
Greetings!!! From 2000 Hells

All changed when everyone were trasported in another planet with the same mission. Be one of the 666 people that will survive and return back to earth. Victor Frost was a dancer in earth but now he will have to be more than that if he wants to survive.

Nick_Papageorgiou · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter 8 - Ester 2

Ester couldn't sleep she was just thinking about all the possibilities of this world. The mana and the abilities. The empty space for everything and no laws. She looked at Victor who was snoring. She was intrested in him. He was able to survive her hits and even managed to , unsuccesful thought, choke her. And the best part, he kissed her just to gain the upper hand in the fight. Never in her life someone else used her like that. She looked at Victor from head to toes. She could see that his legs were really strong but not defined to be a runner. His upper body was toned. His arms were really strong and muscular but not in an extreme way. Moreover in the battle his body coordination were on another level of regular people and his flexibility especially on the ground level was really good even one of the greats. 

Victor was a dancer.

Ester then thought about all the conversation her and Victor had. He was a man that didn't back down and was resourceful. His charisma needed work but that could be explained by his young age. He could control most of his emotions except for anger. She could make an assumption about his personality but couldn't still make one.

She then stood up and went outside. She shut on the edge of the mountain looking down on the plains. She imagined about all the things she would be able to do with or without Victor. This world was a prison without laws and she was the Warden. She was the one that would define everything and everyone in the future. She had that power both mentally and physically. She changed her position into lotus and started meditating. She could feel the mana inside her moving from one place to the other.

"What are you doing?"

Victor sleepy noice was heard from behind. He was sitting behind her with his back against the wall. He just woke up and his face was like he had a really bad hangover.

"I am meditating. I am trying to expand my mana to my torso."

"Wait please teach me how you used mana on your legs."

Victor stoop up excited. He hit his head on the roof of the cave but he didn't mind. He went and sat near her in the same position and locked his eyes on hers.

"It just needs practice. Imagine it as a stream of water in a pipe. That pipe is mostly blocked by, let's say debris. You need to break those debris with your mana."

Victor then closed his eyes while Ester was watching. He felt his mana on his arms and ears. He then relocated his mana near his right foot where he used all his power to break throught. Even how much he tried he couldn't break the power. Then he thought about the principle of inertia. Objects that are in motion stay in motion and those that rest, stay in rest. So if he used his mana to push the barrier he could maybe break it.

He then pulled all his mana on his ear. He thought the further away it is the better. He then moved it with all his force down his right leg.

Ester was watching him carefully. His facial expression made him an easily read person. He could understand when he was thinking, when he was moving his mana, when he was pushing or when he was resting. She also saw that under his right eye he had a small scar presumambly from a dogs nail. Before he could analyse him more he coughed up blood and fell down holding his stomach.


"What happened?"

"I tried to break the barried by using the inertia principle. But as you have guessed my insides were not ready for that. I think i damaged my stomach in the process."

"Let me see"

Victor lied down with his back while Ester pulled his shirt up to his chest and put her hands on his stomach. Ester starting caressing his six pack trying to find where he hurt himself. Victor on the other hand was trying to find a way to hide his wood. Ester then looked down and saw it and looked at him sideways with a smirk on her face making Victor even harder.

"From what i can understand you just scratched either your stomach or your lungs but nothing serious."

Victor then stood up and crawled away circling his wood with his legs. He couldn't hide his embarassment even if he tried. He lowered his red head looking at the ground.

Ester decided to test him a bit.

"You know i could help with your... problem."

Victor looked up in shocked and saw Ester crawling towards him like a cat. He could see hee chest changing sides and her ass shaking. He stood still. His wood could almost tear his pants. He saw her coming closer and closer feeling her breath on his face. 

"Please no"

"Why don't you want me"

Ester sat down showing her rich boobs and looking at him seductively. Victor tried really hard to resist the tempetation. A beautiful girl with a spectacular body wanting to have sex with him. Even she is psycho thought didn't work this time. Victor leaned towards her to kiss her but then before their lips touched he remember their first kiss that was on the verge of his demise and suddenly he stopped. Then he stopped and looked at her.

"What happened? I thought you wanted this."

Ester touched her body seductively from her thighs to her chest.

"I want but i won't. I don't know why you are doing this maybe you are a psycho maybe you are a nympho maybe you are both. But this whole thing doesn't feel right to me."


Ester face changed back to normal in an instance. She stood up fixed her shirt and then went inside the cave. Now she was even more interested in Victor. She didn't know how he could control his emotions especially his hornyness so good but she would for sure find his weakness. Especially now that Victor was the first human being that she was really into.