

It all started with a seemingly innocent conversation... "Hey, hey. Have you heard about the website Guropeji?" *** He would like to think he is one of the good guys. And as long as he can remember, he has been doing his best to stay on the right side of life. He tries his best not to hurt anybody or anything around him. He always tries his hardest to make sure that everything goes well. But sometimes things happen that cannot be explained. Some events just come out of nowhere and change your whole world. His life took an unexpected turn when he found out that there was more to the world than what he had thought. That there were people who would do evil deeds for no reason other than that they wanted to. That some people didn't mind letting these things happen. And even worse, they actually relished watching others suffer. This is his story. A story of how his wish of protecting others became a nightmare of torture and death; of how he got involved in this world of blood and gore, and what he had to do to survive. Follow his journey into the twisted maze of life as he learns that to battle evil sometimes you have to give up being good, and become the monster instead. *** . . *WARNING* This novel is intended for MATURE audiences only as it contains scenes of violence, disturbing materials, and sexually explicit contents. Please proceed with caution. You have been warned. *END OF WARNING* . . *** 'Guropeji' will be updated every two days around 6-7 PM (UTC+7). Please vote or comment if you would like to read more stories. I will be grateful for any feedback as well =)

CygRyu · Kinh dị ma quái
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
21 Chs

Thank you for having me

"N-no need. I'll be alright," I said as I shook my head. "Thanks though," I added with a smile.

"It's raining. You should come inside," Koyuki insisted as she tried to persuade me further.

"It's okay. I don't want to trouble you."

"Come on, I'll get you a towel to dry yourself. Also look, it's still raining. You might catch a cold," she insisted, "It's the least I can do after dragging you out here."

"Fine, come on then." I said, reluctantly agreeing with Koyuki's suggestion. I really did not want to make her feel inconvenient. I also felt awkward since it was my first time visiting a girl's house. I wondered what her parents might think when they see her bringing a guy inside.

She smiled and said, "Follow me then."

Koyuki opened the door and stepped inside the apartment building. There was an old woman standing in the lobby. I could see that she was watching us with suspicious eyes.

Koyuki said, "Good evening," and greeted the old lady. She then led me up to the third floor where her apartment was located. I followed her silently while my heart pounded fast within my chest.

After walking down the corridor for a few meters, Koyuki unlocked the door with a key and then pushed open the door.

"Welcome." Koyuki bowed her head politely and then gestured for me to enter.

"Thank you for having me," I took a deep breath and said as I went inside her house.

The living room of her apartment had a simple design. The sofa was made of leather and there were several cushions scattered around it. The television was mounted on top of the wall. The wooden table in the living room had a vase filled with a flower arrangement in it. On the opposite wall there was a bookcase, which was filled with books and magazines. In contrast to the rest of the house, the walls were painted white. It seemed that Koyuki loved reading.

There were several framed photographs placed on the shelf in the living room. Most of them were family pictures of Koyuki and her mother and brother. The picture of Koyuki's mother looked to be taken when Koyuki's brother was still a baby. I didn't see any photo of her father.

"Please take your shoes off and make yourself comfortable. I will go fetch some towels. Do you want something to drink?" asked Koyuki as she turned around and headed back into the kitchen.

"Water's fine," I replied.

I removed my shoes and socks and placed it on top of the shoe rack. Koyuki returned a short while later with a couple of towels in her hands. She handed a towel to me and asked me if I needed anything else. I thanked her. Koyuki then disappeared into another room. I heard the sound of the refrigerator opening. She then emerged a short while later carrying a glass and a bottle of mineral water. She then handed a glass to me with the bottle in her other hand.

I thanked Koyuki for the refreshments. She smiled at me with a small smile.

"Please wait here while I go get changed," Koyuki said as she turned around and headed into her bedroom.

She closed her bedroom door behind her. After waiting a few seconds, I decided to sit down on the couch. I sat down on the sofa and began to remove my wet clothes. After taking off my shirt, I wiped my body dry using the towel. I could hear Koyuki's footsteps approaching as she walked down the hallway, wearing a t-shirt and shorts. Her hair was tied into a ponytail. She was now wearing glasses instead of her usual contacts. When she saw that I was bare-chested, she quickly averted her gaze downwards.

"Err... do you want to take a bath? The bathroom is over there," Koyuki said awkwardly as she pointed towards the end of the hallway with a nervous expression on her face.

"No, thank you. I'm fine like this," I asked her nonchalantly, "By the way, I don't see your mother and brother around." I avoided mentioning her father for now as I sensed it was a sensitive topic around here.

"No, they aren't here. My mom works at the hospital in town. She has to work late tonight. And my brother is staying at a friend's house today," she explained.

The implication that I was alone with Koyuki at her home suddenly flashed through my mind. I shook the thought away. I couldn't afford to be thinking about that kind of thing right now. But still, it was hard to ignore such an obvious fact.

"I.. I guess I will go and prepare dinner," she said as she turned around and started towards the kitchen again.

