
Guardians of Managas

Welcome to the world of Malintia, where almost every person has the ability to transform into ancient and mythical creatures. Well, everyone except me. My name is Jop, and I live in a small village in the peaceful kingdom of Managas. This is my story of how I became the savior of our world.( first time writing so it might be shit but i hope it will be at lest somewhat entertaining )

RandomJOP · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

Chapter 18: Time to spread out

It's been 5 months since we began our hellish training with Ari. We all got pretty good but Ari told us we need to gain real missions and combat exp so we will be going to do adventurer guild missions since she is registering our group. I also unlocked my hybrid form. I'm gonna tell Ari about it but tbh idk what it does yet.

Ari and Prince Persi walked into our room where we all waited

(Ari) Guys, I'm proud of you. Yall did grow so much in just 5 months and that is impressive. However, as you know getting you in shape wasn't our only objective. We need to get you guys into an S class adventure. In order to accomplish that, I want you to spend the remaining 7 months doing just that.

(Max) That's fine it was time but how is our guild called tho?

(Ari) Well idk if you gonna like it but i called us the Mythical Horizons Guild

(Jop) I like it

(Yen) Yea, we're becoming the most legendary of the myths

Everyone agreed on the name. At that moment I told Ari about my hybrid form called grimm eyes. However, whenever I transform the eyes seem normal to me so it might be a worthless hybrid form.

(Ari) Show me

I used my grimm eyes and to my surprise, I see prince Persi walking kane is flossing with weird energy.

(Jop) Prince Persi your walking cane it flows with energy

Prince Persi was surprised by what he heard and laughed

(Persi) That's it you are our second key to our problem . Yes my kane is not an ordinary cane it is a magical artifact. It seems your grim eyes can see magical energy emanating from objects.

(Ari) The Mountain

(Jop) HUH?

(Ari) You can find it. It is hidden somewhere in the capital city. So change of plans we will get you into the capital and your mission will be to find the mountain hidden there as well as raising your adventure rank.

(Persi) Yea imma get the fake papers ready for you as well as monetary aid for your cost of living there.

(Jop) Okay, so I should infiltrate the enemy main city, raise my rank and at the same time search for a hidden artifact.

(Persi) Yes you don't need to destroy it yet tho. Just locate it for us so we know where it is when the fight starts.

(Ari) Yea your mission will be to destroy it during our attack. I'm gonna take care of Genshi, Inrot and Persi gonna take care of Zang when Olympus falls. As a result, he loses the meaning of retreat. Naturally, i'm sure we will face the skykingts as our opposition so you need to gain real combat exp. Which means adventurers' mission boards

You can start with C missions and move up the ladder to S missions. You become an S adventurer when you complete a S mission.

(Canji) All sounds easy. So when do we start?

(Ari) Tomorrow, we're going to split up. You need to gain experience on your own.

Jop you gonna take on a missions in the capital and the sky realm, Max You gonna stay here in the wave realm.

Me and Yen will go to the underground realm and Canji and Aquadoor will go to a big island beside the Olypm kingdom called Preach Island.

(Yen) I thought we split up, but you are coming with me and Aquador is coming with

Canji. Cmon Ari we are ready

(Aquadoor) We know you're ready, it's just that Canji has the least experience in the group and Ari won't be with you. You just travel to the same place you are on your own with the Missions Yen.

(Yen) That's fine then

(Canji) Yeah, I do want to work with you Aqua

(Aquadoor) Same Canji.

(Ari) Then let eat first then pack we all leave before you Jop you gonna be late for a week since Persi will get you all you need for your task.

And so everyone beside Max and me left . I told Max he can start doing missions but he refused. He said to me he wait for me to travel so that he won't get the advantage of becoming S class.first. He took it as a competition. And i welcomed it. After a week it was finally time to travel with a big mission to the Olypmia.

to be Continue