
Chapter 22

"It s kind of cute actually when she gets all flustered about me thinking about girls," you replied, grinning internally, "Never thought I'd have a girl inside me. But, I guess it's only fair in Pyrrha's case since I was already inside her first."

Nora blinked before grinning wildly, "HOHOHO!" she burst out chortling.

'Cobalt!' Pyrrha hissed, 'Why would you say that?'

'Because I wanted to see your reaction...plus, bragging rights.' you replied, 'Might have been a drunken mistake for you, but I'm pretty proud to have bedded you, as far as overall attractiveness goes, you were pretty much top at Beacon with few contenders that could challenge you.'

He'd held his tongue on the fact because Pyrrha had seemed to regret what occurred, no matter how much she had squealed and begged for more during the act, prior to passing out at least. That, and he didn't exactly have any guy friends he could brag about the accomplishment to. And Weiss...she wasn't the type to take bragging about that well. Plus, she had been dealing with getting stood up by that blue haired sissy boy Neptune.

'...' Pyrrha didn't say anything. But you felt an odd warmth in the back of your head coming from her. '...I don't regret it now. After seeing what you thought of our time together, and spending all this time together. I'm pretty proud to have been the one to taken your first as well.' and then she fell silent and you felt her withdrawing deeper into your mind. She had cut off the sensation that sent what you were seeing and experiencing to her right now.

A few pats on the back drew your attention, "So you took Pyr's virginity?" the ginger girl was grinning. "How's she taking it?"

You chuckled, "She got all embarrassed and cut off our connection." you replied.

Nora giggled, "That sounds like her," she nodded sagely, "Pyrrha was the best when it came to fighting and so polite it was unreal sometimes. But, as Jaune Jaune can attest to, not very good when it comes to the romance department...or really being social in general."

"True that, can confirm." you replied. You turned your head a bit to look over your shoulders and meet her eyes, "What about you though? You're a lot more of a people person. But, doesn't seem to be working out with you and Ren getting together."

Nora eyes widened for a split moment before she sighed and pouted, "Yeah, we're not together-together, and I doubt me and Ren-Ren ever will be at this point," she replied sadly, "I know his semblance is part of it, but, it's not like it fully effects him when not in use, I've saw him check out other girls before. Is it just me then? Am I not hot enough? Guys don't ever hit on me...last night was probably one of the few times I can remember it happening."

..Last night? As in, when you were checking out her ass when her skirt rode up?

Hmm A bit different from what you'd heard from Pyrrha, and what she'd noticed and been told by Arc. But, it painted an even broader picture for you to work with.

"..Well, speaking up from my point of view and with my ability as a Grimm, I can tell you his emotions are pretty fucked. Unless I'm constantly suppressing my ability, I can feel people's emotions pretty easily, but even when he wasn't using his ability, I could barely sense anything from Ren." you spoke up.

Nora nodded, "Yeah, that pretty much confirms it for me, still, it doesn't make him incapable, like I said, he's checked out other girls before, heck he checked out Pyrrha and Blake quite a few times," the orange haired bruiser, "Maybe he's into taller girls? Sure Pyrrha's got the sizes to compete with me, but Belladona isn't exactly stacked, even if she does have a pretty good ass. There's nothing really similar about Pyrrha and Blake that I could understand why he checked them out and not me."

"..Maybe he's into quiet girls?" you shrugged, "You're pretty vibrant, loud and proud, and I don't think I've ever even heard Belladona speak, and Pyrrha's always speaking really softly and quietly."

Nora bit her lip and nodded, albeit a bit hesitantly, "..Maybe, I didn't even think about something like that factoring in." she murmured.

"Could be that he just thinks of you as a sister, or at least, that's the feel I got from the way Pyrrha explained you all, you did grow up together right?" you added.

Nora sighed, "I didn't think of that either to be honest." she shrugged, and you felt a sense of disappointment from her.

"It's not that you aren't hot, you can trust me on that." you added again before she could get depressed.

The ginger perked up, "Oh, how's that?" she grinned faintly.

You decided to be absolutely blunt with her, not holding anything back. Nora seemed like the type of girl that would appreciate that kind of thing in contrast to say Weiss. "Because if I had gotten the chance back when we were at Beacon and I was in my old body, I would have bent you over and absolutely destroyed that fat ass of yours."

Nora blinked, and her eyes flew wide open, "Eh!?" It was odd to see Nora Valkyrie of all people speechless.

"As far as girls in our year went, the two girls I wanted to fuck most were you and Pyrrha." And that was true. Nora might not have been as traditionally beautiful as Pyrrha, but she had the most insanely voluptuous body and a cute energic appeal in the face and personality. And you always thought with how quirky Nora is, she'd be insanely fun in bed, "Your body is absolutely insane. I lost count how many times I fantasized about getting you in my bed and having my way with you."

Her face flushed a bit at your blunt approach, but the shocked look also faded and was replaced by a grin, "Why Cobalty I never knew you felt that way!" she laughed, "You never showed any interest I noticed back at school."

You shrugged, "I was mostly too focused on training, and your interest in Ren was never actually hidden well at all, everyone knew you had an interest in him," you replied, "I had actually planned on asking you out to the dance before Pyrrha broke my leg in class that day."

Nora blinked, "Eh, everybody knew!?" she panicked before her eyes went wide again and she looked you in the eyes again, "Wait, you were gonna ask me to the dance?"

"Yup," you shrugged easily, "What may have been huh? I know you and Ren went separately from what Pyrrha told me. Just think, it might have been you I bedded that night instead of Pyrrha."

Nora laughed and smacked your back a few times with her palm, "You sure are confident Cobalty," she retorted, not flustered at all now about the insinuation, "Might have been fun though. You were pretty cute in that little bad boy way. How did Pyrrha like it?"

You grinned, "Oh I fucked Pyrrha cross eyed, she even passed out an hour in while I was still raring to go," you replied easily and proudly, "Think you could have gone longer?"

"Oh is that a challenge?" the ginger grinned right back at you, "You wanna boop this real good?" To your surprise, the ginger girl turned around on your back on all fours so her back was facing you, and the wind blew her skirt up over her hips, showing that big round ass of hers to your eyes. She'd changed her underwear you noticed. Another thong, though this one was cheetah print instead of pink.

"Oi oi! It's not fair to tease the poor guy who lost his dick like that!" you protested, while shamelessly ogling her huge ass with a laser like focus, "You're lucky I can't take a human form again yet or I'd take you down below and pound that ass so hard you wouldn't be able to sit down on it for a week even with aura!"

"Oh, oops?" Nora looked over her shoulder and touched an index finger to her chin mock bashfully, "To bad, so sad. And there you done such a good job cheering me up I might have just let you." she burst out laughing, swivelling around against you and hiding her big round badonkadonk under her skirt once more.

"You suck Nora!" you whined a bit, though it was all in good fun.

Nora nodded with a massive grin, "Probably woulda done that to!"

..She was a lot more open with this kind of thing than Pyrrha was, that was for sure.