

The story follows Akimitsu, a student who is desperately trying to to make his ends meet in a time when Japan is at its worst and faces severe crisis but everything takes a turn for the worst when he survives a deadly encounter with his long lost brother and learns a secret which may set to change the course of his life;he isn't a human but something else entirely:he is a monster

Hadie_Khan · Kỳ huyễn
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39 Chs

Four of us

Fumiko was strolling impatiently through back and forth through the kitchen.

She had called Ahihito like five times and he hadn't picked her calls.

Also,Akimitsu was no longer in his room and looking at the broken mugs on the table didn't make her feel any better.

"Where could both of them even have gone off to-?"just than she heard the sound of door opening.

She ran towards the door and saw Ahihito opening the door and coming in first with Akimitsu behind him whom Ahihito turned behind to help inside the room.

"Are you just going to stare or maybe your gonna help us?"Ahihito shot from the door.

It took her a moment to realize she had been staring at Akimitsu for a moment.

Seeing him unconscious on the bed for one whole month and than seeing him infront of her just like he was before....it made her feel real happy.

"Ouch!"Akimitsu's hurt voice came from the door and he turned his face upwards to look towards Fumiko.

"Sorry, Iam coming right now".

She lifted Akimitsu from his left side while Ahihito helped lift him from the right side.

"Is there still pain in your left leg?"Fumiko asked while Akimitsu made positioned himself on the chair.

"Yeah,it wasn't there before but just happened suddenly".

Fumiko turned towards Ahihito.

"Why did you even take him out in such a condition?You could've atleast asked me?"

"Well he is alive,isn't he?"Ahihito shot back at her"and before you pull off any lameass story,I told him everything so please don't try anything else".

At that point,Fumiko was literally staring daggers at Ahihito.

"Listen!Your in my house so even if he your partner or whatever you gotta follow my rules over here,got it?"

Unexpectedly,a smug appeared on Ahihito's face.

"I knew you were gonna say that already"Fumiko was about to say something but Ahihito stopped her.

"The conversation never took place inside your house so I didn't do anything wrong,did I?".

Fumiko was gritting her teeth.

"and besides I did what I thought was good for him just like you so no harm done right?" .

Fumiko opened her mouth to say something but stopped and turned to look towards Akimitsu.

"Akimitsu,you tell us who was in the wrong here?He could've atleast asked me right? and on top of that it was risky as hell,taking you out in the first place".

"Why are you turning this into a competition,Fumiko?It isn't that much of a big deal you know?"Ahihito shot in an irritated tone.

Despite not wanting to hurt Fumiko,Akimitsu knew who was in the wrong there.

"Fumiko,Iam sorry but-"

The front door opened again and the attention shifted entirely from him to the people who were walking in through the front door.

A skinny,short boy walked in followed by another tall boy who was following behind him carrying something in his hands.

"Yo,Akiba!"Ahihito raised his hand to greet both of them.

"Yo" Akiba responded with a disgruntled voice walking towards the kitchen taking a seat infront of Akimitsu.

"You seem fine enough,don't you?"he asked Akimitsu while pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Yeah thanks for your concern,Akiba"

Akimitsu was used to this behaviour of Akiba's.This was how he just was;the only reason he wasn't liked by anyone honestly he wouldn't blame them but in the end he was one of the only friends he had.

"So the four of us are finally under the same roof,I guess?"Akimitsu asked Akiba attempting to change the topic of the conversation but Fumiko wouldn't let him.

"So"Fumiko turned towards Ahihito in an attempt to continue the previous conversation "where were we again?"

"Aah shit,here we go again!"Akimitsu kicked the floor knowing this argument wasn't gonna end anytime soon.

"What's all this about?Another lover's quarrell?"Akiba asked in an irritated tone.

Akiba than stoodup from his seat and the attention completely shifted towards him.

"If you two are done with your bickering,should we talk about the issue at hand because I didn't spend the last two days without even a moment of sleep just to see you two argue".

Ahihito turned towards Akiba.

"You mean you two really learned something worthwhile?"Ahihito asked surprised considering they had failed to gather any useful information the past two weeks.

"Are you sure this isn't like the last time?"Fumiko asked forgetting the whole argument which took place a moment ago.

"Yeah,Iam positive plus right now we're short of time"

Meanwhile,Akimitsu wasn't liking the fact he was being kept in dark about everything.

"Wait,Iam not getting anything.What are you guys even talking about?".

Akiba turned towards Ahihito expecting him to say something.

"He already knows everything so just say whatever it is no need to hide it".

Akiba than turned towards Fumiko.

"Fumiko,you should leave".

"What?But why?"

"It's for your own good so just please go upstairs-"but Fumiko interjected.

"Does this have to do something with me being a girl?"Fumiko shot at Akiba.

"It certainly doesn't have to do anything with that but-"

Ahihito interruped him.

"Let her see it for herself.She's gonna regret it herself".

Akiba clicked his tongue and looked towards Akimitsu hoping he might say something but he didn't.


Akiba spoke in a low voice for no one to hear but Akimitsu caught the drift of it.

"What was that?"Akimitsu asked Akiba with a smirk.

Akiba opened his mouth about to say something but instead chose to ignore him and stood up to walk towards the stairs.

"Rengoku,how much time are you going to take at the washroom?Just get down here already,will you?"

After a while,the sound of a door opening upstairs echoed throughout the house and the fourth person walked into the kitchen.

He could be easily distinguished from the other three members of his group.

Curly hair plus his hair were something else from everybody else in the group.

He bend down to lift a box which he had placed besides the stairs and brought it to the table.

"So when do I get to open it?"

"Not right now,first I explain everything we've learned".

Rengoku than lifted the box off the table and placed it below the table.

"So what happened was that both of us went from one place to another until we finally hit a certain lead" Akiba than stood from his seat and focused his gaze at Akimitsu.

"The one who set the whole affair at Rushima was none other than our-"

Ahihito stood up with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"Don't tell me your thinking our own boss set us up!?"

Akiba's expression said it all for Ahihito who fell back on his chair.

"So your telling me..."

Akimitsu paused for a moment.

"that our own boss betrayed us?"

"Yep,that's right.The boss betrayed us for huge sum of money but that's not the immediate concern at the moment".

"and what the hell do you mean by that?"Ahihito sounded irrittated for the first time.

Akiba continued.

"The other interesting piece of information is that it's not gonna happen two or three days later but it's gonna happen tonight.The riots are gonna happen tonight."

Ahihito stood up from his seat.

"But Rengoku and so did I confirm that they were gonna happen by the weekend so how can you be even so sure about it?".

Akiba bend down and picked up the box to place it on the table.

"Well,this is my source of information and beleive me when I say everything we got from him was true"he said while opening the lid.

The only thing that was inside the box was a decapitated human head.