

Tarish pulled out the human-sized fiery shield on her back and shouted, "Tanks! Bring 'em out!"

The other two tanks copied their leader and activated the Tank LifeSkills in their Soul System.

Each one of them glowed a bright colorful tint as they manifested their powers onto reality.

Tarish's LifeSkill called 'Burning Wall' created a 5 by 10 meter wall of fire in front of her that perfectly protected the entire roof they stood on. 

But they knew that wasn't enough.

The other tank had a LifeSkill called 'Sludge Fest'. This was a target-based power, so he had to concentrate on the giant fireball that threatened to consume the whole building.

With his experience and skill, he was able to lock on to his target within a fraction of a second.

A net made out of slimy liquid manifested outwards from his body and onto the fireball, bypassing the wall of fire made by Tarish.