

Fantasia World is a place filled with various kinds of races. What makes this world even more mysterious is that in this world people can awaken their talent and can wield power that ordinary people can only look up to. Read the book to know more about it.

Shame_less007 · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs


John returned to his room and took a bath again. After that, he washed the clothes and wore another set of clothes.

Then he decided to go to the market and buy a mask to cover his face. As he didn't want people to know about his true face.

So he walked out of the house and soon reached the market. He began to search for the mask but he found none. So he bought a small piece of black cloth and he decided to tie his face and it would make his face half covered.

This would keep his identity hidden.

But before that, we walked towards the inn and inquired about the person who saved him.

So he soon found the mistress who said," Boy have you run away without saying thank you to the Tram. He was the one who sent you here. You can find him at the city gate".

" Hey mistress bring me a plate of barbeque".

The mistress immediately took the orders and said," Hurry up and leave if you don't want to order anything".

John said," Thank you, mistress".

Saying so he walked away. As for the name of the owner was given Mistress as she was alone and also provided services at night. So many adventures would hire her and enjoy the nighttime.

John walked towards the city gate and soon found two guards.

He walked to them and asked," Sir can you tell me where Mr. Tram is".

Tram looked at the boy and asked," I am Tram. What brings you here young lad?".

John immediately asked," Were you the one who saved me last night?".

Tram immediately replied," Nope I wasn't the one. It was the people from Rose Adventurer who saved you. Hurry up and leave as I need to check that merchant".

John also found a cart being drawn by Swift Horses. The Swift's speed was comparable to a bullet train in his previous life. So the merchant used them to transport the goods from one place to another.

John also left the place and decided to head to the adventurer building and thank the Rose Adventurer team.

Ten minutes later.

He walked inside the Adventurer building. It was a big wooden house with four floors. The top floor was the place where the president of this building lived. The ground floor was the place where the receptionist sat and there was also a task board where people could post tasks.

As for the second and third floors people with privileges could go there.

John walked towards the receptionist and found that it was a beautiful young woman in her twenties.

He looked at her and asked," Hello can you tell me where the Rose Adventure Team is?".

Kelly who was doing her work stooped and then she looked towards the source of the voice and found a thin man with a fair complexion looking at her.

" Young man don't you know that it's rude to ask about any team information? Seeing you are a newbie I would like to ask you why you want to find the Rose Team?".

John was stunned and he said in a calm tone," Sorry Miss. I wanted to find them to thank them as they saved my life last night".

Kelly had a surprised expression on her face and she said," Your luck was good to be saved by them. But the Rose team had already taken the task an hour ago and left this place".

John had a look of regret and asked," When will they return?".

Kelly replied," Sorry but I can't reveal the details".

John immediately said," Sorry I shouldn't have asked about it".

Kelly smiled and said," It's okay".

John then asked," Can I take the task from the board?".

Kelly smiled and replied," Only if you have joined the adventurer association".

John asked with a curious expression," Is there any benefit to joining the Adventure Association?".

Kelly smiled and began to tell.

" Joining the Adventure Association can help you get access to pick up the task. By completing them you can get the task rewards. Most of them are given in coins and rare cases where you can get equipment and also precious scrolls, etc".

" After each task you complete successfully you can get contribution points. You can use them to redeem exclusive equipment, scrolls, potions, etc".

John had a look of understanding and then he asked," Will the adventure alliance force me to sign a contract or something? Also is there any task that will be forced on me even if I don't want to do it?".

Kelly gave the boy a surprised look and she said," There are no contracts required for you to sign. Mandatory tasks will be only applied in cases of emergency like if there are beast tide".

John felt relieved in his heart and then he asked," Can you tell me what the requirements needed to join the Adventurer Association?".

"You can become a member just by showing your adventure token and you must have cleared a newbie dungeon. Also, you must pay one silver coin to get your token".

Kelly said with a smile.

John immediately took out his token and said," I have cleared the newbie dungeon. Can you help me with the process".

Kelly took the wooden token and said," Mr. John Wick, give me a minute. I will do the paperwork".

A minute later.

Kelly made a new token and it was made from iron. She said," This is your token. It can be upgraded after you have completed several tasks. Also here is one health potion that each newbie adventurer is given".

John picked up the iron token and healing potion and shoved them inside his pocket. Then he asked," Sorry but I forgot to ask your name?".

Kelly replied with a smile," Next time be sure to ask the name first before engaging in conversation".

John had a look of embarrassment while Kelly said," My name is Kelly".

John said," Okay Kelly see you later".

Saying so he walked toward the task board.