
Green tipped ears and family

Izuku stress manifested a wolf quirk after the sludge villain. He scares his momma, and after she tells him to leave, he runs away from home. It’s the perfect opportunity to watch heroes though! And he gets to meet Eraserhead! He also gets… taken in by Eraserhead. Izuku has a wolf quirk, and he finds himself a family.

Runtbastrd · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs


Shouta had gone to bed in the early hours of the morning. He had waited for the kid to come home, long after he said he would've been. Maybe the kid fucked up and actually did kill Mineta? But that wasn't possible, there were no reports. When he opened the door to leave for work that morning, he very nearly tripped over a ball of black fur, soaked through and asleep on the apartment complex front doorstep. He sighed and rubbed his face, crouching down beside his kid. "Hey, kid." He was met with tired green eyes that blinked slowly at him. "Are you still in your uniform?"


"You wanna shower before we go?"


"Come on kid."

After the kids shower, they walked to school together again. There had been a news story about the large 'dog' roaming around with a seemingly protective stance over its 'master'. Shouta had smiled at that, he was incredibly amused. The kid had been labelled a hellhound and Shouta, (who is thankfully mostly unrecognisable in the picture) was dubbed his master from the underworld. That certainly got a laugh out of him. There weren't any less stares this time, but someone did shout "hellhound!" At his kid, who flicked his tail in response and gave a soft growl of annoyance, but he didn't react further than that. The parted at the gate once again, but this time, Shouta was curious. He went inside, straight to Nezu's office. Judging by the two cups of tea, the stoat had been expecting him.

"Aizawa! What can I do for you?"

"The kid. You know who he is."

"Yes. A bright young student. I was rather pleased when I saw how he worked around not revealing his quirk. He's certainly intelligent."

"Can you show me the camera for the grass beside the front gate?"

Nezu seemed to know that it was exactly what he would request, so he moved his computer screen so they could watch together. Shouta watched as the kid seemed to be asleep, but it's ears perked up to an unknown noise and his tail started to wag. A boy from his class stepped into frame, smiling down at the mass of black fur. Shinsou Hitoshi was grinning at the wolf like they were friends. The wolf lifted its tail and caught Shinsou with it, dragging Shinsou to lay with him, tail covering his body as they lay together, enjoying each other's company. Shinsou only spoke to one person yesterday. That one person had been incredibly protective of Shinsou.


Nezu grinned, nodding. "Yes. It seems Midoriya has been keeping quite the secret. I'm not sure how long he's been the wolf you've been talking about-"

"Ten months. He was sleeping on the streets for ten months. He slept in the rain last night because he was home late. He didn't think to wake us."

"Oh dear. It seems the poor boy requires a bit of care and reassurance Aizawa."

Shouta sighed. He knew that already. He knew him and Zashi could help the kid, give him a place to stay, even if it was just until he found somewhere he wanted to be. He looked at Nezu, frowning slightly. "What's the kids address?"

Nezu shuffled through some paper on his desk and hummed. "I believe it's a P.O. Box on the route of one of your patrols."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Because it's the only reason I allowed him to take the exam. He sent his application in a day late. It was only because he hand delivered it that I accepted it at all. The receptionist said he was scruffy and tired looking, that he was skin and bone and that he looked like he hadn't walked in months."

Shouta had to fix this. The kid still looked too thin, so they'd have to make him meals through the day. He would have to come 'home' for dinner instead of running around doing fuck knows what all day. Rubbing his face, he turned away from Nezu and leaned against the wall. He couldn't tell the kid he knew who he was, it'd break the very fragile trust he had already gained. He knew it was hard for the kid to even sleep in the house, nevermind have a conversation about why he had been sleeping on the street for ten months.

"He'll be staying with me and Hizashi, put us down as his contacts. Whatever numbers are under that section are probably false."

"Already done Aizawa."

Aizawa left for the teachers lounge, immediately stepping up to his husband and leading him away from other ears. "I need you to not slip up with what I'm about to tell you."

