
Grimmjow x FemReader

The FemReader learns she's more than an regular human after meeting a out of this world panther

Amy_Rosario_121 · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs


"My back still hurts... Can't Sensei go easy on me next time?" You yawned, rubbing your back. You were walking home late from Kendo practice, still groaning from the intensity of it. Sighing, you continued your walk home, praying that tomorrows practice won't be the end of you. 


You walked down a street, before coming across an alley way that led directly to the house that was right next to yours. The alley was dark, but it was a shot straight home. Puffing out your chest, you speed walked right through it. 


You were midway when you felt an overwhelming presence vibrate around your surrounding area. The presence was so strong, you had to hug the wall and keep yourself balanced. You gasped for air, since it was difficult for you to breath in the intense atmosphere.


"Well well! It's been a while since I've seen someone as pathetic as you able to withstand my reiatsu!" A voice called out. You looked around, but couldn't find the owner of the voice. 


"W-who are you?! Where are you?!" You yelled out, while leaning against the wall. You looked up and saw nothing but the dark, blue sky. You didn't hear the voice again for some time, and was about to sigh in relief, when a grip so strong held onto your throat. 


"You didn't think I left, did you?" Said the stranger. You grabbed hold of the person's arm, choking as you looked up to your attacker. He had electric blue hair, with matching eyes, and a large, evil grin on his face. He also had a large build, with strange white clothing. What was really freaky was the large hole in his stomach, and the bone on his face. "Done checking me out?" He smirked, before picking you off the ground. You choked and thrashed your legs to no avail. You tried scratching at him, but it didn't make him twitch an eye. 


He chuckled evilly at your attempts of escape. "Don't waste your energy. Besides, you've caught my eye, so I won't kill you right away." He tightened his grip around your neck, then threw you to the side. You laid on the ground, coughing and bringing back air into your lungs. You looked up, not finding him where you last saw him. Trembling, you tried to get up and run, but was kicked back down to the ground. You held onto your stomach, and coughed again. 


The man crouched down to your level. "I'm impressed! You lasted longer than that last girl! Sadly, she isn't with us anymore..."


'Another girl was attacked by this freak?!' You thought, now glaring at him.

"Teme!" You yelled, giving him a swift kick to the face. You startled him long enough for you to get up and run a few feet. You looked over your shoulder, but he was no longer behind you. You were about to stop in your tracks, when you collided into a rock-hard chest, making you fall back on your bottom. You looked up, seeing the man looking down at you with a scowl on his face. With a swift move, he kicked you again in the stomach, sending you flying towards the wall. The wind was knocked out of you. The impact left you on the ground, couching weakly and spitting out blood.


"Nice! You actually got me for a second there..." He snickered, walking towards you. You tried to crawl away, but he once again grabbed you by the throat, and held you against the wall. "But it's rude to kick people in the face."


You coughed out a small trickle of blood and glared at him. "You're... full of... shit..."


He grinned widely at your insult, then squeezed his grip on you, making you wince and cough more. "Am I now?" He muttered, now staring at the blood on your lips. "Well, you lasted much longer than her, so I'll leave you a treat."


Your heart started to race, thinking of what he might do to you next. You shut your eyes, bracing yourself for any pain to come, but nothing of any force came your way. Instead, you felt something hot and wet swirl around your bloody lips. Opening your eyes, you saw him lick away the blood, then giving you a small lingering peck. You sealed your lips, trying not to enjoy the treatment he was giving you. He tried to wedge his tongue inside, but you didn't allow him in. He let out a small groan, then squeezed your neck tighter, making you gasp. He took this chance to plunge his tongue inside and gain dominance. You screamed into his mouth, making him chuckle, and you tried to push him away. He used his free hand to rub your side, and loosened the grip on the other.


He was now kissing you roughly, yet passionately. The metallic taste of your blood, and the need to breath made you let out silent tears. After what seemed like a lifetime, he finally broke the kiss, but stood close enough for your noses to touch. Your chest heaved from the lack of air, and was glad to be breathing again. You opened your teary eyes to see him glaring softy at you. "Please." You managed to say, still trying to breathe.


He only stared at you, before letting you go. You fell to the floor, your knees too weak from his kiss. You looked up to see him facing the other way. You glared at his figure, holding back the urge to throw an insult.





"Don't walk around again at night," He began to say, before flash-stepping to the roof. You blinked at the sudden action he had done, then shuddered at his next words. "...Unless you want to see me again."

With that, he disappeared. You finally began to breath normally, and touched your swollen lips. He was certainly breath-taking.

Hiya! Thank you for reading this far into my fanfic! I hope you continue to read and enjoy this old story of mine!

Amy_Rosario_121creators' thoughts