
Growing up with their Care

At the age of five, Bella was orphaned by a freak accident. Her relatives wanted to take her in, but due to their own circumstances just can't. So she grew up in the orphanage where she learnt that the world is not the warmest place nor it is the coldest. Wanting to see the world outside the walls of the orphanage, at seven years old she learnt to sneak away. For a year she did so, but died unexpectedly when a mad dog followed in and killed her. Next thing she knew she is being cared for by an existence that only spoke in her head. ~~~~~ Author's note: To everyone who reads this book I'd like you to know that this story is an idea rabbit that I let loose. So it's updates are not as frequent as my other story. I hope you guys will understand it.

MyNameIsTaken · Kỳ huyễn
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Chapter 2: Little Miss Mishaps 2

Bella woke up in a white space. It was vast and empty for some reason, but she felt that there were something in here that she just can't see.

"Hello?" Asked a hesitating young girl's voice.

Bella turned around and saw a girl of nine. She had this long brown hair and round brown eyes. A very lovely lady even for the eyes of a child Bella is. Though her beauty is best described as delicate and sickly type that arouses people's protection.

"Are you Minglan?" Bella asked and vaguely wondered to herself if that is how looked like back in that room.

Girl nodded in confirmation that she is indeed Minglan.

Bella beamed to Minglan as she started to warm up to the young lady. She made the other comfortable and be befriended her. It's like finding a soulmate that you have always been looking for and have only saw it at the moment, and of course no one wants their relationship cold as much as they can.

Bella found out their similarities and differences, Minglan also remarks of the familiar gestures that the other have perform. But thinking about it, the entity might have chosen Minglan due to the same quirks and attitude of Bella. Although Minglan is older her mental age is apparently stuck somewhere between eight or seven years old, she is was quite mature in ways Bella is not. Another reason why the two get along well for a short time they are in each other's presence.

"Do you why we meet?" Bella asked Minglan who is now comfortable enough to talk about sensitive matters.

"I know." A sad look flashed upon the girl's face. "I died one night when I was nine and Ling was called over by the Madam to not notice it."

"Maddy said I will now live as you. Are you okay with it?" Bella put emphasis on this matter. Family is important and breaking and stealing one is something very unforgivable to the orphaned girl.

"It's okay." As if assuring her Minglan said to her. "They told me of what will happen and they also showed me of your life before going in my body. You might feel that you are stealing my family, but I think you also deserves a family too. Although my family is not as warm as what you could consider as one, at least my father cares enough to be sad for my passing. Please take care of him in my place, my time was up and fate have decided it. So don't be sad for me, instead live well for me."

Bella cried upon the other's words. Like all the children back at the orphanage, she wanted a family. Even if its not as rich as she have once have live as, but nothing can beat having a family. Her relatives is family, but they can't take her home making her feel like an isolated person instead of an intimate one at times.

The "job" of hers now is really a dream for many children like her, but she doesn't want to deprive others of it too. Fortunately, Minglan is understanding and knew of each other's difficulties. If the two were of that same era and world, Bella recon that they would be the best of friends or even intimate sworn sisters.

"I-I'll do my best." Bella said as she stopped her tears from flowing. "Will I meet you again?"

"Perhaps." Minglan said as she took a little space away from Bella. "The time is up. You need to go now. The living is not allowed to stay here for long."

As Minglan said that Bella saw her hands seemingly turn into small lights. She wanted to hold unto Minglan and take her with her. A person like her is rare and Bella doesn't want to lose her as quickly she found her.

"Good bye Bella." Said Minglan.

"What will happen to you now that I'll take over you? Please tell me I want to know!" Bella said in attempt to stay. The lights have already reach upon her leg and arm, a little more she reckon she will be back to Minglan's room.

Minglan smiled and said. "I will be born again. They promised a life after death."

Bella was happy that Minglan will have a chance in life too. Therefore she is not as sad to let go of Minglan moments ago, and as the light have already reach upon her chest, leaving only her face.

"Then promise me! One day when you are born again lets be the bestest of friends!" The child said as she wanted a promise. A wishful wish that she hopes to be fulfilled sometime in the future.

Minglan smiled and said with outmost sincerity. "Definitely! In that time the two of us will be a family no one can take away!"

The last sight she saw was Minglan's smiling face, a beautiful smile that brighten up the surroundings.With that Bella saw herself back in that room again. Her head was suffering from an ache that she kind of wished to go away soon.

[Welcome back Bella.]

"..mmm I'm back." Bella said clutching her head.

[Your pain at the moment is the effect of your request. I can't help you much of it, but I suggest you sleep it off.]

"Yeah I'll do that." Bella said she lean upon the pillow of the bed and drifted in a peaceful sleep.

Hours later did she woke up. She is no longer feeling that pounding headache, making her feeling quite good.

"Hey Maddy," Bella said as she took notice of the time(by judging the position of the sun) and of the particularities of her current life.

[Yes Bella?]

"How long was I asleep?" Bella wondered as she remembered the sun being the same when she arrived and slept.

[You slept for three hours.] Maddy replied and as if knowing her silent wondering. [It is still the same day as Time is specially frozen for you to take in everything before we start our merry way.]

"Is there anything I have take notice of other than the three rules? I promised Minglan to live well." Bella told the system as she is quite confused on how to fulfill that part of the deal. She is afterall just an eight year old and is very much ignorant of many things.

[That is a question that is quite hard to answer.] Maddy said. [In my opinion you should come up with what you consider a good life. Many people have different definitions for it, but those did not necessarily apply to you.]

"Then for you what is a good life?" The child asked in order to have a good reference of how to live well.

[I am a system that promotes good living conditions, therefore my main focus is to have you living free from anything that is opposite of my cores. So my definition of good life centers with my host's well being and their life in general in the worlds we'll go to.]

"Does that mean for you to live well is for me to live well?" Bella said confusingly of the logic. "Then you must be not living well if it depends on me."

[Well not actually.] Maddy replied sagely. [I'm living quite well since you are now a host of mine. So to taking care of you ensures my good life continues.]

"Then I'll be good." Bella promises to the entity. "So that you'll live well."

[Thank you Bella. Now are you ready to live well as Minglan?]

"Yes. I will now live well as Minglan." Bella said with a determined fire inside her eyes. She hopes to fulfill her friend's last wishes and live well for both

Minglan and Maddy.

[Then do your best "Minglan".]