
Destruction of the World (1)

A earth-shattering sound echoed across that warm sunny evening...


Those who were directly in the city vanished in a instant, obliterated without even knowing what happened.

These... these people were the fortunate few hundred of thousands on that fateful day, dying instantly without pain as the explosion took them. The unlucky many were those who survived in the nearby area of the blast radius and the surrounding regions as the shockwave swept through the beautiful evening with a that seemed magical and warming with the sudden burst of light that ignited from the nuclear bomb.

But the very light that the people looked onto blinded them as it melted their retina to those that were close while those farther away either were permanently blinded or temporary. The thermal pulse was only the beginning though... the blast that followed swept houses like a hurricane but in a spherical direction instead of moving just one pathway. The shell of some building remain as some steel building stood, its former glory gone as the windows and concrete were all gone while those out farther had looked like a apocalyptic world where all the windows were gone, either shattered and turned into knives that hurled themselves toward the people inside or shattered away into the distance...


A few minutes later, many television channels sprang into actions. Various news site and social media picked up with reporting of the incident. The horrifying scene as footages broadcasted by drones flew by. A enormous cloud depicted only in history books reappeared in front of the audience and to the horror of those in the area. Live-video of the city showed various building standing like a skeleton of their former glory, no glasses remained as they have all melted under the extreme temperature. The nuclear bomb may have denotated above the city by around a thousand feet, leaving no crater behind, but it was in fact even more deadlier because of its blast radius that were more unrestricted without the ground stopping its forces. This was an "air burst" effect that spread the explosion evenly instead of a ground target that may cause a upward force which would be less devastating.

However... the method of the attack didn't mattered here... what mattered was its target...

The various building were gone... decimated... there wasn't even a single structure that once stood strong and proud for the people to see, nothing remained except the land filled with debris and fragmented parts of the proud building.


A few minutes prior...

The alarms that went off inside the room sounded like a battle alarm, the ringing and beeping went off one by one as the monitors inside the room flashed.

Various high-profiles military men and women stood together, all aghast and pale as various bases across the world reported in of a nuclear attacking heading toward the United States... only merely a minute before predicted destination. Quickly, several screen lit up as various General of the military branch showed up.

The Admiral of the Navy was the first to quickly demand that a connection to the President is set up.

Seconds ticked by as they anxiously waited for a response from the football.

60 to 50 seconds...

Get the president out quickly!

50 to 40 seconds...

"Yes sir, we are moving the Spear sir."

40 to 30 seconds...

"Wait... we won't make it. Give me the briefcase. Connect me to the Pentagon."

"Tell them that I am authorizing the usage of Nuclear attacks on foreign states, countries, or sovereignties that have launched a attack on the United States government."

30 to 20 seconds...

The president quickly confirmed his identity and was swiftly connected to the Pentagon where the various general of the military branches stood ready for instruction.

"Mr. President, are you curr-"

"I have entered my authorization and confirmed my identity. My orders are to retaliate against any nations in the world that have launched a attack on the United States."

20 to 10 seconds...

Attendees of the State of the Unions were notified of a impending nuclear attack, shocks and worries set in the room. Some panicked and rushed out toward their vehicle in an attempt to get away while some stood firm and calmly placed their hand on their chest. Many called to their relatives to say their goodbyes as the reality settled in that there is nothing they can do except wait.


"Sir, our intelligence have found"


"that the People Republic of China had been"


"the one who have launched the nuclear heading"


"toward the capital sir."


"As commander in chief, I order the various branch of the military to"


"retaliate by any methods necessarily that will cripple their"


"military presence around the world and the country defenses."


"If necessarily, complete and total destruction with nuclear bombs is preferred. "


"Yes sir, we will complete the mission sir."


"Its been a honor... So help me god."


The room was filled with silence as everyone stood still, the ringing of alarms still going on in the background as everyone stood for a moment of silence that they knew was their last.

"Sir! Great Britain and France are asking the United States to officially enter a alliance to launch a assault on China, sir!"

On another monitor connecting with the Air Force, the silence in the room there was finally broken when the General of the Air Force uttered out "No."

"We will launch several Nuclear Bombs around China and several Nuclear warhead to its capital. This was the President final order as commander in chief."

"Are you sure you this is a option we can take?" voiced another person, objecting toward such suicidal option. "Our allies would immedidately launch their nuclear arsenal the moment we launch ours, beginning a world war. We don't even know whether other nations that are close to China like the Russians would be pleased with this."


In a underground base elsewhere near the capital...

"Sir, place your head on the bible and raise your right hand."

The Secretary of Agriculture raised his right hand.

"Repeat after me sir."

"I do solemnly swear-"

"Bang! Bang!"

Two quick shot rang out as the both the judge and secretary were shot on the head.

A quick shot followed afterward as the agent pointed the gun to himself before the other agent could even fire upon him.



Inside the Pentagon, a man quickly rushed to the room that was rushing in people in and out as reports came in for the deputy Defense secretary.

"Sir, we have a confirmed report that the secretary of agriculture is dead!" he shouted out. The statement swept through the room as everyone stopped moving and looked toward the source of that single statement.

"Sir... the presidential line of succession sir... th-there's no one sir... everyone is... gone... sir."

The deputy defense secretary glazed upward at the ceiling... his appearance suddenly seemingly gained years as various complicated emotions appeared on his face. Finally... he quietly but clearly gave a order. "Prepare the transportation to move... this location may be under-attack soon and we will need to come fully online with our communications with our allies and citizens in another base."

Personally... I like apocolyptic sort of sceranio book like "The Road" or TV shows such as Designated Survivors. But... I really wanted to explore human nature and scientific reasonings so I thought I'd write a totally world-ending apocolyptic novel that would narrate the life of the people or perhaps just one... who know, I like different perspective. Perhaps I might even write in many forms. I don't know...

MajesticCowardcreators' thoughts