

Gusion, Claude and Guinevere studied at the same school. Gusion had a really big secret that he wouldn't even dare to tell his bestfriend Claude about it. You know what? Gusion likes Guinevere. And he'd be scared to tell Guinevere about it since he is afraid to be rejected. So one day, Gusion gathered all the courage to tell Guinevere about his feelings with Claude's help. Gusion decided to do it in the locker room whenever there's no other person. Just the two of them.

In the locker room...

"Guinevere.. I have something tell you and.. I really want to tell you now.." Gusion said. "Yuh what is it?" Guinevere said. Gusion was very nervous that he was thinking that he might regret for what he did. "I like you.." Gusion said in a nervous way. Guinevere whispered "I also kinda feel the same way about you, I like you." both of them blushed while going out to the locker room and Gusion went straight to Claude. Claude was very happy for Gusion. Since then Guinevere and Gusion acts so sweet towards each other which other people from their school wondered if they're in a relationship.

**Fast forward**

Since then, Gusion and Guinevere still liked each other even the school year already ended. They aren't in a relationship so they tend to chat online. Guinevere, Gusion , and Claude are still going to the same school. But that recent schoolyear, there were 2 transferees and both are from the Vance Household. It was Lesley and Harley. Gusion's eyes were focused on Lesley and no one but Lesley. Since then Gusion kinda preferred Lesley over Guinevere. And no one knew except for Claude, since he is Gusion's best friend. Guinevere is also his girl bestfriend but Gusion thought if he would tell his feelings for Lesley to Guinevere, she might be upset. So Gusion chose to keep it from Guinevere.