
Chapter 6: Truth or dare?

Next day.

Friday, best day of the week, after Saturday of course. I borrowed my sister's shirt this time, it's so small that i can feel my abs exploding under the shirt.

At school everyone was talking about some party, some fancy party, it's like the ones i used to do and everyone talked about.

"So you coming to that party tonight everyone talking about?" Jacob catches me off guard.

"I don't know, I guess I'm not going, It's hard to pretend to be gay, and If I'm going to that party, I must lay low, or i will ruin everything, cause I'm the party master."

I say with sarcasm.

"Yeah, whatever you say, party master, well i'm going and it's gonna be epic" And he left.

So i went to see who was going.

"Hey heather you going to that party?" I ask. "Sure, i always go to parties, i never miss one." I am surprised.

"I didn't see you as the type to party" she smiled and reassured me "Well, I'm full of surprises"

I am so stupid, now that you think of it, if i had tried more to get her I may not have been in this mess, cause if you remember she said she was about to break her promise to stay single. Fuck.

"Yeah i am coming too, i like going to parties".

"Tyler, I am having a sleepover and all my friends are coming, if you want you are invited to come after the party" heck yea  that's what i've been waiting for.

"Sure i'll come"

"See you tonight then"

After school I took a shower and changed my clothes. At exactly 8 o'clock I headed to the address they sent me.

The party was lit, just like the parties back home. I started searching for Heather, or some of her friends, i found her talking to someone, so I looked for Jacob instead, i found him and he was already drunk

"Man, are you drunk? It's barely 9 pm, how many drink did you have?" He starts dancing and waving his hands in the air and yelling

"This party is on fire, and it just started".

Well at least he knew that the party has just begun, meh, he would be fine.

After some time, someone gathered all of us in the living room and wanted to play truth or dare, they forced to me to join the game since i am the new guy.

Unfortunately my turn came, and i chose truth, even though i might lie to hide my cover, i can't risk choosing dare.

And someone asks me "How many times have you dated someone and kissed someone" well fuck i should have chosen dare, I'm supposed to be a gay who no one knows about, and I lost count how many girls i've kissed or dated, so i spilled some random numbers "Umm, I, I've dated five people and kissed... seven? Seven."

They then continued to play until they changed the game to fucking spin the bottle, and of course I am also forced to play. They spin the bottle it lands on me and some random red headed girl. I kissed her, cause I didn't want everyone in school to know that i am gay.

But some time later, it lands on me again with some fuckin' dude, hell no, kill me now, but I didn't want to seem like the new guy who isn't up for a challenge so I leaned in and kissed him, like 3 seconds. I wanna die, like literally.

Finally the party ended, we went to Heather's place.

"Your house is nice" I said, but more like enormous. We were 2 girls without Heather, 3 gays including me. We went to her room, she gave us some of her pjs, since it's 2 in the morning, and then the girls started undressing, all of them started undressing but my eyes was on the girls, especially Heather. I also got into some girly pyjamas.

Then, Heather stood up and said

"Guys, i want you to meet my cousin, she is new here she landed yesterday."

And a beautiful girl enters the room, brown straight hair, stunning hazel eyes, she was wearing a black crop top with a black skirt and a white pair of airforce. Damn i should've gone for her cousin. She smiled and waved at us, but when her eyes met mine, she freezes and then sprint out of the room as if she saw a ghost. What just happened, did she already fall for me? Am I that irresistible? Heather cut the awkward silence

"I'm sorry, Millie is a little shy sometimes, but this is new, but she will eventually get used to you."

Millie, so that's her name, where did i hear this name before, and then it hits me, hell no, the Millie? the panda bear from 2 years ago? This is impossible, fuck, the one i used to bully, she must be devastated to see me again, so I am the ghost she saw.

I have to talk to her, she knows i am straight, she might blow my cover. This is a nightmare.