

Hadilocks, a secret organization that works under the name of Kahley their boss, also the master of Hadilock, or otherwise known as -the Hadilock secret organization- their goal -no, their boss's goal; is to kill all mages and obtain all their powers, of course, that is just a side quest, as many people overlook this organization, there is more to what meets the eye... Kahley has many dreams in mind, but to what extent will she go to achieve them? 14 year old Jack, walks swiftly along the aisles of one of the grandest trains ever made, not knowing what kind of mess he'd get himself into just by being a Hadilock agent...

yanyun_dong · Võ hiệp
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17 Chs


The kids continued to look through the books, the notes numerous and each note read, the more and more they understood.

The understanding of the essence that mages use, is like understanding the human body, one by one, like a puzzle you put the pieces together. 

The orb from the ancient civilizations have been passed down, I must locate where the orb is.

Orb Of Essence

The orb contains 2 main elements; essence and nature. The rest about this powerful orb is unknown.

— Kahley notes 02.0

I have figured out that everyone has essence, you can't live without it, it only matters how much of it an individual has. 

Mages are basically humans, they have found out how to train their essence; their ancestors did the hardest job; to break through what the human body can do, and go beyond what is possible. Anything is possible. You just have to figure out the way.

I admire that. And I want to do the same.

— Kahley notes 03.0

The location of the orb is deep in the forest of a place called "Dester Pines", now known as "Little Brocks".

In order to get this desired treasure and to master Hadilocks, I must obtain this orb. And to obtain means to create a group that would be loyal to my quest.

Hadilocks is life essence.

That is the name I have given to essence, Hadilocks, as it will be unrecognisable among mages. And once they do, it will be too late.

— Kahley notes 04.0

This picture is the symbol of the oldest mage civilization known to man. It itself can grant many—----

"The rest seems to be blurred out…" Evelyn said slowly.

"It's clearly very important, as Kahley must've realised if someone got their hands on it, it could ruin her whole plan." Jack replies.

"But why would that matter?" Emily chimes in. "She has already left so much information here that it's getting very scary."

"I don't know." Jack says, looking at Radeon, who was asleep, thinking, how could he sleep at such crucial moments?

"I don't understand." Evelyn suddenly said.

"What do you not understand?" Jack asked, slightly confused.

"As much as I know, Kahley hates mages, and wants to kill every one of them." Evelyn starts. "But here in her 4th note, she said she respects mages."

"It could be because she respects the ancient mages, but thinks these nowaday mages don't deserve to have all these powers." Jack replied.

"Excuse? I think I deserve every inch of my powers." Emily chimes in once again.

"I know, but that's what Kahley thinks." Jack replied.

The chute stops to a halt, the lights slowly turning back on, from the outside they heard; HQ5 and HQ9 deliveries! HQ5 and HQ9 deliveries!

And some chatter of voices began closing in.