
Guilty God

The entirety of Atalanta was once devastated by a plague launched against mankind, which nearly wiped out humans by distorting their souls. It was also believed to be the punishment of those who violated the laws of the universe. As a result, the ones who were directly affected by this phenomenon were cursed with strange powers, thus labelled as Sinners of the system. The curse was not something that could be undone. It was an endless cycle of inheriting the greatest sins of your past self and manifesting corrupted mana. Despite the curse granting them power, it was a double-edged sword, because the more Sinners use their powers, the more it corrodes their mind. For this matter, the people of Atalanta needed to crown a "God" who would fulfill the duty of eradicating evil. Therefore, the Atonement was established. It the method of choosing the next god, a tournament in which Sinners are pitted against one another and the one who emerges as the victor, regardless of their age, gender, race or social status, can indiscriminately challenge the current god to gain absolute authority over Sinners. The story follows Amity Aristiea of the nobility, the first and only noble who manifested the curse. After being exiled at the age of five, his banishment was finally lifted when he turned fifteen -- because he was ordered to participate in the Atonement. The only problem was that the ill-fated prince didn't have any interest in playing god.

Chigiri · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs


I had a dream. A sad and tragic dream.

There was a man seated on a blood-soaked throne in a palace which was on the verge of collapse. The whole vicinity was in a devastating state, as if a climactic battle had just taken place. Having lost its dome, the palace was exposed to the dark skies, and as if the heavens were mourning for the melancholic scene, rain began pouring heavily.

"There is no peace in a world where you exist. I cannot let you live any longer."

In front of him stood a deity in the form of a woman, whose eyes resembled the sun, so bright and shining to a blinding point. On her hand was a thundering sword, to which she raised and pointed to the man seated on the throne. Shortly, the woman spat her next words as if they were poison.

"Your decision has left the world in ruins. With your own hands, you destroyed the world that we were supposed to protect."

A rich amount of pure mana began concentrating around them.

"Brother, why did you do it?" The woman queried with a pained expression.


The man remained quiet and still on his seat. His eyes seemed dead and unmoved.

Upon receiving no response, she tightened her grip on the hilt. Without a moment of hesitation, she swung her sword and severed the head of the man in an instant. However, in those split seconds before the blade could touch his neck, the man spoke softly.

"Because I was the only one who can do it."

Those were the last words of a fallen god who betrayed the world.

So I had a dream. A sad and tragic dream.

But the thing about dreams, they either end up becoming real or being forgotten.

Sometimes they pass as both – a nightmare that you have to live in order to remember.