of copulation. Suddenly, someone cleared their throat behind them. It was Alpha Raizen and Luna Lilia, Reina's parents.

"Reina, it's time for the Ritual." Alpha Raizen informed Reina.

~Time Skip~

All the Alphas' sons were lined up around the giant brazier. The bright flames danced and illuminated the faces of Reina's potential mates.

"And now the Ritual shall commence!" Alpha Raizen said loudly as Reina carried an unlit torch and approached the brazier. She lit her torch and walked in a large circle, along the line of the Alphas' sons passing each of them once then made her way around again until she reached Jason. She held up the torch to Jason and he grabbed it and they bowed to each other simultaneously. Then the two of them walked towards Alpha Raizen and Luna Lilia, holding the torch together. They placed the torch in the holder between the Alpha and Luna of the Eclipse Pack then stood before them.

"May the Moon Goddess Selene give you her blessing!" Luna Lilia said so that everyone could hear. Everyone cheered as Jason grabbed Reina's hands and squeezed them lovingly. He smiled as he looked into her eyes and she in his. Jason's hands traveled to Reina's waist as she reached up and locked her hands behind his neck. They were about to kiss when suddenly several of vampires swooped down from above, causing a great disturbance among the guests. Some of the werewolves transformed into their wolf forms ready to attack, including Jason. Just then a voice sounded overhead and the vampires flew up and hovered above.

"Whoa whoa whoa, calm down. We mean no harm. We're just dropping in to say hi." Said a man in a formal suit with pale skin, dark crimson eyes and short black hair neatly combed back. He flapped his large bat-like wings as he landed gracefully by the brazier, the flames bending at the air current produced by his wings.

"Pleased to meet you Reina Calysto, or should I say Elena Tepes, daughter of Edmund and Esmeray Tepes, descendant of Dracula himself. I am Vesper Alnwick, a Regent of the Tepes Clan." The man said as he approached Reina.

Important Info:

For werewolves, only the offspring of Alphas, Betas, and Gammas have Coming of Age Ceremonies. Zetas, pack warriors and Omegas do not. For this novel Pure Bloods are the highest ranking vampires, next are Mixed Bloods, and the lowest tier are the Turned. Pure Bloods are full-blooded vampires. The older the Pure Blood vampire, the stronger they are. Mixed Bloods are vampires with Pure Blood and human genes. The more Pure Blood genes are in the bloodline, the more powerful the vampire. And lastly, the Turned are vampires that were originally human that were turned into vampires by Pure Blood vampires. They are basically servants to the Pure Blood vampire who turned them, completely under their control unless the Pure Blood allows them to drink their blood. This frees the Turned and hence places them above other Turned in the hierarchy.

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