
H.P: My Hogwarts Journey

Synopsis: Accompanied by the cry of a baby from St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, a soul from another world arrived in this magical realm. ... What difference will this baby named Bell Minashel bring to this world? ... Bell: "I am not great. I am just an ordinary seeker, struggling on the path of magic." Disclaimer: This fanfiction is a creative work inspired by the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. The characters, settings, and themes referenced herein belong to her and are used here for fan enjoyment and exploration of alternate storylines.

Comicstorian · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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71 Chs

Chapter 65: "Shanna: 'Hogwarts Seems Quite Interesting!'"

Hermione felt somewhat speechless. The personal terminal from before was made by Bell's family, and now the Temperature Control Badge was also made by Bell's family. How come his family produces everything!

Actually, Hermione didn't know that the magic item shop she entered earlier was actually owned by Bell's family, and about half of the magic items inside were produced by Bell's family.

"Brother, is this girl Hermione? Why don't you introduce me?" Shanna suddenly leaned in and said.

For some reason, Shanna pressed her face tightly against Bell's.

As she grew older, Shanna rarely made such intimate gestures anymore. Usually, at most, she would just hug Bell tightly. Although Bell felt a little sad about this change, he could understand it and had always let things flow naturally.

"Yes, she's Hermione. Hermione, this is my sister, Shanna." Bell enlarged his personal terminal in his hand, making it easier for Shanna and Hermione to chat.

"Hello, Hermione." Shanna smiled sweetly at Hermione. At the same time, she discreetly assessed Hermione, noting her tousled brown-red hair, black pupils, overall quite cute. Although not on her level. Comprehensive rating: Medium threat level.

After assessing, Shanna breathed a sigh of relief, her smile becoming more sincere.

"Hello, Shanna. I've heard Bell talk about you at school, and today I finally get to meet you," Hermione said.

Hearing Hermione's words, Shanna became even happier.

"Bell, are you in the bedroom now? Your bedroom is so big!" Hermione, looking at the background on the screen where Bell was, exclaimed.

"This isn't my bedroom; it's Shanna's. My bedroom is even bigger for some reasons, probably about twice the size of this one," Bell explained.

"...," Hermione once again keenly felt how evil capitalism was! This bedroom was already beyond her imagination, and now Bell said his bedroom was twice the size of this one!? Hermione felt like biting someone.

"Well, I won't disturb you guys. See you at school," Hermione said.

"See you at school."

After ending the video call, Bell prepared to continue playing with Fiona. But Shanna suddenly grabbed Fiona and ran off, looking at her brother with a smile.

"Brother, can you tell me about Hermione?" Shanna decided to investigate the enemy further with her brother.

"Hermione? What about her? Is there anything special to tell about Hermione?" Bell asked, puzzled.

Seeing her brother's straight-man appearance, Shanna felt more assured. She even felt she might have been too sensitive, after all, judging from the experiences of these years, her brother would definitely be able to stay single in the future. The rating she just gave Hermione could probably be downgraded by one level to low danger.

But just in case, Shanna decided to ask a bit more clearly.

"Tell me what kind of person Hermione is? Why did you become friends with her?" Shanna continued to inquire.

"Well... Hermione is a very serious person, maybe a bit too serious. At the same time, she loves studying magic very much, and I guess she'll probably be the top of the class at the end of the year," Bell thought for a moment, then said slowly.

"Is her grades better than yours?" Shanna asked incredulously. In her mind, her brother would always be the best!

"Of course, I'm not a good student. I only attended History of Magic and Defence Against the Dark Arts classes once each, during the first lesson, and never went again. Later, it was only after Hermione dragged me forcibly that I reluctantly went to History of Magic again, but I still never listened to the lectures. My end-of-term grades will definitely be lousy."

"Then it must be the fault of those classes!"

In Shanna's mind, her brother would always be right. Since her brother didn't want to attend those classes, there must be something wrong with those classes, so her brother didn't waste time attending them!

It must be said, Shanna was surprisingly correct this time. Those two classes were indeed problematic, one more unbearable than the other.

It's really hard for the kids at Hogwarts to bear such torture at such a young age. If there's a school that dares to make Shanna endure those things, Bell swears he'll blow it up! He won't even leave a complete brick for it!

Thinking of this, Bell suddenly discovered a blind spot. Shanna would go to Hogwarts in two years, at which time Bell would be in his third year. And being in the third year, it meant that Harry Potter would also be in his third year. Bell wasn't sure what would happen in the third year, but according to the truth of "where there's a protagonist, there's a plot," something bad would surely happen.

Can this be tolerated? Absolutely not! It seems he'll have to study this thoroughly later.

"How did you become friends with Hermione?" Shanna continued to ask.

"We first met on the train to Hogwarts. Later, because both of us often went to the library, we occasionally chatted a few times when we met, so we gradually became acquainted. We really became friends on the night of the Halloween feast. That day, when someone was bad-mouthing Hermione behind her back, she happened to overhear it. She was very upset and went to be alone somewhere. Later, I found her and then we encountered a giant... uh, it seems unrelated to the giant?"

Bell briefly recounted how he met Hermione. Of course, he didn't mention the insignificant incident of him barging into the girls' bathroom.

"A giant!? Is Hogwarts so interesting!?"


"Ahem, brother, why are there giants in Hogwarts? Are they for students to practice magic? Are giants powerful? Are they as stupid as they're written in the books? Are they very smelly? Did you eat the giant? Is it tasty?"

Shanna decisively changed the subject, interrupting her brother's gaze with a series of questions. This move of hers was always effective. At the same time, the little girl, who had been looking forward to going to Hogwarts even more for some reasons, now became even more eager.

"Well... this is a bit complicated, and I'm not very clear about the specific situation. To sum it up simply, you can understand it as someone stupid trying to cause trouble, and everyone looking at him with a compassionate gaze as if he were mentally challenged," Bell succinctly explained the situation to Shanna.

"And because of Dumbledore's reasons, I didn't feel comfortable taking down that giant, so I didn't eat it. But that giant is really smelly; I guess it's never had a bath since birth. I hope its body odor doesn't seep into its meat; otherwise, the meat would be too smelly to eat."