

When Letty and I finally arrived at the countryside, I felt relieved for some reasons. Some children were playing moro-moro and some were hiding behind the trees.

The group of old men gathered in front of a small store were actively laughing through their conversations but then eventually stopped. A few of them were giving me angry looks and some smiled at me.

"Let's go. Our houses might also be snatched away from us. She's a child of Don Emilio. Remember, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree," muttered by the ladies who were holding a basket full of vegetables, as they scattered one by one.

I merely ignored them and continued to walk straight while Letty, on the other hand, almost ran just to catch me.

"Will you please walk faster, Letty? I might get killed by the people here."

She walked beside me. I thought she did that for us to walk side by side but I thought wrong, because she was just going to ask for permission.

"I'll just go buy a candle. Circuit interruption happens here a lot."

We took time to stop at one of the stores that was aligned with the houses made with palm trees and patched woods. I roamed my eyes around the area whilst waiting for Letty.

I noticed that there were only a few houses made with concrete blocks. Some of the kids were even wearing tattered and dirty clothes. I also saw some young girls carrying a baby whilst making them drink milk from their breast. Another young girl approached her and wiped the baby's nose using a small piece of fabric.

"I'll buy ice too," Letty said. She was still not yet done buying things.

It's a good thing she decided to buy ice as well. She can't let me drink water that is not cold.

I took advantage of her being focused on buying things. I approached one of the kids playing. She tripped because of the stone that he failed to notice.

I helped her stand. "Are you okay?"

I then saw through my peripheral vision that a man, who was limping, walked towards us. I also noticed there was a wound on her forehead. When my eyes fell down on his knee, it was wrapped with a fabric.

"Yes. I am okay. If I am not mistaken, Big Sister, you are the actress I saw on TV?" The child passionately asked. I shook off the dust on her back, which was dirtied because she stumbled.

"Yes. Are you keeping on track of my TV series?" She scratched her head and shyly nodded.

"Yes, but only sometimes. We don't have our own TV at home. My father sold it."

She hugged his father. "Father, you should be resting at home," the child stated. She understands the pain his father was feeling. It's good to know that even when she was still young, she was able to understand her father's condition.

They were able to reach their house fast because it was not that far from where we were positioned.

"Excuse me, Child. Are you Don Emilio's daughter?" I nodded and smiled at him.

"Yes, I am."

"Child, do you know what kind of person your father is?" He gently asked. I stared straight at his eyes. Sadness and helplessness were both visible in his eyes.

"Mang Pedring!" I was startled when I felt someone's hands on my shoulders—it was Letty's.

"Get off your hands, Letty." Right after I said that, she retracted her hands. I felt cold, probably because of the ice she was holding.

"Can we talk for a moment please?" They distanced themselves from me. That's why I was not able to hear what they were talking about. Letty hinted to me that they wouldn't take long and so I nodded.

I watched them as they exchanged words with each other and it didn't take long before they were done.

"We'll get going Mang Pedring. Thank you!" The old man simply nodded.

I wonder what they were talking about.

"Wait. You were about to tell me something a moment ago, what is it?"

I saw Letty and the old man exchanged glances.

"I want to tell you that I hope you will enjoy your stay here." I know that was not what he wanted to tell me. I feel like there's something I must know. But on the other hand, I might be just paranoid.

"Let's go. I feel like the sun's burning my skin. Well then, Mang Pedring, we'll go first." Letty let out a laugh upon hearing what I have said. She then dragged me when a tricycle stopped before us. I didn't hesitate as I got on the tricycle. From inside the tricycle, I observed the old man we left at our previous spot.

The moment we got off the tricycle, I handed to the driver the money for the payment and Letty insisted that she didn't want me to pay for her. But in the end, she was not able to do anything to stop me.

When the tricycle drove away from us, the dust of the dried soil reached my nose, which made me cough a couple of times.

"Oh dear! Piper! You might get sick!" Letty guided me as we entered the yard of their house.

"You're overreacting!" She chuckled upon hearing my words. She knows that I hate it when my nose gets contact with dust but since people change it is now fine with me. Especially since this place is my comfort zone during the times I was feeling blue.

When we reached the terrace of their house, she let me sit on the bench and she entered the house with my things. While sitting on the wooden bench, I observed their garden and noticed that there were still a lot of plants and vegetables, and even my favorite tree was still there.

My eyes stopped at the other houses and compared before, there were few of them now.

"Señorita Piper!" Letty's older brother called. We are around the same age. He was wearing a simple white colored sleeveless shirt and green shorts. His hair was even messy and he was holding a ladle.

"How are you Abel? You seem to be more handsome." He looks manlier now than before. He changed a lot because other than his skin tone turned whiter than before, his body also became muscular.

"Don't call me Señorita again. We are not at the mansion and I'm staying here for months." His jaw dropped when he heard what I said. I stood and walked past him. I went straight to the kitchen and took a glass of water.

Their house changed drastically from the outside to the inside. Before it was made with palm trees and now half of it is made with concrete blocks. But there's still no proper ceiling.

"Wow! You're not being stagy. What happened to you?" I didn't notice he was following me and he even gave me a seat to sit. I saw through my peripheral vision that Letty was preparing our food.

That's good. It means we'll be finally eating our lunch. Coincidentally, I'm starting to feel hungry.