I looked at Koyuki's back as she walked away from me. I couldn't help but notice that she had nice butt. Even though it wasn't that big, it had a nice shape and rounded curves. It was firm and it was covered by her tight fitting shorts. I felt my cheeks burning red. Why did I have to think about that? Still, I could not help but wonder why Koyuki wanted to spend time alone with me.

As I was sitting there thinking about things I shouldn't think about, I could hear the sound of pots clanging together from the kitchen. There was also a smell of something cooking. It smelled good and I got hungry. I got dressed and walked towards the kitchen.

The kitchen was clean and well organized. A lot of vegetables and condiments were lined up on the shelves, and the countertop had a lot of ingredients laid out on them, ready for use. The stove top was equipped with two saucepans and a frying pan. There were two stools positioned under the kitchen window and there was a table set up in front of it.

Koyuki was busy preparing some vegetables and meat for stir fry. I could smell garlic and oil in the air. A large pot of water boiled on the stove. It was probably for cooking rice.

Koyuki turned towards me when I entered the kitchen.

"Oh, Kouichi-kun. Welcome to my humble abode," she smiled and offered me a seat on the stool. Koyuki then started frying up some minced pork. There was a small wok on the stove. There was already a plate of fried shallots, chopped scallions and bean sprouts on the table. There were also a few bowls containing soy sauce, sesame oil, sugar and pepper.

"Sorry if they later turn out too salty or spicy. I'm not much of a cook," said Koyuki with a nervous smile.

"It's alright," I said as I took a seat on the stool.

"I hope you like it," she said as she continued stirring the contents of her wok. She then poured the contents into a bowl and added some seasoning before setting it down on the table in front of me.

"This smells really good. Let's dig in!" I said as I picked up a spoon and tasted it. It was not too salty and the taste was very fragrant. I felt my mouth watering.

Koyuki smiled and said, "Thank you."

She then placed a small plate on the table in front of me. It was filled with steamed white rice topped with stir-fried minced pork, carrots, bamboo shoots and onions. She also placed a small dish with soy sauce, sesame oil and a small bowl with sweet chili sauce.

"Please help yourself." Koyuki said as she handed me another plate filled with steamed white rice.

I thanked her for her kindness and dug in.

The food was delicious! I loved the combination of sweet and spicy flavors. I could tell that Koyuki had put her heart and soul into making this meal.

We ate in silence for several minutes, each of us eating our own food quietly.

After we finished eating, I thanked Koyuki for the meal and I cleaned the table before I headed back to the living room. I sat down on the sofa and waited for Koyuki to finish cleaning the dishes. After a while, I heard the sound of footsteps from the hallway.

When Koyuki came into the living room, she was still wearing the same t-shirt and shorts that she wore when she greeted me earlier. Now that I was full and more relaxed, I started noticing details I had missed before. The shirt Koyuki was wearing was sleeveless and it showed off the skin underneath. It looked so soft that it made my heart beat faster. Her hair was still tied up in a ponytail. The sight of her in such a casual outfit aroused my interest. I had never seen her dressed up this way.

I stared at her body intently. The t-shirt hugged her body tightly. The material stretched across her breasts nicely. Her nipples poked out through the fabric. Her shorts were so tight that it showed off her long legs perfectly. They reached her mid thigh and left her smooth, toned thighs bare. She had an innocent face which contrasted with her seductive appearance. She had a cute button nose and big eyes. Her lips looked full and inviting. She was a girl who could easily entice men without any effort at all. My heart was racing.

I didn't know how long I spent staring at her. I felt myself getting dizzy with lustful thoughts. I tried to resist but it was useless. My breathing became ragged as my heart began to race.

Koyuki noticed the change in my behavior and she gave me an awkward smile.

"Is something wrong, Kouichi-kun?" she asked with concern.

"Ah... no, nothing's wrong," I replied as I shook my head vigorously. I could not lie to her about something like this. I knew that I had been caught red-handed. Still, it was better than telling her the truth. I did not want Koyuki to think that I am a creep but at the same time, I was desperate to see more of her. No, no, no... this won't do! I need to get out of here! I quickly stood up from the sofa.

"I...I think I better head back now. Thanks for the dinner. Sorry for bothering you." I apologized and walked towards the door.

"Wait, Kouichi-kun," she called out as she ran towards me. At that moment, her legs got tangled together as she tripped over something lying on the floor. She crashed onto me, knocking the wind out of my lungs. I could feel her breasts pressed against my chest. She fell on top of me as her hands grabbed my waist. I felt her soft, warm breath on my neck as she struggled to catch her balance.

"Owww," she cried out softly as she pushed herself off of me and got up. She turned towards me and her gaze met mine. Our faces were mere centimeters apart. I felt the heat radiating off of her body. There was something hot inside of me that was burning. It was almost unbearable. It was as though I had never felt such intense passion before. My mind went blank as I looked into her eyes. We lay down in front of the door as we continued to stare at each other. Koyuki slowly leaned in closer, closing our gap, and just as our lips were about to touch, there was the sound of key turning in the lock.