
chapter 56: sending a message

Two days later I was sleeping peacefully in my house when I heard Daisy bark and he sounded pissed that's when I heard a familiar man voice say shut it you damn hound and I heard Daisy yelp in pain I shot up out of my bed it was the dead of night but I could see just fine I shot to the door grabbing my belt as I shadow walked I appeared in front of the storage house the door was already open Daisy was next to the door I seen he had several stab marks on his back like someone landed on top of him from the roof and started stabbing him Duke I gralled Master and she landed next to me from my house drag Daisy to the old ladies house us your ice to freeze his wounds after your done wake everyone up it would seem I got to make a example out of some people and I walked up to Daisy and pat his head whispering you be alright boy you did good thank you one of Daisy heads looked up to me and gave me a weak happy whimper that's when I heard some girls scream come from inside the house and that's when I heard a slap noise and that same familiar male voice say shut up girl no no one is going to save you not that boy not anyone hehehe this one is mine the others are yours I stood up and looked through the open door and seen that lizard that I had beaten a few days ago and 6 of what was his man in front of the 5 women but the elder was also there behind them the lizard was holding one of the elven sisters by her throat he had a huge creepy smile on his face wall his man had surrounded the other girls with a similar grins the girls had nothing but fear written all over there faces everyone but that elf in the lizard hands who oddly enough had a small grin on her face she spat in the lizards face saying you are a fool you dare not only go against his orders but you harmed a child of death beast haha you should run wall you can cuz but the lizard slapped her across the face yelling who give a damn about that brat he wont do shit he is to much of a pussy to do anything to me and ones more even if he shows up it will be to late cuz the deed will already be done and he licked the elf face she squirmed in his arms but she couldn't brake his hold when I seen this I lost it  that's when a cold wind blow through the open doorway this could didn't just touch your body o no it brushed against your soul slowly freezing it as the hold hand of death brushed against there souls everyone eyes want wide and their heads turned to me who walked in with no shirt I had on simple black paints and my swords on my hips my eyes was glowing with an intense angry purple fire I scanned over them all and I seen fear go across all of there faces especially the 6 men and the lizard all the girls stared at me with fear everyone but that elf who grinned at the sight of me my eyes stopped on the elder and I seen her start to shake under my stare immediately she bowed her head to me saying sorry Azmo I warned against this but they didn't listen I appeared in front of her my hand landing on her shoulder saying look into my eyes and I gently pushed her up and she looked into my eyes the moment she did her eyes want wide and her body loosened I seen fear and regret in her eyes I could tell she wasnt laying so I nodded patting her shoulder saying ok elder my beast is at you house please do what you can for him and I stepped away from her turning to the lizard the elder quickly nodded saying thank you azmo and she quickly slithered out the moment she left my killing intent exploded out from me as I hissed you and I appeared in front of the lizard and noticed his other arm was still in a sling from our fight I grabbed his arm saying put her down and I squeezed his arm this forced his hand open the elf dropped to the floor coughing I ordered you to stay away from them I told you to leave them alone I coldly hissed the lizard snarled at me saying y should I just cuz you to scared to do anything to them the rest of us ant a virgin like you so but I snapped his arm he sank onto his knees screaming you broke it you bloody broke my arm you damn bastard how fucking but I then kicked him in the face my foot dislocated his jaw so all he could do was scream I coldy looked down at him my eyes blazing saying it would seen you can't unhinge your jaw no matter we are just getting started I flicked my hand his body quickly got wrapped with my spiders wire I then coldly turned around and scanned over the other 6 and I noticed one of them had fresh blood on both there clothes and blade I appeared in front of him and grabbed his throat saying you was the one who armed my dog fear filled this mans eyes and heart so much so that he pulled out his dagger and tried to stab him self but I easily grabbed his blade and snapped his wrist the man screamed but I just coldy stared at him saying you dared harm my dog for that your death wont be quick and I through him next to the lizard and he got wrapped with spider wire also I looked down at the blade on my hand it wasnt a dagger like I thought just a very small short sword a gladius huh a weapon of the Greeks and Romans great for thrusting and slashing a great weapon yes a great weapon indeed but it needs a wielder who spirit is mighty so and I looked to the elf who was still rubbing her throat I walked up to her she looked up into my eyes and I seen it the spirit of a great warrior hidden all that it needed was the right push to bring it out I stared into those fearless dark green eyes I held the blade on her shoulder and yet I seen no fear in those eyes I nodded good and I took away the blade and flipped it and offered her the handle she looked at the blade I seen hesitation I chuckled take it this weapon needs a good master she still didn't take it chuckled shrugging and flipped the blade around and stabbed it in front of her the blade sank into the ground right between her left hand fingers I looked into her eyes with my huge warm smile my eyes glowing but it wasn't with rage o no they were burning with warrior spirit I can see it I chuckled standing up your warrior spirit you got the makings of greatness but you must come out of the shell this world had put you in and I walked away and stopped at my wrapped messenger bags and looked back to her grinning my eyes going cold but my warrior spirit still burned in my eyes when your ready to learn when your ready to fight pick up that weapon and join my tribe in there training I looked forward we will teach you how to survive but till your ready to put your life on the line and kill do not touch that weapon I do not train weak pussies to scared to kill there enemies I don't have that luxury and neither will you I started walking and as I walked passed the two wrapped reptiles I grabbed them both and started dragging them out I got to the door and stopped saying one last thing till your ready to be called a monster do not come to me with that I left I dragged my two friends to the edge of the town where I strung them both up in in a tree it started to rain right when I heard it Duke angrily roar this roar shook the ground a shit ton of birds flow away and all creatures who heard this roar hide out of fear this was the roar of a pissed off predator at the very top of the food chain quickly I saw people start coming out of the cave and ran towards me Shosa was in the front of them he ran towards me but stopped when he seen my look and before everyone got to me I cut some of the strings so only the little lizard and his snake hands and feet was bound other then that everyone could see them hanging from there feet I looked down to my hunting knife and felt its wait in my hand I then looked up to my two hanging friends who was looking at my knife fearfully but I let the knife wrop out of my hand it stabbed into the ground I shook my head saying that's to easy plus it wont send much of a message will it I cracked my neck and stepped forward I grinned at my lizard friend as I undid my belt it dropped but before it could hit the ground a spider string got attacked to it hanging it in the tree I punched this lizard in the chest he yelled in pain as he swung backwards and soon he swung my towards me that's when I through 2 punches time slowly passed with my using this lizard as my punching bag soon blood was splattered on my face cut I didn't stop my eyes was burning in anger and my fave was cold I beat this lizard half to death everyone just watched me in fear but no one could look away and the 5 man that was followed this man to do something to these woman specifically very scared it was probably midnight before I stopped and coldly looked down at this lizard who was barely conscious I crouched down and looked into his eyes coldly saying tell me again how I ant going to do shit go on say it no nothing good and I stood up and turned around looking over my tribe they all shook in fear when they felt my eyes scan over them I smiled warmly at them saying I do not care if you older then me or not I do not care if you have tasted a woman or not but when I give you a fucking order you damn well follow it got it they all stood at attention and yelled yes sir good also one last thing I dont mind something but do not think I am a weak fool who won't do shit cuz I promise you all I am more of a monster then all of you if you push me there for example and I walked over to my second patient and crouched down next to him grinning this man struggled and screamed when he seen me walking over to him but his screams was muffled do to the string around his mouth I looked to the others and pointed at him saying I don't care if you want to leave I will happily send you off but wall your under my command I expect Absolute loyalty from you all if you dare betrayed me or go against my orders you will end up like him and I pointed to the crying broken lizard but if you attack one of your own or you dare harm my beasts I will do this to you and my hunting knife shot into my hand from a spider string and I turned to this man and with a smile on my face I started scanning him alive by the time I was done I was covered in blood and my knife was edge was dall as fuck but the man died a brutal death I turned around and smiled at them all saying not following orders is one thing but betraying the tribe and attacking your own you will be labeled as food and die a brutal death here you go everyone and a peace of very red meat flow to everyone I smiled at them all saying to the tribe and I held up my peace they held up there's and bellowed for the tribe with that we eat the meet the moment I did I heard this 

