
Hail to the King

The various kings of an ancient world have awoken and are on the move. Be it Drake, king of vampires, or Lucien, king of the first lesser world, they are all moving. Julien, the hunter and Cassandra, the angelic demon, have vowed to hunt certain kings. Completely unaware of the bigger threat, they both fall into the traps. The kings are summoning something, using their lives to finalize the pact. What, or who, are they summoning? Why? We follow Julien, Cassandra and other unique warriors in their own rights. Be they hero, villan, or straight up dumber than rocks, get ready for a wild ride.

Markov570 · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

The First Fall

Golden leaves blew across a beautiful forest, giving the already tranquil air a sense of purity. Chirps of birds and crickets could be heard from all around.

The druid sighed.

'Mid-fall never ceases to surprise me.' Silbva thought.

Silbva was a beauty to look at, even by the elven standard. The only peice of her heritage that was apparent were her pointed ears. They reached into her cherry-colored hair, flowing into the hair and disappearing from sight. Her figure was tall and athletic, a common sight for an elf, much less for the mid-elf.

There were seven races of elf. The first, and most powerful, were the Great Elves in their cities in the sky. Masters of elemental magics, they have a tournament to see the most remarkable and inspirational uses of the elements.

Next are the Deep Sea Elves at the bottom of the sea. Often called merfolk, due to their fins, they take pleasure in leading sailors to their deaths with their voice.

Third are the Mid-Elves, the combination of two races of Elves. The High Elves call this group 'wild cards' since every Mid-Elf has a different mastery. Most Mid-Elves, like Silbva, join the Druids due to not having another choice.

Fourth are the Draconic Elves, the extinct race. Created by the ancient dragons to communicate with the mortal races, they had no real talents. In legends, they were heralds, scholars, or scribes who followed heroes to tell their tale. At the turn of the century, adventurers and countries blamed Draconic Elves for siding with the dragons. In a genocidal rage, they eliminated this races of Elf from the world.

Fifth are the Dark Dwellers. Often called Dark Elves by humans, they are Elves who were driven underground and had devolved to what they are now. Over time, the dark has ingrained itself into them, making it so they cannot be in the sun or around bright light.

Sixth are the Mutated, often called the 'crazed elves' by other races. Not much is known about these elves, other than they are deformed beyond recognition.

Lastly, there are the Half-Elves. Enough said there. Half Elf, half something else. The humans call them 'jacks of everything' because of their versatility.

She enjoyed this, being with nature. Being an Elven Druid certainly had its benefits. Much better than the orcs, who knew nothing more than war and chaos.

The main reason she was here. The orcs had moved into a portion of the forest and ripped it apart.

Silbva walked past the last group of trees, and beheld a terrible sight.

Every animal in sight was butchered and thrown into a pile, even the vultures. At the bottom of the pile, two orcs were sitting and eating on large chunks of meat.

Silbva readied her mind and charged forward.

Silbva's name is pronounced 'Sill-Va' due to the Mid-Elf language.

Yes, I skipped Julien's fight. I do apologize.

The time frame is a little messy around fhe first few characters.

All I ask, my dearest reader, is for you to bear with me for the intros of the main characters. Most of them, such as Cassandra in the description, are not main characters.

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