

It all started with a seemingly innocent conversation... "Hey, hey. Have you heard about the website Guropeji?" *** He would like to think he is one of the good guys. And as long as he can remember, he has been doing his best to stay on the right side of life. He tries his best not to hurt anybody or anything around him. He always tries his hardest to make sure that everything goes well. But sometimes things happen that cannot be explained. Some events just come out of nowhere and change your whole world. His life took an unexpected turn when he found out that there was more to the world than what he had thought. That there were people who would do evil deeds for no reason other than that they wanted to. That some people didn't mind letting these things happen. And even worse, they actually relished watching others suffer. This is his story. A story of how his wish of protecting others became a nightmare of torture and death; of how he got involved in this world of blood and gore, and what he had to do to survive. Follow his journey into the twisted maze of life as he learns that to battle evil sometimes you have to give up being good, and become the monster instead. *** . . *WARNING* This novel is intended for MATURE audiences only as it contains scenes of violence, disturbing materials, and sexually explicit contents. Please proceed with caution. You have been warned. *END OF WARNING* . . *** 'Guropeji' will be updated every two days around 6-7 PM (UTC+7). Please vote or comment if you would like to read more stories. I will be grateful for any feedback as well =)

CygRyu · Kinh dị ma quái
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21 Chs

Enjoying yourself much?

The computer lab was located on the top floor of the building. As we made our way up the stairs, we passed by a number of classrooms and hallways filled with students. Out of the corridor windows, I could see the track team practicing in the courtyard below. Yumiko Takahashi was among the group of girls running around. She was wearing a light blue sports uniform. Her long legs were stretched out as she ran across the field, her ponytail swaying from side to side as she breathed heavily.

Suddenly she stopped and sat down on a bench. She was panting as she wiped the sweat off of her forehead with her hands. I saw her fingers gradually moved lower down on her body, finally resting on her thighs. I thought she might be wiping off her sweat but then I realized she was actually rubbing herself between her thighs.

She was touching herself!

She took her finger inside her underwear and rubbed it against her crotch, moving her hand faster and faster. She then leaned forward slightly as she continued to rub herself through her underwear. The sight made my heart beat faster.

Yumiko started to move her finger deeper into her underwear and began to moan quietly. The sound of her voice sent shivers down my spine. She then pulled her hand out of her pants and started to remove her light blue jersey, exposing her bra covered breasts. The rest of her teammates continued their training as if nothing had happened but my attention was firmly focused on the scene in front of me. She then proceeded to unhook her bra before dropping it to the ground. It was such an erotic sight that my eyes were glued on her boobs. Her breasts were firm and soft at the same time, large and round. They were full and bouncy. She cupped her tits with both hands and squeezed them, causing them to jiggle lightly.

She then continued to rub herself as if she was trying to get rid of the heat in her body. I watched in disbelief as she continued to masturbate in public in broad daylight. With one hand massaging her pussy and the other fondling her tits, Yumiko closed her eyes tightly as she moaned in pleasure. I could hear some of the guys making lewd remarks about her body. Their voices were drowned by the noise of laughter. However, the sight of Yumiko's full breasts bouncing up and down as she lay on her back and touched herself was enough to make my mouth water. My cock grew hard and I felt my balls ache as I watched her. She continued to caress her breasts and her pussy. She rubbed her clit slowly and sensually until a moan escaped her lips and she began to climax. I had never seen anything more erotic. The sight of her masturbating was so arousing that I couldn't help myself and had to touch my crotch.

"Oh god, that feels good," she moaned loudly.

"Yeah! She is so hot!" one of the guys called out.

They continued to talk about how sexy she was and how much they wanted to have sex with her but I didn't hear what they were saying anymore. I was too distracted by the vision of her masturbating in front of me. She was lying in the bench and her hands were moving rapidly between her thighs as her legs were spread open. There was something extremely stimulating seeing someone doing something sexual in public, especially when it involved someone you know. The feeling of being a voyeur, of watching something you shouldn't be watching, was incredibly exciting. I felt myself getting aroused again and I reached out towards my crotch to try and relieve some of the pressure building inside me.

As if sensing my presence, Yumiko opened her eyes wide and looked straight at me. For a moment, I panicked and froze in place, fearing I had been caught watching her. However, she just smiled at me with a knowing look in her eye and kept on pleasuring herself. I was shocked for a moment before realization dawned upon me that this was all part of the act.

Yumiko continued to rub herself furiously, moaning louder as if in pleasure. After a few more moments, she tensed up, closed her eyes, clenched her teeth and cried out, "Ahhhhhh! Fuck!"

She then threw her head back as if in ecstasy. I stood transfixed in shock as she writhed in pleasure on the bench. She continued to groan as she thrust her hips wildly and moved her hand faster. Soon her breathing became heavy as her eyes rolled around in her head as she approached orgasm.

After a few seconds, I heard a loud thump followed by a loud scream as Yumiko came. I watched in awe as her entire body jerked uncontrollably as she orgasmed. I could see that she had an intense orgasm as her whole body shook violently. I was amazed at her stamina and endurance. She then collapsed on the bench as she tried to catch her breath.

"That was...soo...good!" She said as she panted. "I love...love that..."