Congrats Nekros for awakening the ability vital strike

I smiled looking over everyone and I could see many angles that I could attack where I would hit a vital with that we left the two bodies hanging as both a warning and a constant message One week later at the end of my forth week in this world I woke up stretching my body smiling it had already been one month huh I wonder what the others are doing mmm no matter and I stood up and got to work meanwhile hundreds of miles to the southwest of Azmo we find are self in a barren mountain hellscape where a war was happening a harmy of huge green skinned humanoids was fighting against a army of demonic beings and in the center of this army was a woman a axe in one hand and a double barrel shotgun in her other hand cleaving and blowing way these demons with a blood red spiked armor on her body and her eyes was glowing blood red this was Layla or better known to the orks as BloodLayla the new chief of the boar tribe she is known to be brutal savage and fearless she even killed her uncle who tried to bed her after a battle she brutally killed the man in front of everyone saying she was already taken and none of the orks could ever compare to her husband who the fuck was her husband none of the orks new but they definitely didn't want to end up like her uncle so they stopped trying to get with her Layla but a huge red demons head off and as the purple blood rained around her Layla side and glanced to the north saying I wonder what he is up to but that's when a huge 10 leg spiked creature came screaming out of a demonic looking portal Layla side and raised her boom stick and pulled the triggers boom boom two blood spikes shot out and sank into this creature head its head exploded on the spot killing it the body slumped to the floor before slowly disappearing into shadow we go back north to the same forest Azmo was in just like Azmo thought this rain forest was fucking huge and his tribe only took up a small part of the land to the north right below the mountains but the rest of this forest was the property of 2 clans the Elvis, and dwarfs and little did Azmo know something dark was browing something demonic and soon it Azmo and his tribe will be sweeped up into it alway sense the elfs and dwarfs couldn't contain this threat and if that wasn't bad enough 5 human kingdoms was about to do something very stupid in these very dark times and Azmo and his tribe will land in the dead center of this chaos for what reasons let us find out shall we.