
Guardian in Orario (up for adoption)

This has a similar setting as my first book. Izuku died and reincarnated as a baby. The world the baby was born in a very cruel and twisted. After adapting to the world and gaining strength beyond what others could even dream of, he died. Now, on his third life, his cheat, the golden finger, came in late. In a world of monster, magic, and gods, he decided he will be at the top. I do not own Danmachi, I do not own anything but the plot and OCs. Do not expect anything grand or the like, I am just doing this for fun, everything I type is just things that come to my mind, so it will probably not be consistent or very good, if you hate systems, reincarnation, OP characters, or just a jackass of a main character who doesn’t really care about the lives and deaths of others, this isn’t the book for you, I hope you find a book or fanfic you like.

DaoistLvbLz6 · Khác
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22 Chs

Chapter 10

A large trade caravan came into the small Village of Marsh. Five carriages rode into the village market. From one of the emblem on the carriages, it would seem they came from Alahan. A rich kingdom that loves to magic stones. The reason is quite simple, almost everything they have is powered by magic stones. This magic stones are popular, and they could be sold at a high price.

"My name is Goldish, I lead a caravan of the Kingdom of Alahan." The man said with a bow.

"My name is Author York, I run this small Village of Marsh." Author said with a nod.

"We have much specialties from our kingdom." He said, showing a large amount of goods. The Kingdom of Alahan creates many specialties like sugar, wine, tobacco, and alcohol.

They have no good natural resources thus they process the resources they import and export them.

"I do not have much money to buy your commodities, but what I do have are magic stones." He said, having his soldiers bring five large baskets of magic stones.

"I hope these will do well with you." He said. The merchant walked up to the baskets and started to inspect the products.

Author knew it would get a pretty good price, he used a little demonic art to do so. Demonic infusion. Where he uses his aura and turns it demonic, then he would add the aura into magic stones, this increase the value of magic stones by increasing the energies within the magic stones.

"These are good, I will pay five gold for these three baskets of magic stones and four gold coins for these two baskets of magic stones." The merchant said, trying to rip him off.

"My friend, why would you rip me off, my brothers risked their lives to get these. I am quite sure you gave give me a better deal." He said, his tone and voice almost sounded like the sweet voice of the devil.

"As much as I would like to do that, this is the standard price." He tried saying, Author however already knows standard price and even this was lower than that.

"It seems you don't understand that I am not the one in need of money, you are, I can easily not make this deal and not lose a single amount of sleep over this, but you as a merchant will." He said, this time it was one full of confidence, because he knew the ways of a merchant.

"I see, you have done this at least a few times, very well, eleven gold total, any more and I might not make profit." He said, that price was actually a bit above the average price of Alahan.

"You got yourself a deal." Author agreed and they shook on it, they traded the magic stones and received the money.

They would still make a large profit after this. So it was basically a win win situation for both of them.

"I require nothing else." Author said and both of them made their way, the caravan left the village and Author went over to his house.

Author checked on the notification, the one about the level up.

[ Upgradable troops: Domanan Conscripts x13 ]

[ Spend 20 silver coins for each level up to Domana Soldiers. ]

"Level up all of the conscripts." He declared. He felt money leave his wallet and enter the system. He also witnessed as lights engulfed thirteen people and they came out as soldiers.

Now he also had the gacha pull, he could use it right now, or later, both had benefits, but he can't figure out what benefits could be gained. After all, this is completely randomized, so he might not even get a good benefit. So he left this to chance as well, he took a coin, and flipped it. 'Heads for now, tails for later.'

The coin went up and back down, it landed on his hand and received heads.

"System, use the Gacha Pull." He said, the system illuminated a chest that shook, it shook again and a copper card bursted out from the chest. The chest disappeared and the light shone on the card.

[ You have acquired: Domanan Squire x5 ]

'What the hell.' He thought, he looked at this card and what he received, five Domanan squires. They are much more powerful just about anyone in this world. The only exceptions would be those blessed by gods.

Five people appeared from a light that appeared from nowhere. They wore leather armor which covered scales and nail armor. They wore a helmet that left only the mouth and eye holes open. They wore boots made of iron over ones made of leather.

They held a large spear over their arms, they were over two and a half meters tall, both person and spear. The spear tip was large and heavy, the shaft were over three inches wide.

They had heater shields that were made almost completely of metal. On the surface of the shield was the symbol of the Kingdom of Domana, a shield, sword, and spear in front of a red back ground.

They had long sword in their waist, just under them were two daggers that were not like short swords. They were made of good iron with good smithing techniques.

On their backs were long bows, made of wood and the tendons of monsters. Pointing to the right and under their bow was a leather quiver full of arrows, around thirty five arrows.

Not only that, but they were muscular, full of scars, and had the face of people who had seen it all. They walked with confidence and power in each step. Their posture suggested the practice of martial arts. Their cores were also in the tenth stage of intermediate, so their difference in power were extremely large.

But that also meant their wages would also be very large. He had a very bad feeling about that as well. He could only hope they didn't make much, he didn't make much as a squire.

He went over to the barracks and used it to recruit three more conscripts. Calculating his troops and the wages he wasn't very pleased.

It was single silver per conscript, three for each soldier, and six per each squire. Thirty three for the conscripts, sixty nine for the soldiers, and thirty for the squires. That is one gold and thirty two silver in wages, he had one hundred and fifty peasants, that is one gold and fifty silver, just above the amount of money he needs to pay.

"I really need more people." He said, actually, what he needed are more resources, he only has trees at the moment, but he would like to make paper or silk or actually he could make paper right now, paper or parchment can be sold for quite a lot, both in his world and especially in this world, this world is even more primitive compared to his world in many ways.

The paper they make are low quality, expensive, tear easily, and their ink spreads and soak in easily, so he would make a slightly better paper and sell it, mostly for silver and gold compared to Valis.

That day he spent training ten peasants on the ways of crafting. He taught them how to make paper, oil, soap, and beer. Using some magic to get the ingredients, they made paper, oil, soap, and ale. All nowhere near the level of modern stuff, aside from the ale, and more primitive.

But they should sell well to any caravans that happens to pass by. As for the other one hundred forty people, they will just cultivate the fields. The thing that takes up most of the time needed when making the items is just waiting, so they can make something and wait before it it fully completed, and while they wait, they make more.

So ten people are enough. The problem is that there are no place fully dedicated to make these things, if there were, it would be so much faster and better too.