
Greetings!!! From 2000 Hells

All changed when everyone were trasported in another planet with the same mission. Be one of the 666 people that will survive and return back to earth. Victor Frost was a dancer in earth but now he will have to be more than that if he wants to survive.

Nick_Papageorgiou · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter 3 - Two birds , a lot of stones.

Victor face suddenly changed.

"What the fuck are you doing!!! Are you fucking crazy!!!" Victor shouted with his low bass voice.

Both of them took a step back grasping the situation. He was really intimidating especially in the darkness of the night. His slighty muscular body combined with his 1.84 metres height was a sight to be frightened. 

"Fuck you , you piece of shit" Said the woman

The next thing Victor saw was a movement for the right hand of the man. He saw a rock flying but it was too late to react, the rock hit him on his left hand.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh" Victor shouted

The stone hit a nerve in his hand paralyzing it for a second before making it numb. The man then proceeded to throw more rocks but they were not succesful. Victor was angry, he caught the rock that hit his left hand with his right hand and threw it with all his might towards the man. The man avoided the rock by putting his back on the wall. But the woman was not so lucky. The rock hit her in the head making her lose balance. Her left foot stepped on the edge and then on the void. She the fell with her side on the edge. On a last try to hold on she waved her arms trying to reach something to hold but she couldn't. She screamed as she was falling to her death but after two seconds the scream stopped and instead a snapping sound was heard all across the mountain. The spine of the girl had been broken in two by the impact of the falling on a rock. Her lifeless body was on top of the rock. Her head , arms and legs were hanging from the edges of the rock.

Victor and the man just stood looking at each other. The combination of the scream and the snap was too much for both men. The man made a step near the cliff to see the woman. He yelled as soon as he saw the lifeless body of the woman. He then turned to Victor. His face was in a blank state. Vengeance and anger filled his heart and soul to the point he only had one mission. Kill the man that killed his friend. He started walking towards Victor. Victor still in shock didn't even move and could only think of the despicable thing he had done. Victor collected his thought only to see the man in front of him. The man then unleashed a kick. Victor tried to avoid the kick but he could avoid a part of the foot. He hit him on his right ear making his head dizzy and his hearing a bit worse. Victor crawled away from the man with all his strength. 

The man just stood there watching Victor crawl away from him. He then stared at Victor eyes. The gaze was so intense it almost made Victor shit himself. Suddenly the man was emmiting a blueish aura around his right arm. 

"Mana" Victor mumbled

"The woman you killed, her name was Natasha, she was a student at Ukraine. She had survived the bombing of Mariupol just for you to just ... kill her like that" The man said in a calm tone

"For my defence she was the one that threw the first rock" Victor replied.

Victor knew a thing or two about human psychology. The most dangerous person in a room is not the one that shouts or the one being aggressive. The most dangerous one is the calm guy, the one that analyses the situation , the one that gathers as much information before he strikes, the one that is right in front of him.

"What is your name?" The man asked

Victor use his right hand to hold a rock on the wall beside him and stood up.

"Victor , yours?" 


Victor tried to stall as much as possible for the dizzyness to stop, but the man started walking towards him. His right hand was coated with a blue aura.

"Is that mana on your right hand?" Victor asked as he was walking backwards.

"I do not know but what i know is that i feel it more powerful than before, let me demonstrate that power."

Jashike grabbed a rock that was sticking out of the wall and took it out with no effort at all. He then threw the rock at Victor with such speed he could only understand the pain after it hit him. Victor looked down on his right leg and the rock was sticking out of it. Victor tried really hard to hold on the scream. He grabbed his right leg unconsiously. He then touched the rock. The half of the rock that was sticking out of his leg was as big as his hand. Victor then stared at him and suddenly he calmed down. He stood up and looked at him dead in his eyes. Something clicked at him in that moment. Death was so close on his doorstep and yet Victor didn't faze at all. In fact the adrenaline rush of this battle was like a drug to him.

"Oops, i missed" Jashike said sarcastically. "I guess you are a lucky son of a bitch"

"I don't know i mean ... i never meant my mother so... now that i think about it she must have been because i wouldn't be called a son of bitch this often"

Victor smirked a bit. The persona that was being created right now was a persona he liked having in the games he played and right now that persona was real.

"Listen you have two choices", Jashike lifted his index finger.

"You either die a painless death or"

"I die like a man" Victor said.

"I wouldn't say die like a man more die like a son of a bitch!" Jashike replied

This is a game of wits. I am already in a tough spot. My right leg is useless and my left leg is still a bit numb from the first rock that hit me. Moreover he can use mana. The only thing that is still on the table for grabs is the mindset. And i am already at my peak. My anger is almost ready to burst out.

"You know when i was teleported here i was crying for two hours before Natalia found me. She was sweet and kind and helped me stand at my feet. And now she is dead, because of you. I will not let her death be meaningless." Jashike almost reaped out a stone from his anger as he said at.

"So you tried to fuck her when you found my cave... now all of it makes sense." Victor understood that this was the stepping stone to get into his mind.

"FUCK YOU!" Jashike yelled and threw a rock missing by a lot.

Jackpot bitch! Victor then replied. "I would but i wouldn't fuck a dead body neither a man so... i 'll pass".

Victor got in the mind of Jashike winning the battle of mind. Jashike ran towards his preparing his fist for a punch. He hadn't punch a lot of people before and that could be seen by the awkard motion. Jashike threw the punch with his right hand but Victor was able to avoid it by letting his body fall on the wall. Jashike tripped and fell on the ground. Now it was Victor who had the upper hand and his mind was filled with one thought.

Kill or be killed.