Hizashi looked confused, but nodded. "Of course Sho, what's wrong?"

"It's Midoriya Izuku."


"Kid. The kid is Izuku."

Hizashi's whole face dropped. "Sho. He was in the room when I was on the phone to you. I thought he was sleeping. I guilted him into going back to his den didn't I?"

Shouta couldn't say no. Not when he knew that Izuku had probably curled himself into some corner like he always does and listened to Hizashi talk about his den. They couldn't change it now, but they'd be better in the future. "It's okay Zashi, he knows you didn't mean to, but we have to pretend we don't know it's him. He has to come to us with this." His husband nodded immediately, rubbing his hands over his face. The first bell rang, alerting them to start moving. He stopped for a minute, staring at the floor.


"I need to give him time to shift back. He sleeps out on the front lawn with Shinsou Hitoshi. They'll probably walk in together now that their friends, so it'll take longer."

Hizashi smiled at him, bright and kind, taking his hand and squeezing it before heading to his own class. Shouta gave it five minutes before he headed to his own, noticing Izuku and Shinsou sitting together at one desk. He didn't mention it, nor did he mention the way Izuku closed his eyes for half a second and whispered something to Shinsou as Shouta was walking in, which made the purple haired boys eyes flick directly to him. Izuku had sensed him coming again. Now Shouta knew why.

Izuku sat with Hitoshi, eyes on the floor. Hitoshi didn't seem bothered by the fact he wasn't feeling good enough to maintain eye contact, he just kept talking, eventually cut off by the door busting open. Clearly, he and Hitoshi had no idea what was happening and Aizawa could see it as he approached their desk. He mumbled a soft, "you have heroics now." As he passed them, small smile in place as he leaned against the wall beside the desk they shared. Izuku looked up to see their heroics teacher. He caught the sight of the telltale bangs first. He clenched his jaw as the class cheered over the arrival of the number one hero. Izuku feels like he's going to either throw up or maul All Might. Either works in this situation. So he does the closest he can get. He stands, chair scraping, grabs Hitoshi and gestures to Aizawa before basically booking it out of the classroom. Hitoshi doesn't question him, but when Aizawa joins them in the hallway, he raises a brow, curious at the reaction he's had at the number one hero.

"I won't take heroics with him."


"He told me I couldn't be a hero because I was quirkless, told me to be realistic and then left me on a roof. After he told me his little secret."

Shouta was officially ready to drag the number one hero out of his classroom and kick his shit in. He settled for the closest thing he could get for right now. He opened the door, stared at Yagi who was beaming at the kids with that stupid smile he's always hated, and suppressed the need to smack the hero. "All Might, please join me out here." He gestured for Izuku and Shinsou to head back inside, which they did, Shinsou sitting beside Izuku again, this time taking one of the boys hands and whispering softly to him. All Might stepped out of the room and Shouta squinted at him. God he fucking hated quirkest assholes. "Do you recognise Izuku? The green haired boy?"

"I think so Aizawa, but I'm not sure from where, why do you ask?"

"You told him your secret. Then you told him he couldn't be a hero and left him on a roof. Do you remember that?"

"Oh, the quirkless boy yes?"


"…Is there a problem? I'm not understanding what's wrong."

"You don't understand what's wrong?"

Shouta watches Yagi turn into skin and bones and he feels like the form is just to placate him. When Yagi raises his hands to show he means no harm, Shouta grinds his teeth and seethes.

"The boy is quirkless, he cannot be a hero Aizawa. I told him so because it's the truth."

