
Lord First

The village of Uzushiogakure was in the state of unrest, civilians awaiting answers yet none were given. The most knowledgeable were the children themselves and even they couldn't provide all the answers.

An orange tabby cat with black stripes was perched atop a shops roof observing the flood of concerned citizens as they carried on with their day, after moments of lazy observation it sauntered down the roof with the grace only available to members of its species finally reaching the streets.

Intelligence present in its eyes as it made its way through throngs of people, occasionally snatching pieces of meat from street side vendors before vanishing into the crowd, their disgruntled shouts fading the further away it moved, unhindered by those around.

This continued for a while until it felt something grab at the nape of his neck, slowly his body swerved around as it was dangled in the air by its neck, he came face to face with an Uzu Shinobi.

"Well what do we have here, a little thief causing trouble", letting out sounds of tutting the shinobi half glared at him. The cat being another aspect of Paul observed the shinobi with a bored expression before diverting his attention to the passing crowd.

The shinobi seeing this instantly became annoyed, shaking the cat in his arms causing it to let out sounds of annoyance - he felt elated, "ignore me will ya, see how you like that", he shook Paul once again for a few seconds. Seemingly satisfied he looked at Paul who had an annoyed face directed at the shinobi.

Noticing the cats annoyed expressions the shinobi couldn't help but feel smug, "what should I do to you", bringing Paul closer to his face he continued. "You've caused a lot of trouble mister, now..." before he could finish his sentence four claws streaked across his face. Letting out a scream of pain he dropped Paul, tending to his wounds while screaming profanities he glared at the direction Paul escaped to.

"You damn cat, just wait till I get my hands on you, I'll roast you over an open flame and see how you like it!", this continued as the shinobi tried to give chase but Paul was long gone.

Paul laughed as he made his great escape, he explored the village until he reached a park, there were not a lot of people there as it was still early in the morning. Finding a spot on a tree branch he laid there waiting, soaking up the early morning rays.

Time passed as families and children began to fill up the park, a few he recognised as those that passed his little test. While watching he noticed the children talk to other children about the dream they all had, those that had told others before the deadline of seven days showed signs of envy as they noticed how much stronger their peers became compared to them.

A voice brought him out of his musing as he glanced down from the branch he was on. "Here kitty kitty, come her little guy", a young girl around the age of ten had her arms stretched upwards towards him.

"I'll catch you, don't worry you can jump", Paul was mused as he watched her trying to coax him, 'hmm she's one of the children that passed the test'. Getting up he stretched as he got ready to jump, noticing that Paul was about jump her expression brightened as she enthusiastically tracked his movement across the branch.

With a leap he found himself in her arms, a cute laugh escapes her as she hugged Paul "aww you're so cute, I'll call you Orenjiiro", Paul couldn't help the incredulous expression on his face, 'Orange, really? So much for immagination'.

"No way in hell will I be called that, you must call me Lord First!", his voice reverberated in her mind as she let out a surprised shriek dropping him as she looked around for where the voice came from. After looking around and seeing no one close to her she heard the same voice, "down here".

Her head snapped towards him, eyes wide with disbelief at the situation she couldn't help but ask "Orenjiiro was that you?", sat on the floor Paul looked at her before replying "I'm not going to answer to that name, you will address me as Lord First, nothing more nothing less".

Shocked as she was she took a look around to see if anyone noticed the talking cat, "how is this possible? Are you a summoned animal?". "No I am not a summoned animal, that is beneath me, you don't need to know what I am unless I deem you worthy, understood? Good".

Despite his words all Paul received was laughter, "you're funny Orenjiiro", letting out a sigh Paul turned away from her, and seeing this the little girl quickly calmed down "don't go! Ok I'll call you Lord First".

Taking a quick glance back he walked off, the girl trailing behind "wait Lord First my name is Yuki, Yuki Uzumaki". "Hello Yuki as I said, you will address me as Lord First". Walking side by side Yuki watched Paul as he elegantly strutted down the path, finding it funny she tried to emulate him earning a few laughs from passersby.

"So why 'Lord Forst'? That's a funny name" she asked Paul after getting tired of her failed attempt at a cat walk, "it's simple really, I am the first of my kind in this world and there is none stronger than me in this world so I believe that title is fitting".

Her eyes widened at his words, "even stronger than Lord Uzukage?! But you're just a cat! Lord Uzukage is the strongest ever", luckily they arrived at a secluded corner of the park so her outburst didn't attract attention.

"There is much to learn child, you have only just started on your journey as I see you've started training properly, at least compared to what they teach you at the academy", slightly put off by being called a child she pouted while mumbling "I'm not a child, I'm almost 10".

Paul laughed at her words when a sudden gust of wind came forcing her to shut her eyes as her arms came up as a barrier, but when she opened her eyes Lord First was gone. Frantically looking for him she almost came to tears before his voice rung in her mind "I am still here, and congratulations on passing my test Yuki, you will surely see me again".

Yuki was confused about his words, she was sad that she lost her new friend but as she walked back home she couldn't help but think about his words, "what test was he talking about? I haven't taken any recently apart from..." she stopped dead in her track as realisation dawned.

"Is Lord First the tree?! But he's a cat?" Yuki rubbed her head as she became more confused about what was going on. Unknown to her a sigil appeared on her biceps, this sigil resembled a sapling and the sapling had a bud on the cusp of blooming.

This sigil manifested on the arms of those that passed Paul's test but Yukis' was special, hers was a dim gold compared to the green of others. They remained visible for a moment before vanishing as if they were never there.


Itsuki (Paul's merchant avatar) was sat at his stall contemplating on what his next move should be, he had no need of power as he had that in abundance, he had no deep sexual urges as being a tree makes it tricky to lust after someone. Though he could change his biology, lust is a powerful drug that if not controlled could lead to a dangerous path.

One thing that he appreciates is the relationship between friends, something genuine that transcends what he ever had in his past life, for that reason he chose this appearance.

A man with a mysterious background, features consisting of an unknown bloodline and powers yet to be shown, those that choose to get close to him genuinely... regardless of his features are the friends to keep for a lifetime, in a way it's for him to filter the people he associates with.

'From the moment I came to this world I knew there was no such thing as normal for me, but that doesn't mean I can't experience the things I once did and more'.

With a small smile he turned to greet his next customer.