

Dike_Peters · Kinh dị ma quái
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10 Chs

Chapter 1: Such A Boring Day

***A wide room was brought to view. On its walls were posters of several pro-basketball players and some creative drawings of some characters in anime and comics. At one side of the room,a futuristic laptop sat beside a wide computer on a single table. Some books and game consoles were neatly arranged on another table and a shelf, and at the top of the door that led an individual inside was a basketball net. At the rear side of the room was a bed that contained a figure still asleep. On a pillow sat a basketball, and beside the bed was a study table with several items neatly arranged on it, and an alarm clock. It was a Wednesday, 19th of September 2061.


The alarm clock rang, and with a swift swipe at the top of alarm clock, it went off. 7:00am.

The sun rays peeked in through several windows in the room, Jacob got out of bed, his eyes wide open as if he hadn't slept at all. He lightly yawned and did some stretches before grabbing a bottled water and drank to his fill.

Jacob: "(Another boring day.)" He casually looked around his room before dressing his bed. After which, he headed for the washroom.

Few mins later.

***Jacob descended from the stairs on a pair of black socks. A basketball was tucked in his left arm. He was set for school, wearing a white long sleeve shirt, a fitting pair of black school trousers, a black blazer, and a black wind breaker. On the left chest side of his wind breaker was his school badge.(Naturally, the badge consisted of two golden arms holding a lit golden torch, and the motto was: Success prevails.)

Jacob got down from the staircase and instantly tossed the basketball onto the couch. All of a sudden, a holographic face appeared before Jacob. Surprisingly, he wasn't startled. This was a normal routine of ALEXA towards him.

ALEXA:'Good morning Jacob, how was your night? Hope you slept well?' Jacob ignored her and headed straight for the kitchen."I'll take your non-response as a yes since its usual. Anyways,  your mother left a voice note before she left this morning. Would you like to listen to it?"


ALEXA:'<Good morning son, how're you doing? I hope you slept well....I just wanted to inform you that-->' The voice of his mother, Kayla was clearly heard. Jacob turned to face ALEXA. He had an indifferent look on his face.

Jacob:"I thought i said you shouldn't play it?"

ALEXA:'According to what your mother said, her orders were to make you listen to what she had to say, regardless of whether you wanted to or not.'

Jacob:"Is that so?"


Jacob:"Turn off ALEXA." The holographic facial feature of ALEXA disappeared."Such a pain."

***Jacob finished making some toasts and even packed some to go. Jacob hung his school bag on his left shoulder and put on a pair of black jordans (Nike). Jacob left the house and headed for the bus stop. Sometimes, he casually bounced the basketball on the side pavement he walked on. His school was quite a long distance from his house. So, he occasionally took the bus to school. Jacob looked into the clear blue sky. It was beautiful, but aside from that, things seemed ugly to Jacob. Demons went about their daily routine. Some flew around, others clinged dearly to their host, and some crouched on street lights scanning their environment. Jacob could see them, but instead, he was never caught in a daze or frightened.  Instead, he minded his business. Not only could he see them,  but they could clearly see him. He was still human, not a spirit.

On the way, he overhead the conversation of a man who seemed to be In his mid-fourties with a woman similar In age.

Man:"I heard you haven't been sleeping. Is every thing alright?"

Woman:"Yeah, everything is fine. I guess its because of work."

Man:"That doesn't mean you should stress yourself so much. We're in a new era, things are easier now." The woman nodded.

Woman:"Okay, I'll get one of them. Come to think of it, I feel a heavy burden on my shoulders."

Man:"Then take a day off work and relax."

Woman:"I'll do as you've said. Alright then, it's best I get going now. Thank you. Bye."

Man:"Bye. Call me when you get better." The female hurriedly rushed off while nodding.

