
chapter 4

The sound of galloping came closer and closer until it was right next to him. Greg hurriedly tried to run in a different direction but was suddenly launched into the air before he could. Greg's butt landed on top of the horse. Sitting next to him was someone he knew.

"Fancy meetin' you here, partner!"

It was his blue-haired partner! He had lifted Greg up with his demonic strength and placed him in front of himself on the horse. Greg was relieved, but also angry at his partner for disappearing earlier.


With the horse, they were easily able to get away from the pursuers. Greg still didn't trust this partner guy. He wanted to kill him and take the horse for himself, but without a weapon he didn't dare try. The horse had ran for half an hour and was starting to slow down, so Greg started questioning his partner.

"So why the fuck did you abandon me earlier?"

The partner frowned at his question.

"Listen mate, im not your fucking nanny, aight'? I was gonna go look for a horse to get outta town with, but your stupid ass didn't follow."

Greg: "It's because you left without saying anything you bastard!"

Partner: "You just weren't paying attention ya fucking twat, and now you're bein' a bitch even though I saved your ass. You ungrateful little shit-

"HEY- UWAHH NOO.. UGH" Greg was thrown off the horse by his partner. He tried to get up and chase after him but the horse had sped up, making it impossible to catch up to on foot.

"YOU BASTARD, IF I SEE YOU AGAIN I'LL KILL YOU!!" Greg cursed at him but they were already too far apart to hear each other.

Greg kicked the ground and cursed in rage for a few minutes before he calmed down and started walking. His whole body was sore after getting beaten up by those damn thugs. His arms were scraped up after getting thrown off the horse and his stomach was starving for food like he hadn't eaten in a long time.


An unknown amount of time had passed since his partner had left him. He had kept following the road, thinking 'why does all this fucking shit only happen to me', when he spotted bloodstains on the ground. He looked around and realized that this was the place where he killed those three people on the wagon in self-defence.

He went and checked up on their bodies in the forest. It looked like nobody else had found them yet as they still had their equipment. He took the sword and scabbard from the swordsman and put it on his waist. Greg imagined that he looked pretty cool right now, so he did some poses for fun, but his body still hurt so he stopped immediately.

Hoping to find anyone to rob, he continued following the road. He was prepared for a fight as he now had a cool sword to wield. Many hours had passed since then and Greg had only gotten more and more tired as he kept walking. He couldn't find any berries to eat either.

Greg passed some crossroads earlier and thought he might have gone the wrong way. He was thinking of turning back when he spotted a big horse-drawn wagon coming his way.

'!!!' Greg got excited and readied himself for a fight. He took the sword out of the sheath and held it up. The wagon stopped when it came up to him. There were two people sitting in the front of the wagon. The one sitting on the right side, steering the wagon, was a woman wearing a high quality looking robe with cool details and the one on the left was a strong-looking swordsman with armor.

Greg didn't need to say anything as the swordsman jumped off the wagon and walked towards him. The swordsman didn't take out his sword but Greg didn't care as he raised his sword to strike him down. Just as Greg's sword was about to hit the man's shoulder, the sword came to an abrupt stop - the swordsman had caught it with his bare hands. Greg flinched and let go of the sword while backing off. The swordsman held Greg's sword in his hand and stabbed it towards Greg at lightning speed. Greg's stomach was pierced and the sword peeked out of his back. His consciousness quickly left him along with the intense pain.


The robed woman hurriedly walked over to Greg's body and healed him with a magic spell. "You didn't need to gravely injure him like that you idiot, you're just making more work for me!" The woman exclaimed in anger towards the swordsman. "Sorry about that, I forgot you wanted to sell him as a slave" The swordsman replied as he picked up Greg's body and put him in the back of the wagon along with the other slaves.