
Chapter 37

POV Bloodsport

The night before.....

"We don't need to plant the explosives in the populated areas" Deadshot stated, "If all we need is to cause a diversion setting them out in the farmlands would be the better choice."

Bloodsport sighed they had had this discussion again and again. (Lawton was getting soft guess that was why Waller put me in charge.) "Fine Lawton go scout locations Plastique can plant them later."

Lawton nodded before leaving. "Really we are wasting time because he suddenly got a conscience?" Plastique asked.

"No plant the bombs like we planned." Bloodsport responded.

"What about Lawton?" Boomerang asked.

"He is becoming a liability." Vertigo responded

"Agreed shame he is going to be left behind to take all the heat while we eacape." Bloodsport said coldly.

A few minutes before Mike entered the hanger.....

"Shame we can't steal that one" Bloodsport said looking at the Freedom. "Biometric security system for it. Kid is no fool. Give it a surprise."

Plastique nodded placing several charges of C4 in the joints and between the thrusters on its back. she even managed to get a few into an open maintenance hatch.

"What the hell?!" Lawton yelled looking at a screen. "Those are not the bomb sites I designated."

Vertigo glanced at Bloodsport before turning his powers on Lawton rendering him unconscious. "Didn't feel like arguing with the fool let's go." He explained.

"FREEZE" a voice shouted Bloodsport looked over before shooting at Mike.

"Get on the robots!" he ordered as eh laid down covering fire till they could lauch before he himself launched after them.

Glancing at the scanner he saw the Freedomnin hot pursuit. As soon as they were far enough away Bloodsport gave Plastique the order to detonate. the explosions tore apart the Gundam as the stolen mobile suits were picked up by a Lex Corp spacecraft before heading back to Earth.

POV Mike

Mike woke up with a start he was in a hospital bed surrounded by Kitty Cassandra and Megan. They were crying as they saw him awake.

"What happened?" He asked the last thing he remembered was flying in pursuit of. "THE ZAKUS" Mike said trying to sit up. All three of the ladies forced him to stay laying down.

"Long gone, Bruce and the others are looking for clues." Cassandra responded. "Also thank Dick he saved you."

"How about Heliopolis?" Mike asked

"Better now lots of people injured but Galatea saw the bombs before they detonated she was able to get most off station and the few she failed to get only cause some injuries, no deaths. Superboy helped get the injured out." Kitty responded.

"And before you ask we got the intruder he is in a cell at the moment." Megan finished before all three looked at him.

"Next time you run off by yourself we will hurt you alot." Cassandra stated. "You nearly got yourself killed. You ran off half cooked with no backup. You saw bombs were in play and didn't think they might have set more."

Kitty picked up after her and Megan after Kitty all three scolding him for his recklessness. Mike tried to defend himself but he was overruled and had to simply agree "Never again I promise."

He was told he would be able to get out of bed sue to the Nano machines healing him but he was forbidden to get into a mobile suit for the foreseeable future. Mike agreed grumbling especially when the girls said that they would be making sure he followed the doctors instructions. He had a feeling that he was not going to win an argument with them any time soon.

As if the day couldn't get any worse, when they got to the command center Barbara showed that they had a breach in the computer system. " Your firewalls caught it but not before it got holdnof this file." She said pointing out a file that was labeled OFF LIMITS.

Mike began to panic a little seeing his reaction the others, the others asked what was wrong. "That file had access to certain Gundams that where never to see the light. Those projects were rejected because of various issues. Most of them would cause too much collateral damage. " He paused before continuing "In the wrong hands, those suits are a disaster. Do we have any leads?"

"No," Megan explained. "Lawton is in surgery removing a bomb planted in his neck he won't wake up till later" Mike slumped in a chair, this was a huge disaster and he felt like it was his fault

Dick approached, placing his hand on Mike's shoulder." It's going to be OK, we will find out who did this and make them pay."

Mike nodded before standing. "Your right," Mike then asked to get on the line with Fury. As they waited for the line to connect he said. "Dick how was the Shining Gundam?"

Dick thought he was goingnto be lectured, "Flew like a dream sorry I took it out without your ok."

"And if you hadn't I would be dead." Mike interrupted him, "I told you u hadn't found the right pilot for the Shining Gundam. I beleive I have found the right one now."

Dick glanced at him "Are you sure don't you need a new suit?"

Mike shook his head, "I tried to use it. I couldn't bring out half of what it can really do. Training begins tomorrow morning let's see if you can bring out its full potential."

Before Dick could respond Fury connected "Whats going on Mike?" He had heard a general idea but was informed that Mike would breif him when he woke up.

Mike explained the situation and asked him to look into things on his end. "If it was the goverment again?" Fury asked anxiously knowing that with members of the suicide squad involved it was a high possibility.

Mike's voiced became quiet but strangley everyone could hear him. "If the government knowingly sent them then they committed and act of terrorism, and attempted to assassinate a foreign head of state. Either one can be considered an act of war."

Fury began to sweat ( Those motherfuckers wouldn't pull something this stupid for a third time would they?) He thought nervously. Before he hung up Mike said "Oh Fury, if it is the same group either they deal with it or I do, if I need to I can show your government war."

Mike turned away. "Do you mean that?" Kitty asked, She had never seen him this mad.

"It would be a short war, Vega is looking for cadmus bases. Mobile suits would be dropped on each one destroying them in a series of precision strikes. No civilian or unaffiliated people will be targeted and there will be little to no collateral damage." Mike responded.

"I have to be firm this time, again and again we are attacked this time not only did they kill me they tried to kill my people. AS A DISTRACTION!" Mike yelled the last part. "Since the government doesn't want to reign them in I have to stand firm to show we will not be pushed around." He then left the room.

"He doesn't mean to be angry with you." Black Canary explained, "He is feeling guilty for not protecting his people. Guilty for not stopping this the last time they tried, and angry at himself. He has just been through a traumatic event." She then turned to look where he had left. "Follow him be there for him I doubt he is as strong as he is making himself appear."