
Chapter 20

POV Mike

When Mike returned to base he received notification that he had completed all objectives. The Archangel materialized in the transport bay, It had been changed to run off GN Drives and an AI had been added to run the ship similar to EDI in mass effect. It was limited to bare minimum needed to fly the ship, but it would do until he found a crew for her. the 1000000 MP was added to his account. He got the Cancer Mobile Armor blueprint from Gundam Wing. and as for knowledge and experience, he got Heero Yuy. this gave him fighting skills and experience with espionage and sabotage.

The next day after school, Mike bought blueprints for Mobile workers and enough materials to build it. costing him 25000 MP Since he had an abundant of MP at the moment, he bought the blueprints for a mass driver and the materials for 200000 MP setting the construction automations to building it. It was estimated to take 7 days to complete with them working on it around the clock.

As he was completing his work, the door buzzer started to go off. Looking at the camera, he found Kitty Pryde outside of his gate. (What the hell? What is she doing here?) he let her through the gate, going to meet her by the admin building. "Hey Kitty, how are you today?" Kitty responded by saying she was fine before asking "Your the one behind that giant robot, aren't you? " Mike stopped before looking at her."What do you mean?" Kitty responded, saying she was close enough to hear the voice from the speaker twice and had interacted with him at school. Mike made a mental note to add a voice modulator to the mobile suit.

"I won't tell anyone." Kitty said next , "who would believe me anyway. I would stay away from the mansion for a while, though. They are putting a lot of pressure on the professor to give you up calling you a public menace. And the professor is considering it to get then to leave the school alone."

"So what about the massive army they sent?" Kai asked, confused after all. Even an idealist like Xavier could recognize who was a friend and who was a foe.

"The government is claiming it was just Trask and a rogue element of the military. Not a government sanctioned operation." Kitty replied.

Kai was dumbstruck. he tried to help, and Xavier was ready to throw him under the bus to protect his precious school.

"And you?" Kai asked. " I believe you risked your life when you didn't have to. You are a friend and a hero I will not betray your trust." She paused, adding." I would have an escape plan ready, though they seem hellbent on finding you."

Kitty left after giving her warning, and Mike bought 10 more construction automations and sent them to speed up the construction of the mass driver. So if it came down to it, he could flee to space. He then bought 20 Pillbox AA turrets from Gundam Seed and another 60 automatons for extra security. Kai then went to the command center and located the base lockdown procedures. He hoped SHIELD would be enough to protect him, but it did not hurt to have a plan.

The rest of the week passed without any more 5 Peter arrived for the tour of Morganrote. At first, Peter was apprehensive about the weaponry that was visible but calmed a little down when Mike said they had been having trouble from super humans. He was then brought down to the labs and was like a kid in a candy store gushing over every piece of equipment in the lab.

He showed Peter everything from the robotics lab to the chemistry lab and demonstrated how cutting edge the labs were. Peter became more excited with every new toy. After the tour, Mike looked at Peter and asked, "Do you want to work here?" Peter was stunned."I'm just in high school." He responded. " So am I," said Mike, then offered Peter 30,000 a year part time until he graduated college plus all tuition paid. When he graduated, there would be a 60000 a year raise, and he would work full time for Morganrote. Peter was stunned. This kind of money could really help with the money trouble for him and Aunt May. "Think about it, Peter, I won't rush you, but I hope for an awnser soon." Mike stated. Peter went home thinking about Mike's offer.

Mike watched him as he left. No one knows just how smart Peter Parker is here. In the comics, one version ran a multi-million dollar tech company he built from the ground up. He created a web fluid that college chemists couldn't figure out managed to hack and alter both the iron spider suit and the Iron Man suit. his intelligence was easily on par with Stark, Richards, Wayne, or any other super genius that you could care to name. To get him on early was a godsend, and he looked forward to the day his investment paid off.