Shouta swears he wasn't going to use violence. He would've even promised. But the second the blond moron opened his mouth, Shouta couldn't help it. He knows the crack that sounds when his knuckles connect with Yagi's face, isn't from his hand. Which means he's probably broken All Mights nose. His knuckles are split, he could feel it, so he shakes his hand to relieve the pain and leaves Yagi holding his nose and cursing in the corridor. The second he walks back into the classroom, Izuku's eyes are on him, flicking down to his hand and when the realisation settles in his head, his eyes widen and he says something quietly, which causes Shinsou to swivel around and stare at his hand. He knows the rest of the class won't catch it, so he doesn't attempt to hide it. He just hopes Yagi has decided to move from the hallway. "Get your hero outfits. You'll be doing heroics training with me for today."

Some of the class look disappointed, but Izuku and Shinsou look relieved, which is enough for Shouta. They'll just be testing their costumes today, checking that they can move and run a short obstacle course. He watches as Shinsou collects his case, but Izuku doesn't. He walks over and is met with a sketch laying on Izuku's desk. It's of what Shouta assumes is his hero costume, and Shouta doesn't understand why it hasn't been made.

"I sent my application late, there was no time to send my suit design. Can I go down to support now sir?"

Shouta sighs. He should have known the kid had no suit, especially when the only time he spent on two legs was during school hours. He only applied after he heard Zashi asking about the new classes of this year. The kid probably hadn't even known what month it was. The kid needed a costume, and this one seemed practical. It leaned heavily towards underground heroics, plus the kid had a good quirk for it.

"Underground heroics?"

The kid smiled at him. "Yes sir."

Didn't that just make him soft. "Yeah, go down to powerloader, do you want to run the course with Shinsou even without the suit?"

Izuku perked up, grin on his face. "Yes please!"

"Okay, Shinsou suit up, Izuku, go hand that in and discuss it with support. You and Shinsou can run the course when you get back."

The pair shot each other grins. One taking off in one direction and the other taking off in the opposite. It took Shouta a second too long to remember the kid could move a lot fucking faster than most of the people in his class and Shouta had just handed him the opportunity to race. He walked the class to the gym, watching as they split off to go to their locker rooms. Shinsou was the first one done, his suit incredibly similar to Shouta's own, only in a shade of dark purple. The kid smirked at him, but said nothing, waiting patiently for his friend to return.

After the group set off to do the course, Izuku raced through the door to stand beside Hitoshi. He pulled off his blazer and tie with a grin, twisting to crack his back as Shouta hoped to christ the kid was just trying to be flashy. When he had the pair line up one their own after everyone else was done, he sighed as he hoped the kid would go easy.


Obviously there wasn't a fucking god out there willing to listen to Shouta, because the kid took off like a fucking rocket, leaving Shinsou in the dust. He vaulted over things like a professional, jumping over things with his knees tucked into his chest and landing in tucked roll, sprinting off again the second he was on his feet. He finished 20 seconds faster than Shinsou with a wide grin on his face and not even breaking a sweat. He had the fastest time, which seemed to be the breaking point for Bakugou Katsuki, who stormed over to him, explosions popping and cracking as he lunged for Izuku. Shouta whipped out his capture scarf as Izuku froze up, fear evident on the kids face.

"Fucking Deku! You're a cheater! You useless, quirkless little freak! Stop trying so hard to be a fucking hero! We both know you'll be killed before you make it anywhere close!"

Two things happened at once. Izuku paled, hands up to placate the other teen, stumbling over apologies. "I'm sorry Kacchan! I wasn't cheating I swear!"

And Shinsou Hitoshi stepped in front of Izuku, face pulled back in an ugly, angry sneer as he reared his head back and slammed it into Bakugou's nose, who was completely unable to defend himself because of the capture scarf he was bound in. The blond boy wailed, attempting to hold his bloody nose, but unable. Shinsou had single-handedly terrified the whole class. Everyone was watching him, Bakugou's blood smeared on his forehead as he growled out his piece. "Izuku will be a hero. A fucking better one than you. Who gives a shit if he has a quirk or not Kacchan. We both know you're just terrified about how quickly he's catching up to you, you fucking bully." He backs off, returning back to Izuku who latches onto him and checks his forehead, hands shaking as he holds tight to his friends jumpsuit. Shinsou has an arm around him protectively, daring anyone to open their mouths.

