
Hades : The god of Hell

A soul from our world gets send into the Greek mythology by the Void and gets some extra power as a bonus . So that's the basic premise of this story . Please try to give it a read.

Fanfiction_Lover08 · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Chapter 9: Gates Unleashed

Conference Hall - USA

*President's POV*

The room fell into stunned silence as the mysterious figure, casually observed the chaos he had stirred among the nation's leaders."Who the hell are you?" demanded one of the advisors, attempting to mask his unease with authority.

"Hades, the guy who's been closing those Gates for you," he responded, his tone indifferent. "Now, let's get to the point. I have a proposal for you."

I stood at the head of the table, flanked by my advisors who exchanged uncertain glances. "A proposal?"

Hades chuckled, "You're quite on edge, Mr. President. Relax, I'm not here to threaten anyone. In fact, I've been helping you close those Gates, minimizing the threat to your people. But it's not a one-sided deal. I need something from you."

"So, What is it that you want? And why are you even closing those Gates because from what we have seen so far the monstrous creatures that are in it doesn't come out of those portals."

Hades leaned back and said "Well you see Mr. President those monsters will come out over the span of seven days after opening and you will see it from your own eyes in 4 days as for the things I want, the first one would be to arrange a press conference and make it so it will be available to the most of the world and that will be it for right now. Can you do that?"

"Why do you think I would listen to you and why should I believe any of the things that are coming out of the mouth of a person who doesn't even shows his face?"

In the next moment Hades was right behind with a sword against President's neck and whispered in his ears "Well you see Mr. President it wouldn't take much at all to take your life and take over this country with the powers I have right now and start a marital law, I believe that in the process I would kill a lot of your people but it would be worth it in the end and I am not asking for much am I? Just put up a confrence that can reach to the most of the world and it would be win-win for both of us. You will still have your head intact to your body and I would be able to warn the world about the gates alright." After saying that Hades started to pressure the sharp edge of his sword against President's neck and the blade drew a bead of blood.

"Alright, Alright, Alright, I will do as you said."

"Attaboy, see it wasn't that difficult was it. Start it at 1 p.m. tomorrow Alright?"

After saying that he disappeared again from the room.

*Hade's POV*

Well it could've been more peaceful but I don't really have time to chit-chat with them and they wouldn't do that even if I was civil. So let's just wait and see if they take my warning seriously or I would have do that to every single one of them.

*4 days later*

The world reacted to my warning with a mix of panic, skepticism, and fear. News channels broadcasted my message, and social media erupted with discussions about the mysterious figure who claimed to be Hades. Conspiracy theories circulated, but amidst the chaos, one undeniable truth lingered—the Gates were a genuine threat. But there are always stupid people who just wouldn't listen so I just left them on their own accord.

In the four days that followed, people prepared for the impending danger. Evacuations were ordered in regions close to the known Gates. Governments struggled to formulate plans to protect their citizens, ofcourse if some government didn't I made sure atleast people got out of their.

Then finally the day arrived when the gates were going to open and my priorities were the places with the most people like India, China, USA, Indonesia, etc. and for personal reasons Japan too.

As the monsters started to pour out of the Gates, I plunged into the monstrous onslaught. The air reeked of impending doom, and just after a few minutes, the sickening scent of blood tainted the battlefield.

Modern weapons lined the perimeter, soldiers standing vigilant, armed with rifles and artillery. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of anger. I had warned them, told them that bullets wouldn't work on a lot of these creatures. Yet, here they were, relying on outdated tactics against the otherworldly horde.

Amidst the chaos, the people of the military fought valiantly, their expressions shifting from confidence to fear as the monsters emerged. I couldn't shake the frustration that clawed at me. They had been warned, yet the arrogance of their reliance on conventional weapons prevailed.

Nervousness crept in as the monsters closed in, and for a fleeting moment, doubt gnawed at the edges of my resolve. Had I prepared enough for this? The suffocating reality of facing a seemingly endless horde with powers I was still getting accustomed to loomed over me.

The clash intensified, shadows weaving through the chaos, but the monsters were relentless. The soldiers fought bravely, but their efforts were futile against the supernatural onslaught. It became a suffocating struggle, the scent of blood thickening as more lives were claimed.

In the heart of the maelstrom, doubt transformed into determination. My anger fueled each strike, shadows dancing with deadly precision. The monsters fell, but the toll on the military was evident. The casualties mounted, and as the last creature crumbled, I stood amidst the aftermath.

The once-vibrant soldiers lay lifeless, and regret cast a shadow on my soul. Despite the warning, despite the desperate battle, lives were lost. A heavy sadness settled in, the weight of responsibility pressing on me. It was my mistake, my miscalculation, and in the silent aftermath, I couldn't shake the feeling that I could have done more.


Alright guys that's it for this chapter, hope you guys liked it and if there's anything wrong in it then please tell me that.

Thanks for reading and Bye 😊😀☺️