
Golden Days

"Who are you and why did you help me."

- "I am Gusion, I help you because you need it and that is what gentleman do"

"I am Lesley, thank you for everything Gusion."

The two split like winter and summer of the season in a year.

Lesley wondered the city not knowing where to begin in finding her parents until she sat at a wooden bench in the side of the park. She felt being thrown away from the dark and cry so much.

Meanwhile, a lady went to her knowing what's wrong. After the lady heard everything clearly, she questioned Lesley to go with her. Lesley agreed cause she felt so good with the lady.

She reached the house of the lady and see the husband a little boy named Harley. He was so expert in executing magical tricks.

Harley and Lesley had a strong bond and cares the self of each other.

One day, Lesley saw an quiant sniper gun placed in the wall at the living room. She started to watch it, as the husband noticed her, he gave the sniper and request to shoot the bird in the tree exactly at the heart. She was so confident and perfectly aim the bullet to the spot and now she became interested in using the weapon.