Shouta is furious, pulling the bloody faced teen towards him and dragging him out of the room with a sharp, "class dismissed. Go back to homeroom." The kind of submissive behaviour Izuku had shown was learned, which raised a quiet fury throughout his body. He dragged the kid the whole way to Nezu, growling as he shoves the kid into a seat and retracts his scarf before Nezu even has the chance to greet him. "Why the hell is an aggressive bully in my homeroom with his fucking victim?"

Nezu frowns at him. "I'm sorry?"

"He just lunged for my kid and Izuku immediately tried to placate him. I'll bet my job that if you actually look into them both you'll see for yourself."

So the rat does. He doesn't mention how he called Izuku his kid, he just does what Shouta asks. They sit and flick through Bakugou and Izuku's files and see how everything in middle school had been plastered onto Izuku's record, and how they didn't think to report him missing, simply giving him his 'predicted' grades so he could apply to schools when he eventually showed up again. Apparently the kid had been prone to missing school, his mother always calling him out for something. The kid had been taking better care of himself than his mother had as a whole. By the time they're done, it's clear Bakugou is a bully, one who probably left a fair amount of marks on Izuku's skin, one's that Shouta would never have seen under the boys fur.

He stares at Bakugou who stares right back. "If you're gonna fucking expel me then do it hobo. I'll still be right about him. He's quirkless."

"Midoriya isn't quirkless Bakugou." Nezu is so overly polite about it, it's frightening. A small, sharp smile that makes Shouta's instincts scream at him to turn and bolt. He doesn't, watching Bakugou frown.

"The hell you mean? He was diagnosed when he was a kid. He's got the toe joint and all that shit."

"I can assure you, Midoriya has a quirk. Aizawa has seen it himself."

Bakugou grinds his teeth and Shouta can see the kid is pissed. "What is it? What is Deku's fucking quirk?"

"None of your business Bakugou. You won't be finding out either. You're suspended for the time being until we learn everything you have done to Izuku."

Shouta turned on his heel and left, knowing he couldn't be in the same room as the bully who pushed his kid around and probably pushed a lot farther than a few popping explosions to scare him. He stepped into the classroom, immediately noting that Izuku and Shinsou weren't here. He stepped back out again, heading back to the gym, where sure enough, Izuku and Shinsou are sat on the ground exactly where he left them, fingers intertwined as Izuku talks. Either he's so upset by Bakugou's outburst and doesn't notice him or he doesn't care that Shouta is here, because neither of them seem to realise the door has opened and Shouta is standing there.

"-It manifested later that day when I was attacked by the sludge villain. I could feel it thrumming under my skin, but I still couldn't do anything. He's right Toshi, I can't be a hero."

"That's bullshit."

Shouta is aware it's himself that has said it as both boys whip around to look at him, wide eyed. He walks over, sitting himself on the floor with them. "You're a good kid Izuku. You have the potential to be a great hero. I know you'll be a great hero."

Izuku promptly bursts into tears at his teachers words. No one has ever told him he could be a hero. Sure, Izuku could be a sarcastic little shit, but this was the man who had taken him in off the streets, not even knowing it was him, hadn't seen his quirk yet, hadn't seen him do anything remotely heroic, was watching him cry like a little bitch, but still, he sat with a small smile, one he often shared with Mic at home, one he reserved for people he cared for. It crushed Izuku's heart for lying to him, but he wasn't ready to tell him yet. He knew that Aizawa wouldn't make him leave because he was a wolf, he had invited the wolf inside his home but Izuku couldn't forget the clear fear and despair on his mothers face after screaming at him to leave her house. It was his own fault, he hadn't known he was a wolf and bared his teeth, a clear sign to people to back the fuck off. He wiped his tears, unsuccessfully, trying to smell the scents around him to calm himself. It didn't work, his nose too blocked from crying to pick up Toshi or Aizawa's scent. He whined, a pitiful noise that mortified him, but he was quickly granted a soft weight on his shoulders. He was aware of Toshi touching whatever it was, and when he focused enough to pay attention, he noticed the weight was Aizawa's capture scarf and Toshi was rubbing his wrist on one of the strands close to his face. He was leaving his scent on it so Izuku could smell both of them on the scarf. This prompted more tears, latching onto Toshi like a dying man.

