
Hades : The god of Hell

A soul from our world gets send into the Greek mythology by the Void and gets some extra power as a bonus . So that's the basic premise of this story . Please try to give it a read.

Fanfiction_Lover08 · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Chapter 5 : Celestial Bonding

*Narrator's POV*

In the vast expanse within Cronus's stomach, Hades struggled to control his powers because no matter what matter he tried he couldn't get to control his powers to breach that the wall between his world and other worlds. It was a lot harder than he thought it would be, he tried to concentrate on his powers but it was not working the way he thought it would. Then he retort to meditating and it did work but it was still a slow prosses but he couldn't think of another way for it to work, it was still not the level he had anticipated after what he thought to around 50 years to cross the borders.

He was starting to get frustrated when suddenly he hears a voice in his head

*Hades POV*

"Hello Child"

Am I getting crazy with being in this place alone for so long or am I getting starved for a conversation that I am making voices in my head.

Then I hear a giggle of the same voice "No my child you are not going crazy and I hope that remains like that cause I wouldn't want someone who I gave blessings to go insane." Wait you can read my mind and what do you mean by giving me your blessings but first of all who even are you?

"Oh sorry for not introducing myself first little one. My name is Nyx, A Primordial and often referred as goddess of night and you don't have to be flustered right now I don't have any bad intention towards you as for giving my blessings, well I can't really say a blessing when you already had some power over my domain when you were born and I was intrigued by that and when I saw that you were a child who was just born so I gave you a blessing so you can have a little more power over my domain."

Did I just spoke rudely to the literal personification of night? I really hope she doesn't get angry at me for that.

"Um..... I guess thank you for your blessings. But why are you here right now? No it's not that I don't like your presence, Rather I really appreciate it I know how desperately I needed someone to talk to but I just want to know why you are here right now? " I said to her and she giggles again, I think because of how flustered I am.

"I was watching over you for sometime and when I saw you struggling for a long time I thought why not first teach you how to control your divinity over my domain, So you can also have a little break from the stress that you are feeling and I would also get to spend time with you." She said to me.

Ah.. So that's the reason for her being here, but she really can read my mind huh it would be a really awesome power to have I wish I could do that.

"Worry not my child. I will teach you that and it's not really that difficult to do, So what do you say should we start your training."

"Of course " Refusing this offer would be the stupidest a being could do like why would you throw away an opportunity like this.

*Narrator's POV*

And like that the training between Nyx and Hades began.

Their lessons became conversations under the starlit sky of Titan's stomach. Nyx spoke of the cosmic tapestry, unraveling tales of constellations and secrets that twinkled in the night. Hades listened with wide-eyed wonder, realizing that Nyx was not just a teacher but a cosmic storyteller."Why go through all this trouble for me?" Hades wondered aloud. Nyx smiled, "You're not ordinary child. Your powers weave between the night and the abyss—the essence of my realm and that of my husband, Erebus. You're like family, not just bound by godly duties but by the threads of cosmic kinship."As the lessons progressed, their conversations delved deeper. Nyx shared anecdotes of celestial beings and the quiet strength that lay within the embrace of night. Hades, in turn, spoke of his mortal memories, the echoes of a life that felt both distant and precious.In the quiet moments, Nyx's guidance wasn't just about controlling powers; it was also so that Hades can really come in terms that he has become a God. "Embrace the quiet of the night, let it be your ally," Nyx encouraged, her words weaving a cosmic lullaby.Through laughter and shared stories, a bond blossomed—a cosmic family forged in the belly of Titan. Hades began to see Nyx not just as a guide but as a motherly figure, guiding him through the complexities of godhood.


So that's it for today guys this is the last day of the so HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU because of that I thought I should atleast update a chapter today so tell me did you like it and as for the world I would first send him in would be

Solo leveling and the reason for that would be Ashborn's power, like the power to control dead is a way too cool of a power to pass and in the mythology I don't think Hades have that so yeah that's it

Thanks for reading this and Bye 😁😁😁