The sound broke me out of my daydreams. The spiky haired guy was calling for me.

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

I hurriedly walked over to him and the others. He gave me a strange look before turning around and walked away.

What was that just now?

In the courtyard, Yumiko was still running laps around the track, looking as energetic as ever. There was nobody on the bench, nor any indication that Yumiko had done anything there. What was wrong with me? I berated myself for an overly active imagination. After the incident with Koyuki in her apartment, I started having these wild fantasies more and more. I need to relax. I told myself to calm down. It's not healthy to think about these things too much. I needed to focus on the case first and foremost.

When we reached the computer lab, it was empty. Nobody was there except the six of us. There were a few dozen computers placed on tables with several chairs for students to sit around and use the computers. Since it was after school hours, most of the students must already had gone home.

The crooked nose guy gestured to one of the computers on the furthest side of the room and we sat down, huddling around each other. The crooked nose guy logged onto the computer using his username and password and waited for it to boot.

"Let me warn you beforehand guys," he began and looked at us one by one, stopping at the girls, "this web site is pretty hardcore. It shows some of the sickest shit in the world. You might not want to watch it if you are sensitive about stuff like that." Gone was his usual arrogant attitude. His face was serious, as if he was warning us about something dangerous. "So please don't blame me later on if you are scarred or traumatized by what you see."

"I don't think the girls should watch it," I interjected. "They might not be able to handle it."

"You don't speak for us," the black hair girl replied curtly. She glared at me with narrowed eyes. The short hair girl looked uneasy.

"If you say so. I'll leave it up to you then," I said as I held up the palm of my hand. At least I tried.

"Okay then," The crooked nose guy turned around and faced the computer screen, "Ready?"

We nodded and then he typed in the one-time URL address of Guropeji from his cell phone into the browser's address bar. We waited patiently as the screen loaded. A small window appeared on top of the screen displaying the web page's logo: a silhouette of what looked like a severed head with blood dripping from its neck. The background of the image was a deep red color.

After agreeing to the terms of service, the video started playing.


The first thing that appeared on the screen were a pair of feet dangling in the air above a large cauldron filled with what I assumed was water. The feet were pale white and wrinkled; a sign that they were old and dry. They were not moving. The owner must be unconscious.

The camera then zoomed out, revealing the rest of his body. He looked like an old man, perhaps in his sixties judging from the gray strands of his long hair. He had a bald head and a big belly. He was tied up by his wrists and ankles and his mouth was covered by some sort of cloth. He was naked, save for a pair of briefs that covered his lower half. His skin was tanned and rough. He also had some scars on his arms and legs, which looked like marks from rope burns. He was also fat, although not obese. Despite his age, he looked fit and well built, with bulging muscles under his skin.

He was suspended above the water by a thick rope binding his wrists and a metal hook, which was attached to a pulley system and a crane. The rope that he was suspended on looked very thick and durable. The lighting was dim but the footage was clear enough to make out what was going on. It was a bit blurry however due to the low light conditions.

Suddenly there was a male voice narrating "This is Sadao Ishibashi, an adulterer who was convicted for raping a young woman but was released due to lack of evidences. Ishibashi is a former businessman. He is currently 65 years old."

I noted this was the first time a narration was used to tell the victim's background. There was no narration in any of the previous 'Guropeji' videos I watched. I couldn't see the source of the voice. It sounded like it was coming from a distance, somewhere behind the camera.

The speaker continued on, "He may be able to escape justice through his connections but he won't be able to escape the wrath of God. Are you ready for your punishment?"

There was no response from Ishibashi. Was he dead? I couldn't tell because he wasn't moving.

The narrator continued "By the will of God, we shall begin his eternal suffering. Sadao Ishibashi will be boiled alive using an iron cauldron. The iron cauldron will be heated up to 500 degrees Celsius."

There were several gasps around me as the audiences realized what they were about to witness.

The camera zoomed out again, revealing the cauldron. It was a rather large iron pot, maybe 3 meters in diameter, filled with water.

"Ah, but one thing before that," the speaker said as he paused for a moment, "The one who requested this execution left you a message: 'The lady with the goose watch greets you.' Do you know who that was?"

I could tell from the speaker's voice that he was enjoying every moment of this. What a twisted individual. I could feel my blood boiling. How I wished I could end him with my bare hands right here and now.

At this comment, suddenly Ishibashi let out a loud groan as if he was waking up from a nightmare. When he did, his eyes were open wide and he looked around in panic. He struggled against the ropes that bound him but it was futile. There was a loud clang as he hit the metal hook hanging from the crane.

"Mmmpphhh!! Mmmppphh! Pppfffhh.." he grunted and struggled against the ropes.

"Don't worry, Mr. Ishibashi," the narrator spoke calmly. "God has sent you here today to suffer for your sins. Your sins shall soon be washed away. At least, those were the words from the lady with the goose watch."

At these words, a bright light appeared under the large cauldron. It took me a moment to realize that the light was coming from the flame underneath the cauldron. The flame flickered as it rose upward, illuminating the room.

"This is it, " the crooked nose guy said. I was so engrossed in the video that I forgot that he was right beside me.

And then the screaming began.