"Thank you both. Thank you."

Shouta hadn't known what to do when Izuku whined, but the weight of the capture scarf was something that always helped him, so he dumped it on Izuku's shoulders. Judging by the way the kid immediately relaxed, he'd have to go and find his spare one. Maybe he could even teach the kid. His line of thinking shut down when Shinsou started running his wrist on a piece of the fabric close to Izuku's nose, which cause the boy to relax even more. He remembered the kid was running around as a wolf every day. The kid attached himself to Shinsou, whispering thank you's. Shouta wasn't moving from here without his kid, so he sent Hizashi a text to ask him to cover his class for the next while. His husband quickly replied, making Shouta promise to tell him what happened later. The kid fell asleep on Shinsou's lap, the purple haired boy carding his fingers through Izuku's hair.

"Sir? I'd like to be dismissed from classes for the next while, I have some things to do."

Shouta snorted at the kids tone, laced with sarcasm and affection. "Yeah kid. No problem."

They sat in silence, Shouta mentally trying to figure out where his spare scarf was, so he called the one person who would know.

"Sho? Is everything alright?"

"Everything is fine Zashi. Do you know where the spare capture scarf is?"

"Yeah? It's in the bedroom closet. Why?"

"I wanna give it to Izuku."

Shinsou sighed. "It's the smell, the scarf helped, but he likes being able to smell you. Apparently he thinks you're safe."

"Sho? Is that Shinsou? Is something wrong with Izuku?"

Shouta felt ridiculously out of his depth. Apparently his problem child liked the weight of the scarf, but preferred to smell him. He knew smell was probably important to Izuku. He just didn't realise his smell was important to Izuku.

"Nothings wrong with Izuku. It's a gift, he seems to like it."

"Okay. I'll dig it out when we get home from school. See you soon Sho."

Hizashi hangs up and Shouta turns to Shinsou. "Will you wear it for a few hours?"

Shinsou looks incredibly pleased by this request. "Sure."

When Izuku wakes, he's still wearing Aizawa's capture scarf and Hitoshi is playing with his hair. His nose is still blocked, so he can't smell who's here, but he can smell Aizawa and Toshi on the scarf. He curls into it as much as he can manage, ignoring Toshi's soft snort. Toshi tells him that there was an alarm a while ago, but it was nothing, so he can go back to sleep. He fists his hands into the fabric of the scarf, holding it tight so he doesn't have to let go yet. It smells like coffee, faint hints of the streets he lived on for ten months and Mic's green tea. He can smell a faint touch of Aizawa's sweat, but his blocked nose means he isn't sure exactly of what it smells like, so he moves onto the portion that smells like Toshi. That smells like coffee too, the smell of cats lingers on him. He can smell a feminine scent too, Izuku thinks it might be Hitoshi's mother. He creases his nose a little at that, the unfamiliar scent sharp on his nose. The smells mixed together are now what he decides is home, but he's vaguely aware that it's missing the smell of citrus and the bubblegum scented hair gel he associates with Mic. The smell of his family lulls him to sleep again, curled up around Hitoshi, listening to Aizawa's heart beat smoothly.

Izuku can easily pinpoint when he decided to trust Aizawa. Aizawa had called All Might outside and returned smelling of blood, his knuckles split open. Aizawa had punched All Might over him and Hitoshi had headbutted Bakugou. They were his family now and if Aizawa trusted Mic, Izuku would too. He still wasn't ready to tell Aizawa about his quirk, fear of abandonment gripping his heart in a tight grip, but he was definitely more comfortable now.

