
Chapter 44

Pyrrha Interlude

Pyrrha was sitting on the couch she'd pulled from Cobalt's memories into a kind of semi physical form. She meant semi, because it was really just happening in his mindscape. To be specific, it was the couch from the common area of their dorm back in beacon.

Actually, mostly everything she had around her was from the dorms of beacon. The couch, the television she used to play memories of movies Cobalt had seen. She'd even pulled his bed from his dorm room. A very familiar bed, and not just because it was the same make as her own dorm bed.

..She had spent a night in this very bed before ever ending up in Cobalt's mind after all.

The redheaded girl sighed and dipped her head back over the armrest, staring up above at the gathering of dark clouds glowing with dark red light. She'd cut off the direct connection to Cobalt's consciousness when he went out to play about with Nora.

She shuddered at the thought of being in direct contact with Cobalt's thoughts when he was around her old teammate and friend. Nora had always been a...special girl, that went all in to get what she wanted. Before it had been Ren..now, Pyrrha could tell quite easily, even if Cobalt couldn't, that it was him.

And it was like a loop effect. Cobalt desired Nora's body, wanted to have sex with her..a lot if his fantasies were anything to go by. And Nora played on those desires, gave him any ammunition he wanted fantasy wise, she had no problem flaunting her body for him or teasing him about what he wanted to do to her. And that in turn boosted Cobalt's fantasies and desires with her even further, and then they just went back and forth until it got raunchier and raunchier.

'..And I don't exactly want to see his fantasies about others girl.' Pyrrha admitted internally with a sigh. Cobalt was special to her in a way she couldn't even describe, more so than even her old feelings of romanticism for Jaune. In fact, they made those feelings before look kind of petty in retrospect.

But, she couldn't help herself. She'd always hated being put on a pedestal because of who she was. It was what initially attracted her to Jaune, him not knowing who she was and being too ignorant to care really. Cobalt on the other hand knew all about who she was, but didn't care a lick.

And she knew Cobalt better than she knew anyone else in the world, even her own parents. She knew Cobalt better than she knew herself. She'd watched his struggles from a young boy on the street, all alone, to the who he was now. Watched him fight gangs ofolder children just for scraps from garbage cans, watched him research religiously in the public libraries about Aura and fighting. Saw him train until he bled and cried only to push forward and train even more. And when he eventually unlocked his aura through the stress of constantly fighting for even the meagerest of scraps in order to survive, and learned he had been born with a truly pitiful amount, he hadn't let that get him down, no, he'd threw himself into training every damn day, training his body to the furthest peak he could take it, worked till he vomited, only to drag himself back to his shabby abode and practice the most basic of all aura growth meditation techniques.

She used to think Jaune's drive to make something of himself was inspiring. But seeing Cobalt's struggles, his never give up attitude in the face of everything in his way, it made her face burn and her heart thump.

He was...amazing. He wasn't born with some amazingly powerful aura like Jaune, nor was he trained by the best of the best like her. Nor did he even have someone by his side like Ren and Nora to help each other through the bad times and lean on each other. Every single thing he had, he earned by crawling through the dirt and dragging himself up with his bare, broken and bleeding hands.

..Everything about Cobalt just made all her hang ups about being the famous Invincible Girl seem ever so petty.

And so bit by bit, seeing through his memories, conversing with him and being privy to his most inner thoughts and feelings..Pyrrha began to fall for him.

And that was why when he was interacting with other girls, she tended to cut their connection and ignore those memories. Because she was jealous. She didn't begrudge him his sexual fantasies, they were one of the few things keeping him going early on, the desire to regain his manhood. And she was flattered consistently by the desires he had for her.

..She may have even basked in those fantasies quite a few times.

But, beyond the fantasies, when he interacted with Ruby and Nora and Weiss and she felt his desires for them and not just fantasies..it made her heart lurch a bit.

'I don't have any right to be jealous though.' Pyrrha told herself. She really didn't. Her mind went back to that night, at the dance, when she'd run into him. She'd been slightly drunk and caught him checking her out, he'd hit on her just a bit and she'd been so frustrated at Jaune, she'd just come out and offered him the chance to bed her.

..And it was quite the night. She could honestly barely remember most of it. But it was rough, it was fast paced, and there was so much pleasure. She could vividly remember him smacking his incredibly large manhood down atop her face, remember him pushing her face down into the bed while gripping her ponytail like a leash. He'd tossed her around and had his way with her in all manners of ways, and at the time, all she could do was squeal and beg for more, and then everything went black and she passed out.

She'd woken up the next morning mounted atop him, buck naked like an ornament, his manhood, only half hard at the time still so large it it had taken quite a bit of effort to remove herself from it.

And she'd gathered up her things and limped all the way back to her dorm, thankfully, with her team all being sleeping at the time. And even with aura healing her, she couldn't sit properly for a few days.

Cobalt's eyes had lit up when he next saw her, but she'd done her best to ignore him and distance herself, finding excuses never to talk to him or be in the same area as him alone. And gradually, she'd learned to forget about that amazingly pleasurable night.

..Until she died against Cinder, and woke up within the head of the boy she'd taken the virginity of and then tried to act like it never happened. And she'd felt his feelings on his encounter with her that night through his memories. The desire, the happiness, the pride, the pleasure, there were quite a few high notes to his memories of that encounter.

..So no, Pyrrha did not have the right to be jealous. Yet, she was, and she was ashamed.

Her thoughts were cut off when a shimmer of light caught appeared at her feet on the couch, and between her legs, the small form of a certain miniature Manticore King appeared, snoozing away.

Pyrrha smiled fondly and sat up, picking up his sleeping form and easing him onto her lap and beginning to gently rake her fingers through his fur. 'Looks like he's getting some rest for once.' she mused.

Cobalt very rarely slept now, the amount of times he had could be counted on one hand. And he didn't even appear in here awake every time he did, it was still a bit of hit or miss so far for him to regain consciousness within his head and 'physically' interact with her.

If nothing else, taking up Ozpin's offer might have been worth it for this fact alone. He may have been a Grimm now, and not needed rest, but the longer he went without sleep, the more his mental fatigue piled up, and the more stressed he would become.

Pyrrha was grateful for Professor Ozpin giving Cobalt even just the tiny little amount of magic and power he so he could shrink for that alone.

"Sweet dreams, Cobalt." the redhead whispered and bent her head down to press and kiss atop his boneplated face. Then, she stood up and carried him to the bed and eased into it with him. She honestly didn't know if his mental form being comforted did anything else, but, if it let Cobalt get just even a little bit better of a rest, she was willing to do what she could.