***The true sense of it all was that...Jacob was much more focused on the creature that hung on her back. A Dwarf like Demon hung on her back with its curved sharp talons immersed deeply in her shoulders. Its dark scaly skin radiated the sun rays on it. It exposed a crooked smile when it's big yellowish eyes came In contact with Jacob's own. It let out sulphurous breaths, exposing it's sharp rows of teeth. The demon swung it's arrow shaped tail in happiness as it fed. A clinger. Jacob had names for this things. Jacob shook his head and minded his business. He was sure of one thing.

Jacob:"(She won't last long.)"

Jacob finally arrived at the bus stop and got into a waiting bus. He paid the fare and went over to sit  on a vacant space. The situation in the bus was tough. Countless large yellow eyes fixed their sights on him. Jacob took a look at them. Majority of this creatures sneered at him and gave him fierce gazes. He shifted his view and took out his phone to view what was currently happening. Surprisingly, this was what he liked doing. Scanning through the news. The bus got filled up within minutes and was set for its destination. Another occurrence happened. A loud blare of an ambulance siren attracted his attention. The emergency vehicle moved at a very fast speed passing through traffic with ease. Unknowingly to the passengers who were in the bus, Jacob was attracted to the sight of blood on the road. A demon was feeding. The rushed individual in the ambulance was on the verge of dying. There was nothing to do about it. Jacob shook his head once again. The Demons in the bus rejoiced in joy and awe. The sight of fresh blood was very suiting to them, though they couldn't leave their host and join in the feast. They cursed and wailed in an unknown language. Even Jacob didn't understand. But the surprising thing was....no one in the bus heard what was currently going on. It felt normal....unknown to majority of the individuals that deadly creatures hung on their backs.

Jacob:"(Its just like I said earlier...another boring day.)" Jacob exhaled and kept on minding his business.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Though, things entitled to the story requires a lot of explanations, and that's what I shall be doing now. So, let's start with the MC.

His name is Jacob Oyster. He's 15 years of age. Lives in Brooklyne NYC. He's a plain guy with above average looks, well - built body, black hair, and dark bottomless eyes. (He's already sprouting a moustache and a beard. Seriously, why am I putting this?) Well, he's 5 feet and 7 inches tall(5'7). Just as I said earlier in the description. Weighs 72kg, and err...that's all about his features. He's blessed with a gift...but he sees it as a curse. Oh yeah, one more thing., ●His soul is very very special.● I don't want to spoil the fun, so, I'll keep this one on hold for now.

Now, based on his mother. His mom is a nurse who actually, in the major sense...has no time for her child. She's always busy working and usually, the few times she gets to see him are usually late in the night, and probably a few times in the morning. Her name is Kayla Oyster.

Jacob's father....Alex Oyster was a very good influence to Jacob. Ofcourse he loved his dad until he died, and seeing his death tore him apart. Jacob became a very cold - hearted person due to this. Jacob's mother had tried her possible best to bring Jacob back to his normal self, but it all proved futile.

Now, about the story....The story is majorly fixed on DEMONS AND PRACTICALLY ANGELS, and also about a character who has been gifted to see this creatures. Now, there shall be an influx based on Light and Darkness. Basically, I know my friends will be shocked about this book I'm writing,  since it's based on the bible. Oh well, everything has been planned well anyways. Now, moving on to the main story.....Demons and Angels are involved. Though there are major things I  want to explain. They are:

☆The ways at which a demon possesses a person.

☆The ways at which a person can  draw power from its demon.

☆And also, I will be bringing so many things based on demon slayers and angel slayers.

Ahem! The story is surprisingly pushed into the future, a little bit. Precisely the year 2061. This is so because.....I'll be bringing in major tech which will be very suiting for the story.

Well, Jacob has been in sorrow for quite a long time. Imagine being a  cold hearted person since the age of 9. He tries his best to relieve himself sometimes, but....it seems being cold has been a part of himself. He's always picked on by bullies much more bigger than him. Basically he's always ways quiet in class.(Kind'a like an introvert).

