
Chapter 9 First Gundam First fight

DING New mission FREEDOM RISING x men are in danger pilot your mobile suit to defend them. Pre reward ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam post reward body of a coordinator

Mike's eyes shot up as the Freedom landed less than 50 yards away and the system gave him the basics of how to pilot it. My first Gundam is the Freedom wow but based on the knowledge i was given I should just barley be able to use it in a fight. With that Mike quickly climbed into the Gundam and flew off in pursuit of the sentinels.

POV Kitty Pryde

Ove all the times for the heavy hitters to be gone. Kitty thought as Sentinel after Sentinel landed on the lawn of the school.Kitty glanced back of the people ready for combat only her wolverine collosus and wolfsbane where here. Cyclops and the professor had taken Jean and the others to look into the whereabouts of Magneto. Booom the last Sentinel landed and vegan to give directives. *ALL MUTANTS CEASE RESISTING LAY DOWN AND PREPARE FOR CONTAINMENT*

Containment? Kitty thought these metal clunkers can't capture. They were too big. As she thought this, she saw truck after truck with men in military uniforms pulling up. "Trask" Wolverine growled. " Hello again, weapon X." The military man said with a smugness that could be felt." Per the mutant registration act, you lot are to come along quietly" "That got repealed" Kitty said boldly. Her confidence deflated when Logan replied " Doesn't matter never has Trask is under the radar and If he says something it is going to happen." Extending his claws and preparing for a fight.


Kitty looked in shock as one of the Sentinels fell with its head blown off looking around a sheild fell out of nowhere and a robot weilding 2 laser sabers dropped from the sky slicing 2 more in half before a rail gun extended blasting another 2 through the chest. The entire fight took less that 30 seconds and a voice was heard from the newcomer "Need some help?"

POV Mike

I was flying above the sentinels as my cameras picked up the interaction between the x men and Trask. I waited till they were distracted and came in from above one shot with my beam rifle blew the head off one robot I sliced 2 more from above before using my railgun to finish the fight. I then asked over the loudspeaker " Need some help?" followed by me extending all guns forward and pointing them at Trask and his men. Trask was sweating bullets. " Do you have any idea who I am?" "No," I awnsered simply "And I don't really care I doubt whoever backed you wants it coming out that you attacked a bunch of kids and if you don't leave ill put the video my cameras recorded on every news service in the nation." The threat was blatant and effective Trask without a other word left. I glanced down to see Kitty Pryde and Xmen from Xmen evolution staring at me in shock. " Who are you? she asked. a friend I a2nsered before hearing the notification (Mission complete beginning conversion into Ultimate Coordinator will begin in 15 minutes user will be unconscious during conversion. (Shit) Mike thought before setting the auto pilot to Morganrote and taking off without another word.