
Grimmjow x FemReader

The FemReader learns she's more than an regular human after meeting a out of this world panther

Amy_Rosario_121 · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs


Months later...

You were getting ready for bed, after coming home from your part-time job at the cafe earlier this afternoon. You were glad that Sensei had a cold, so practice was canceled for today.

'Practice could be pretty intense.' You thought with a sigh, feeling relieved at the thought. The sun was already gone, and the moon was out, dancing with the stars. Brushing your teeth, you quickly rinsed and washed your face. For a moment, you thought you heard a thump in your room, and furrowed your brows.

'I don't think I left the window open, so nothing could have flew in, right?' You dried your hands with a nearby towel, and left to your room. You noticed the curtains blowing in from the open window.

'What on earth?' You blinked in surprise, then went to look outside. The wind was strongly blowing, so you figured the window was blown open. You saw nothing out of the ordinary, and decided to close the window, not noticing the claw marks on your windowsill. 


Before you could crawl into bed, you noticed a tall figure standing in the corner of your room. And right before you could react, the figure emerged, launching towards you. You were suddenly pinned to the wall, your mouth covered with a clawed hand.


"Miss me?" The stranger snickered. You muffled out a yelp, but he had your mouth firmly shut. Taking a good look at him, you immediately recognized him.


"Grimmjow!" You muffled through his hands, though he looked completely different from the last time you saw him. He was now in some kind of white armor that looked like a body suit, with blackened hands and feet, fang like teeth, and he even had animal-like ears! He was still intimidating.


He grinned wickedly, trailing a claw down her arm. "You remembered me, that's good to know. I was on my way to kill someone when I saw you walking home..." He explained, before a scowl appeared on his face. "I thought I told you not to walk around at night."


Your eyes widened. Now that he mentioned it, after your first encounter with him, you had stayed away from walking home past sunset. Since so much time has past, you have completely forgotten about him. Remembering his last words sent a chill down your spine.

"Don't walk around at night, unless you want to see me again."


Seeing your reaction made Grimmjow smirk. "You know what I'm going to do right?" You shook your head vigorously. Not wanting him to repeat the beatings he's given you last time, you began to tear and cover your stomach. The beatings had put you in the hospital for a week. Grimmjow glared softly at you, before releasing his grip. "Don't scream, or I'll end you right here."


You nodded, and when he finally let go of you, you stared back into his eyes. "What do you want with me?" You asked, now glaring at him. 'If he's coming back for a fight, I'm gonna give it all I got!' You thought determinedly. 


He hasn't said a word, except stare at you. You arched a brow, then made a move to walk around him, but he pinned you back to the wall. He smirked and grabbed your face, holding it close to his. "I didn't say to move." He whispered.


You were about say something, when you felt his hand crawl into your shirt. "I surely missed you, and your lips..." He whispered huskily in your ear. It sent a chill down your spine, and made you put your hand on his chest, trying to push him away. He grinned and gripped your face tighter, tilting it to a side. He then nuzzled your face, leaning down for a peck.


"D-don't!" You punched him on the chest, then let out a yelp of pain. He scowled, pinning your damaged hand to the wall. He then skimmed his nose over yours and pecked it. "Why are you doing this?" You asked, tearing from the throbbing pain of your hand. 


He said nothing and continued nuzzling you. You began to feel uncomfortable, until he let go of your face, still nuzzling it with his nose, and using that free hand to massage your curves. You stood completely still underneath him. Although you closed your eyes and almost enjoyed his treatment, you didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing it. He finally stopped after giving you a quick, lingering peck on the corner of your lips, and backed away, smirking. You let out a sigh, and massaged your hand that no longer throbbed in pain.


"It was good to see you again. But I got people to kill." He leaped towards the window, crouching on the windowsill. You moved away from the window, standing at the opposite end of your bed. Grimmjow looked over his shoulder, grinning at your face. "I hope to see you again, (L/n)." And like that, he was gone. 


You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding before furrowing your brows. 'How did he know my name?'