
chapter 3 awoke

Emilia stumbled back as she seen the smile get bigger and now had razor sharp teeth were showing. What use to be standing there wasn't her beautiful Tai no longer even though it somewhat still was, but now a distorted figure.

Now looking at the figure it reminded her of the stories of the demons that use to roam these lands over a hundreds of years before her time, that the elders wrote in their history books as well as stories that was told from each generation passed down to the next generation.

The demon started to tip toe toward her like it was playing with her which creeped her out even more as it held its hands to the front now with it's long claws, as she watched a tail whip back and forth from behind her and a loud whooshing sound as wings appeared from her back as horns grew into a small crown on her head.

The demon bends down to Emilia as it dragging its nail across her cheek as blood dripped from the cut, the demon then sucked on its finger.

From the corner of her eye she seen a figure run past her enveloping the demon as she focused her eyes on the pair.

"EMILIA WAKE UP NOW !!!!" Tai screamed

Just as the demon was going to pounce on top of Emilia, Sia shook Emilia awake. Emilia sat straight up breathing hard As she shook her head and looked all around to get her bearings as she noticed she was still in the wagon as she cut her eyes to Sia.

"Emilia what's wrong you started crying and screaming" Sia said

Emilia looks around then glances over to Tai who still slept, Emilia bends down kissing Tai on the lips as she hugs her tightly.

" I love you so much, I just need you to wake up " Emilia said as she raises up she notices her clothes were soaking wet with sweat.

"ahhhhhh I had the worse nightmare about Tai" Emilia said as she explained her nightmare to Sia.

"Emilia you must have scratched yourself when you slept" Sia said

as she wipes the scratch with a wet cloth then she used healing magic but the cut only partially healed, Sia looked at the wound which didn't heal and that was the first time shes witnessed a wound she could not heal.

"wait you dreamed about that and Tai was locked in a cage and you seen a demon " Sia said as her face went pale and Emilia noticed that as she looked at Sia confused.

"Sia what's wrong?" Emilia said as she noticed the wagon coming to a stop as Carra came around the back pulling open the flap to the wagon.

"ok girls let's help everyone set up camp then we will get Tai out and into a tent, we've finally met up with my brothers so you all can meet their families and will have a hot meal" Carra said then looked at Emilia again

"what happened to your face" Carra said as she hoisted herself up into the wagon laying her hand on Emilias shoulders she quickly removed it.

"Emilia you're soaking wet and how did you hurt yourself" Carra said as she looks over to Sia.

"I tried to heal her but it only partially did and she needs to tell you about her nightmare" Sia said as she exited the wagon.

Carra layed her hand close to Emilias cheek as she felt the dark magic she quickly glanced over at Tai then back to Emilia as she healed the cut. Emilia leaned down to Tai kissing her cheek as she was about to exit the tent Carra grabs her wrist.

" I need you to tell me about that nightmare please" Carra said as she layed her hand on the hilt of her dagger.

Emilia told her every detail of what happened then stood up as Carras brothers came to the back of the wagon.

" Emilia this is my brother Wei and Wei this is Emilia" Carra said as her brother extended his hand to Emilia helping her out of the wagon then hugs her tightly.

" I'm glad Tai has someone like you she needs you and she will wake soon" Wei said as he helped his sister down.

All the tents were put up and Carra was putting runes around camp to create a barrier to protect the camp, as everyone was finishing their chores then settling in camp.

Emilia helped Tais uncle move her into their tent as she layed down beside Tai holding her as she leans over kissing her.

"Baby I need you to wake up please I cant do this not without you, I dont want to be here without you. I love you with all my heart." Emilia said as she cried holding Tai as she drifted off to sleep.

After a few hours of napping Emilia exits the tent to sit down by Sia to eat dinner as she looks at Carra who kept fiddling with the necklace on her neck as she was deep in thought.

" Carra when do you think Tai will wake up" Emilia said trying not to cry as she played with her fingers. Carra shakes her head as she gives sad smile.

" I cant tell you a specific time but she will wake soon, everything looks great since we arrived at camp" Carra said

Emilia smiles and pulls Carra into a big hug holding her tightly.

" this is great I'm so happy she will be ok" Emilia said as she stood up running back to the tent where Tai was.

When Emilia looked at Tais face she notices a black design of runes leading from Tais eye down her cheek as she furrowed her brows glancing up at Carra who entered their tent.

Carra walks behind her then sits down near Tais leg as she takes Emilias hand and gives her a small smile.

"dont worry about the mark it will probably disappear, there is alot we will have to explain everything to you when her mothers come" Carra said

Emilia looks down at Tais face of how good her complexion is now looking and she could care less right now about the mark as long as it's not harming Tai, she'd except any and everything about Tai.

Carra smiles as she watches Emilia tend to her god-daughter and can tell Emilia loves her she left the tent to go to her own, while the men took turns watching the camp.

Emilia lays down holding Tai then making sure she was covered and wrapped her arms around Tais waist to make sure that any movement would wake her up immediately as she fell back asleep.

At the break of dawn Emilia woke up as she felt Tai moving her arm around Emilia pulling her closer to her as she quickly opens her eyes she sees Tai looking back at her.

Emilia pulls her tighter into a hug as tears ran down her cheek as she kisses her each time bringing Tai into a deeper kiss.

" I love you so much I'm so glad your ok" Emilia says as she cries tears of happiness, Tai grips her tight, as she kisses the nape of her neck.

" I'd never leave you, I love you Emilia and none of this is your fault ok." Tai said with a hoarse voice. Tai raises up pulling the blanket off of her.

"I need to drink some water and stretch though" Tai said

as Emilia stands up helping her out of the tent over to the log by the camp fire

Emilia got Tai a cup of water and a bowl of stew handing them to Tai, as she sits on the log beside her with a smile on her face waiting for Tai to finish up her meal.

" ah I feel better" Tai said as she watched Emilia clean the dishes, Tai looks at Emilia giving her a shy smile as she grabs her hand intertwining their fingers.