
welcome to the city

welcome to the city

as soon as Josh got off the airplane, he felt a cold wind blowing across his face, hmmmm what those this city has to offer? sex , money, power and lots more .

Not quite long after he sank into a train of though did a beautiful young lady not above 20 suddenly. walk pass him

her breast as big as a watermelon, swing from left to right caught his attention and stopped his train of though


mouth opened before he could think of anything to say to her , hello gorgeous you look breath taking and i can tell how tired you must be , because you have being running round and round my mind

and i was wondering if we could get to know each other better , would you like to visit my apartment.

You know i have heard a lot of rumors about this city

people say there are mysterious and mythical creature roaming around some even look like humans, but i don't believe in all those trash ,

by the way i forgot to introduce myself, am Joshua Grey and you are ?

OK then i prefer to call u josh that's easier to remember

and by the way am Celine