
Entering the Great Forest of Arendel

Vincent scanned the numbers of the elves that surrounded them. There were 15 archers and 10 warriors. So those are elves huh? With long ears and beautiful faces. All of them were fully equipped with bows, arrows, swords, and shields. Even if he and his team were equipped with advanced weaponry, there is no guarantee that they'd make it out of there alive.

The best choice right now is to show that they mean no harm and to de-escalate the situation.

"Everyone, lower your weapons," Vincent ordered.

His team hesitated, glancing at one another.

"But Sir..." Alpha 5 started.

"Do it," Vincent reiterated firmly. "We need to show them we mean no harm." Reluctantly, the team lowered their weapons, stepping back slightly to create a less threatening stance. Vincent stepped forward, his hands raised in a gesture of peace.

"I would like to introduce myself. My name is Vincent Stryder, I'm the Founder of the Shadow Paramilitary Operations. We are like a mercenary. The flame dragon that you are seeing lifelessly on the ground, we are the ones that did that."

"That's a lie!" Captain Aeron stepped forward, his expression stern and accusatory. "It was the metallic beast from above that killed the dragon. It is still flying overhead, watching us."

Vincent remained calm, lowering his hands slightly. "The metallic beast you speak of is our aircraft. It's ours."

Captain Aeron's eyes narrowed. "Prove it."

Vincent nodded and activated his radio. "Ghost Rider, this is Shadow Actual. I want you to fire a single round of 105 shells not far from our position. Fire for effect."

"Copy that, Shadow Actual. One round of 105 shells incoming. Over."

Moments later, a loud thud echoed through the forest as the AC-130 fired a single round. The shell landed a safe distance away, exploding with a powerful force that shook the ground and sent a shockwave through the area.

The elven warriors and archers looked around, startled and wary, but Captain Aeron's expression softened slightly, his suspicion giving way to cautious acceptance.

"It seems you do have control over the metallic beast," Captain Aeron admitted. "But we still do not fully trust you."

Vincent nodded, understanding their caution. "I understand your distrust. After all, we appeared out of nowhere. But we are here to help and to form alliances, not to make enemies."

Captain Aeron studied Vincent for a moment before nodding slowly. "Very well, Vincent Stryder. You and your team will come with us. We will take you to our leaders, and they will decide what to do with you."

Vincent signaled to his team, and they followed the elven warriors and archers deeper into the forest. As they walked, the tension began to ease slightly, and Vincent took the opportunity to observe his surroundings.

The Great Forest of Arendel was magnificent, with towering trees and vibrant flora that seemed to pulse with life. The bioluminescent plants cast a soft, ethereal glow, illuminating their path. However, Vincent also saw the destruction wrought by the Flame Dragon. Trees were scorched, and the ground was littered with debris. He saw elven healers tending to the wounded, their faces etched with worry and exhaustion.

Elven warriors lay on the ground, some motionless, others writhing in pain.

As they approached a larger clearing, Vincent noticed a huge tree in the center. This tree was unlike any he had seen before, its trunk massive and gnarled, with roots that spread out like ancient serpents. The tree's branches stretched skyward, draped with luminous vines that cast a gentle glow over the area, creating an almost otherworldly ambiance.

Captain Aeron led Vincent and his team towards the base of the tree, where King Thandor and Princess Elara stood, directing the efforts of their people. The king looked up as they approached, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"King Thandor, Princess Elara," Captain Aeron began, bowing slightly. "These are the ones who claim to have defeated the Flame Dragon."

King Thandor's gaze shifted to Vincent, his expression stern but curious. "Is this true?"

"Uhm...yes," Vincent said, his eyes shifting to the girl that was standing next to the king. She was otherworldly beautiful, long golden hair flowing down her back and emerald eyes that seemed to pierce through him.

"You claim to have defeated the Flame Dragon, yet you trod upon the soil. How is it possible? Where is the metallic beast in the air?"

"It's still above us, providing overwatch," Vincent replied, gesturing upward. "I have demonstrated the legitimacy of our aircraft by calling in a targeted strike. We are here to help, not to harm."

King Thandor's eyes narrowed as he assessed Vincent's words.

Princess Elara stepped forward, her gaze unwavering. "Your actions saved many lives today. We are grateful, but we must understand your true intentions. Why have you come to our land?"

Vincent took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. "We were actually heading towards the Dwarven Kingdom until we saw the Flame Dragon destroying a city which is named Ferm. And we chased after it to stop the destruction."

King Thandor looked at Elara, then back at Vincent. "So you just decided to kill the Flame Dragon after you saw it destroy a city. What were you again?"

"A mercenary with a noble cause?" King Thandor raised an eyebrow. "What country do you hail from?"

"We are not from any country," Vincent explained. "We operate independently, offering our services to those in need, wherever they may be."

King Thandor seemed to ponder this for a moment. "An independent force. Interesting. Your actions today have proven your strength, but your intentions remain to be seen."

Princess Elara nodded. "You must understand, our land has been through much turmoil. Trust is not easily given."

Vincent nodded. "I understand. We can leave if you like if we are not welcome here."

King Thandor interrupted, his expression softening slightly. "No, you misunderstand. We are not rejecting your presence. We merely seek to understand your true intentions and capabilities."

Princess Elara stepped closer, her eyes filled with curiosity and a hint of skepticism. "You mentioned you were heading to the Dwarven Kingdom. What business do you have there?" Vincent glanced at his team before replying. "We seek to establish alliances and offer our services to those in need. The Dwarven Kingdom has been on our list due to their advanced metallurgy and engineering. We believe we can collaborate for mutual benefit."

King Thandor nodded thoughtfully.

"Your intentions seem genuine. Well, that is enough questions for now. If you are the ones who brought down the Flame Dragon, then we owe you a debt of gratitude," King Thandor said, his tone shifting from suspicion to appreciation. "As a gesture of our thanks, we would like to invite you to a dinner celebration tonight. It will be an opportunity for us to get to know each other better."

Vincent inclined his head respectfully. "We would be honored."