
Chapter 40

Weiss carried you upstairs and entered a decently spacious bedroom with two single beds clad in red quilts. She closed the door fully behind her and plopped you down on one of the beds.

You were tempted to make a joke about how scandalous the situation was. But you held your tongue for now.

Weiss looked you over for a moment before sighing, the severe look on her face fading away and she plopped down on the bed beside you. "So...you're a grimm now." she said idly.

You nodded, "Looks like," you shrugged, "But I think i've found a way to get a human form back, I just need to work out how to do it." you looked up and met her eyes, only to notice something you hadn't quite noticed before.

There were tears in the corner of her eyes. "Weiss..are you okay?" you asked worriedly.

That broke the floodgate it seemed. With a sob, the slender white haired girl scooped you up into her arms and hugged you tightly, "Cobalt you died! I didn't even notice! I'm such a terrible friend!"

Ah. Yeah, you forgot that was the general reaction to someone you were close to dying.

You sighed, reaching up with one paw to pat the girl on her amazingly silky hair, "Don't worry about it Weiss." you tried to comfort her.

"How can I not?" Weiss sobbed harder, "If you didn't reincarnate as a Grimm of all things, I wouldn't even have ever learned what happened to you! My first and best friend and I didn't even notice!"

You honestly didn't blame Weiss for that though. You died at the apex of the Vytal Tournament and Weiss had been hyped for that since the first night at Beacon when you met her. She'd been so excited and invested in it, in her dreams of winning it all, you hadn't expected to see her outside of maybe fighting her team at all during the festival, especially since your team started in a different bracket.

You let her sob it out for a while and get it out of her system. Though, the way her grief rattled against your mind made your heart quake and made you want to go slaughter Cinder right this fucking instant for daring to make your friend feel like this!

Finally, after about ten minutes she quieted down a bit to a few minor sobs and hiccups here and there. So, to try and lighten the mood you, you chose to comment on her new outfit, "I like your dress," you complimented, "It shows off your build and your legs nicely." And it really did. You were surprised how big a change she'd gained in the chest department even! She wasn't far behind Ruby!

Your eyes lingered on her chest a bit and Weiss caught your look. She sniffled a bit before sighing and giving you a bit of a piercing look, "..Now that I remember, you've been running wild and taking advantage of your new position to act like a big horny mutt," she accused lightly, "What's this I here about you having sex with Pyrrha the night of the dance? And the things you said to Nora, the blatant flirting and even going as far to bury your head in cleavage of my partner. Am I going to have to discipline you into better behaviour?"

Your eyes widened slightly. Noo! you didn't want more public decorum lessons forced on you from Weiss. She'd gotten tired of your blatant body ogling and comments early on and literally forced lessons about public decency on you.

...You'd learned right quick not to be too blatant with it in front of her.

Weiss left you laying on her bed for a few minutes to go re-apply her make-up and fix up any blotches she'd gained from crying. Honestly, you'd had to refrain from commenting that the messed up mascara around her eyes looked pretty hot.

You rolled about her bed, enjoying the softness. It had been a while since you'd been on a bed, especially at a size that would let you actually fit on one.

It was, a great feeling.

'Enjoying yourself are you?' Pyrrha hummed in amusement.

You were, but hearing her voice made your frown. You hadn't went into your mind to personally interact with her in a while. The last time you'd even been unconscious was during your evolution and you'd just woke up after that. But, even beyond that...it reminded you that was just stuck in your head, surrounded by dark clouds constantly when not just seeing the world through you.

'Oh that? No, I already found a work around from that, sweet of you to worry about that though," Pyrrha commented on your thoughts, 'I found out it was possible to actually materialise items you were familiar with from your subconscious, I've got a nice thing going on here.'


Pyrrha giggled at your reaction, but before you could comprehend fully and ask about it, the door to the bathroom opened and Weiss made her way back into the bedroom, makeup already immaculately applied once more.

She raised a fine white eyebrow at the sight of you, laying on your back, belly up. "Yo." you raised a paw up and greeted her.

She cocked her head to the side slightly, "...This is bothersome," she sighed, "You have all the same cuteness about you in this form as Zwei, but I know it's you in there, so it completely ruins the cuteness."

"Oi, don't underestimate my amazingness," you countered. You wiggled your held up paw, "Check out the sweet pads on my paw. Don't you just wanna touch em?"

Weiss walked over and gently brushed a finger over your padded paw. You shivered as it sent a little tingle through you. "They're nice, but Zwei's are better." she refuted.

You rolled back as if struck and landed on your belly. "You bitch!" you narrowed your eyes at her, "Clearly your tastes are just super unrefined!"

Weiss stuck her nose in the air, "You're just jealous of Zweii and the fact that I'll hug him to my chest and not you." she countered.

Well, actually she wasn't wrong. But, you felt a smile tug at your mouth and before you knew it, you were laughing, and Weiss wasn't far behind.

It took a few moments for you both to calm down and Weiss sat down beside you. She reached down and idly began to gently rake her fingers through your fluffy mane, "See, I knew you couldn't resist me."

Weiss shook her head, "Don't push it perv-boy."

You snorted. And then, for just a few minutes, you and your best friend enjoyed the quiet company of each others and the comfort of being together again.

"..So," you spoke up after a moment, "How's the summoning coming along?" you struck up conversation again. You remembered, the last you saw her, ignoring the that brief moment during the fall, that she was stressed because of her older sister pushing her hard to master her summoning ability.

A slight smile spread across Weiss' face, "See for yourself," she replied and lifting the hand not stroking your mane and pointed at the floor. A white glyph flared into life atop the floor and then in a shimmer of light, a large glowing white and blue Boarbatusk rose up from it. "Pretty impressive huh?"

"Not bad princess, not bad." you teased. Still, looking it over, it made you think of something. The Schnee family semblance allowed them to take part of the essence of foes they killed and then use said essence to summon the killed target. You did something kind of similar with your semblance now, you took in essence of Grimm to get stronger.

...Could you perhaps maybe summon the Grimm you had defeated before to fight for you? That would be awesome.