Now, Jacob sees Demons(His Gift), as a curse. He's blessed with a powerful soul, but he doesn't know that. He's used to having nightmares...I'll state this in later chapters. Though I'll give out a clue. Its all based on his soul. A strong and powerful soul like his when conquered can be used to unleash destruction. It serves as a natural key...*HEHEHEHEHE*. Now, onto the major topic of explanation.

Demons...strong vicious creatures with sulphorous breath, dark scaly thick skin, sharp long talons, hinge legs, blood red eyes, (partly horns) and long thick scaly tails. This creatures were once angels, which werecasted down from heaven as a punishment. Now, they follow the certain order of causing havoc in the world, until the time comes. There are different types of Demons(According to the ones I know that is). They are:.....The Mind Poisoners, The Clingers(Or as I like to call them. The clings), and The Possessors.

☆Clingers (Clings): This type of Demons are similar to dwarfs, or rather, we can call them the &Dwarf Demons&. Clingers are cruel creatures and state the very issue of dominance upon a human. They clinge upon humans backs and feed on their life force by inserting their talons into the soul of human beings. Clingers are majorly the cause of diseases and sicknesses too.

☆Mind Poisoners: Mind poisoners are also a very dangerous type of Demons. This specialty of Demons have the ability to corrupt minds.  Let's take for example, an instance like....A Human Being who's experiencing negative emotions like: Anger, Hatred et cetera. This Demons influence this emotions, thereby making the human being seeking to destroy human lives or other necessities.

☆And the last but not the least...The Possessors: This type of Demons are very powerful an they have the ability to take over one's soul, and captivate it, thereby using the human body to carry out their tasks. This kind of Demons aren't to be toyed with, as they have powers beyond your imagination. Out of all the ones listed above,  they are the most powerful. They possess tall and large builds,  and other necessary features. Like I said, they aren't to be toyed with.

Woooooo oooo!. Those Demons listed above are quite dope don't you think? Well, they are naturally the ones you would see in the novel. Ofcourse there are other Demons, like: Death, Fear, Complacency, Lust, Anger, Hatred et cetera. Well, you guys can figure out more yourselves. Its quite easy to guess negative things(I guess...!). Futhermore, there's the demon ranking system. Though not exactly a system, it's just based on ranking from lowest to highest that's all. Lucky for me, I got a little help from my friends.They helped me change the ranking system I earlier created. So, the initial one I came up with was: Demon Admiral, Demon General, Demon King, Demon God, and finally, the ruler of all...LUCIFER. I named him the Demon Lord. Blehhhhhhh! .  Well, thanks to joint brains, I got this instead. And it's totally amazing. We took in the interest of starting the ranking from highest to lowest, and finally, we ended up doing this: Lucifer, Demon Generals, Elite Demons and Lesser Demons.  Quite cool right?

Based on how humans draw power from Demons...well, this is naturally known. It has naturally led to the next input, so it's worth explaining. In line with demon slayers (People who slay Demons who go out of the order). The demon slayers harness their power from angels. Majority of them possess guardian angels. Demon slayers are practically holy individuals, just like pastors. They help to eliminate and cast out Demons from their victims, thereby freeing the individual who has been possessed.

Note: Once a demon is casted back into the lake of fire....generally hell, after some time of possessing enough energy, they then have the ability to leave and come back to earth.

Now, exactly the way power is drawn from angels, that's the same way power is drawn from Demons. Remember, it's only a possessed individual that has the ability of drawing power from their Possessors. Remember, Demons are spirits, and they can't be killed normally. They can only be casted back to hell, but the only way to kill Demons is to eliminate the host of which they're in.

Well, I'm glad I've uploaded the major things for proper understanding. Well, watch out for chapter 2, and please, Remeber to comment. This helps alot. Also, if you notice any errors, please, comment. Thank you! And I hope you enjoy Guardian Demon.✌

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