

The story follows Akimitsu, a student who is desperately trying to to make his ends meet in a time when Japan is at its worst and faces severe crisis but everything takes a turn for the worst when he survives a deadly encounter with his long lost brother and learns a secret which may set to change the course of his life;he isn't a human but something else entirely:he is a monster

Hadie_Khan · Kỳ huyễn
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39 Chs

Death sentence

Two helicopters circling above them plus the only exit point for them to escape being blocked;it was the worst case scenario for all of them.

A rope was thrown down the helicopter and somebody came down through it but he couldn't see anything clearly.

The men who had blocked the exit moved aside to let somebody come forward.

A short young woman with blond hair came forward.

She had the most lifeless stare Ahihito had ever seen as if she wasn't even slightly interested in the situation which was infront of her right now.

'Hand over the white-haired to us and all of this will be over.It doesn't need to get worse than it already is".

Ahihito moved forwards signalling the rest to take shelter behind the car in case something happened.

By that time the helicopters had disappeared still their faint sound could be heard.

"She can't be this relaxed for no reason.They must have a sniper up above somewhere now that the helicopters are gone" he thought in the back of his head.

"How much worse could it get already,huh?Last thing we know is all of us are dead the moment we hand him over to you"he remarked.

"Are you seriously considering handing over your friend this easily?"her tone changed and it appeared as if she was surprised.

Ahihito didn't take his hands out of his jackets pocket rather he had his gun inside it,his self-made beretta pico,small enough to be hidden there.

"I don't get it why be so defenseless so carefree at this very situation... "he thought.

He than looked towards his right towards the broken window leading to the inside of the building.

"I don't see any way out of this so might as well consider handing him to you thats what you want,don't you?".

Ahihito loaded his pistol while he was speaking to hide any suspicion.

"Ahihito,what are you doing?" Fumiko and Sora's voice came from behind but he held up his hand to silent them.

He was going to do what was necessary.

"So what do you say?"

He asked straightening himself not ready to show any weakness.,


That was the response that came from the other side.

"What was that?I didn't quite get that?"

He asked thinking he had misunderstood her.

She remained quiet for a moment and than opened her mouth to say it.

"I hate liars"

In the blink of an eye,she had taken her gun out and shot Ahihito in the arm and Akimitsu in the head who fell down witha groan.


Fumiko's shout came from behind and Ahihito looked behind to see Akimitsu in her arms surprised with eyes wide open.

Akiba looked at him.

"He is dead,Ahihito".

"You bitch,what was that for?Why the fuck did you shoot us,huh?"Sora tried to stand up but instead fell down cursing the girl infront of them.

"I told you I hate liars,didn't I?I had no interest in killing any of you but four-eyes was never in the moode of giving him up"she looked at Ahihito expecting him to say something.

"What are you trying to say?Ahihito responded.

"You thought I wouldn't notice the gun in your pocket and how you were looking attempting to run through the window at your right?".

Seeing Ahihito wasn't gonna say anything,she continued.

"At first I thought you were an idiot who was going to try to escape with two injured but seems like you were attempting to run off on your own to save your own ass" there was apparent disgust in her voice.

A wailing voice came from behind somebody crying heavily which quickly turned into something else.

The girl held her gun up.

"I sentence you to death".

Ahihito tried to pull his gun out with his right hand but it was too late.

The gun had already been fired.