
H for heiress

magic is furious is harmful it's too wild once you have power you crave for the impossible coming from a king who once welcomed and embraced magic can he out run this fate?!

Emmy_Emmanuel_9949 · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

shattered beginnings


It hit the envelope and everyone applauded cheerfully

"People of septon let's celebrate a new beginning" the king said raising his glass of wine

As drum rolls followed as nude dancers swayed in.

I guess you are wondering what the ceremony is all about?

Layked is my name!


"Long long time ago, when magic ruled with unparalleled power.

When everyone lived comfortably among all kinds of mystical beings.

Sorcerers! Djins! Demons! And witches dwelled amongst men both bad and good ones were embraced and welcomed amongst men

Until the most Dearing wizard of them all developed an interest on throne.

Scared and insecure my father king Ignatius

ordered a purge on all the mythical beings

Ordering the strongest of his men to kill and burn down all the mythical beings and anything or anyone related to them.the king thinking he will loose the battle tricked

Odessa the strongest sorcerer of them all into believing she was going to be spared if only she created a very strong and reliable weapon that would be used to trap the stubborn mythical beings who refused to be executed. Odessa trusting my father the king, gave in and forged a weapon for the sacred guards to hunt myths down. After the great purge my father and his council betrayed Odessa and her execution was announced

Out of rage, Odessa cursed the king

Telling him that he will try escaping magic

But it will be glued and sticked to his household, without thoughts Odessa was executed.

And the sacred purge became a memorial ceremony in septon"


I always found the ceremony cringe, so I walked out the party hall moving down the hallway " apologies my lady, but aren't you supposed to be at the party?"Hilda my personal maid and the most persistent and close person I had.

Yes I had two more elder sisters Rina and Gemini but we were never close, cus I hated their attitude they kinda despise me but I was the type who doesn't give an F word.

" I don't feel like partying,go and have fun

I will be fine"I assured her, she was hesitant but she gave up when she saw I need to be really left alone.

When I came in front of my door I took a deep breath before walking in.

Inside the room I stood there looking at the mirror irritated with my looks.

No doubt I hated dresses but I just wore them because I did not want to embarrass my parents wearing a pant a jacket and a shirt. With this thought in mind I just smiled at myself.

I moved to my closet and quickly slid into a nice fitting cloth, I moved to bed and fell on my back, filled with thoughts but literally was thinking nothing, just as I was about to close my eyes the warning bell ranged so loud that I sprang up to my feet grabbed my sword and dashed out of the room.

I knew the bell was a bad sign considering the fact it hasn't rang in years, coming out of the castle moving out of the gates I passed the two guards ignoring their greetings

But somehow I heard what they were saying even though I was far from them.

"Too beautiful to be dressed liked a guard"

" I wish I was a prince"

I smiled, if only they knew I heard them clearly,

Get him!

The general yelled, as a a man covered in a dirty hood ran past me as some of the special guards ran after him, the commander approached me. "I know I shouldn't be here, but am here and you can't stop me" I said firmly knowing he was going to stop me, he just smiled and shook his head,

"Run along we are loosing him" he said before running off .


The hoodie guy ran to the city gates chanting some words which made the gates glittered but faded away he kept repeating the process until the guards caught up with him,

"No use trying, surrender" the general ordered

"I would rather die trying than surrendering to scums" with this a heavy gust of wind followed like a hurricane and a thunderstorm like it was going to rain fire

The guards immediately mount their shields

These shields were extraordinary

They were made of neutrons capable of neutralization, with this the hurricane stopped,sipping the hoodie guy of his powers, he was amused and shocked

"How, how?" He began to panic

"Seize him" the king ordered matching towards us with his guards matching in unison behind him

He approached us and looked at me with disgust

"You can leave us now" he said fixating his gaze on the myth.

I put my sword back to it sheets and walked back to the castle a bit sad

I would contribute in capturing a myth but my father would condensend my efforts,

Well general zoham knows I tried durrh!.