Which clearly showed when Aizawa's final class ended, long after Izuku had woken and returned his scarf, a large black wolf walked into the classroom like it belonged there. It slumped at Aizawa's feet, completely ignoring the questions from the students as Aizawa sighed and packed up. "If you want to walk home together, you'll have to wait, Nezu wants to talk to me. I suppose you can come with me. He might even refrain from getting too angry."


Aizawa snorted, finished putting everything in its place and turned to the wolf. "You ready kid?"

Izuku stood, following Aizawa out into the hallways and down to Nezu's office. The door swung open on its own and Izuku snapped his teeth together, but didn't make any other noise. He walked in behind Aizawa, standing curled around him protectively. Aizawa was here because he punched All Might for him. The least he could do was make sure he was safe from now on.

"Aizawa. I see you've brought our local news story with you."

Izuku flashed his teeth, chest grumbling in complaint. He hated that name.

"What's the punishment?"

"There isn't one. I just want to know the whole story."

"He was a quirkest bastard to one of my students. So I punched him."

"The whole story, Aizawa."

"Izuku called me from class after All Might appeared because he wanted to tell me something. He informed myself and Shinsou Hitoshi that he had met All Might previously and that when he asked if he could be a quirkless hero, All Might told him no and left him on the roof of a high rise building."

Izuku hated that Aizawa had to share his story, but it was necessary for him to keep his job, so Izuku allowed it. He would've even encouraged it. The rat hummed and nodded, causing Izuku to be briefly afraid that Nezu wouldn't believe them.

"I'll make sure All Might is dealt with accordingly. There will be no fault placed on you or Midoriya. As for Shinsou, we'll have to talk about not head butting people who upset your friends."

Izuku curled his lips back, but didn't growl, trying his absolute best not to out himself over his protectiveness of his family. Thankfully Aizawa saved him. "No, we won't. Shinsou acted when his friend was scared, he controlled the situation and prevented it getting worse. Could he have done it differently? Maybe. But he didn't, and it's done. Is that all?"

"…yes Aizawa, that's all. You're free to return home with your hellhound and Yamada."

Izuku did growl at that, ears flat to his head. He really didn't like that rat. He made sure to stay behind Aizawa, letting him set the pace. They stopped by the teachers lounge to collect Mic or Yamada as he had learned, forgetting the teachers lounge would be full of people. Midnight jumped and stepped away from him, eyes locked on his teeth. All Might was skinny, staring at Izuku like he was a threat and Izuku could only stare at his crooked nose. Clearly he had ran like a dog with its tail between its legs and refused to get help. Snipe's hand went to the gun on his hip as he stepped back, which immediately put Izuku on the defensive. He positioned himself around Aizawa again, his front crouched as he growled and showed his teeth, staring at Snipe while his drool dripped off his muzzle.

"Sho? Kid? The hell is happening here?"

Izuku looked behind him where Yamada was standing in shock. Izuku quickly used his tail to pull Yamada close beside Aizawa, still growling at the other teachers. They may be his teachers and pro heroes, but right now they were a threat.

"Sho. What the fuck is happening?"

"He's protecting us. He sees them as a threat. Snipe, take your hand off the gun and back up. Yagi, just turn around or some shit. I don't care as long as you stop staring like the kids a villain."

Snipe stepped back, raising his hand away from the gun. All Might turned around and the other teachers all backed away, leaving them plenty of room. He turned his head to sniff Aizawa and Yamada, checking that they weren't injured or in distress in any way, only stopping the deep growl when he was sure everyone was far enough and that his family was okay. He flicked his tail once before returning to the hallway to watch as Aizawa looked around the room. "Kid, everyone. Everyone, kid."

That was a good enough introduction for Izuku.

Midnight stepped closer, head tilted in confusion. "Shouta, why the fuck is there a wolf staring at us like we just threatened to kill it's family?"

Because you did. All Might looked ready to start swinging and Snipe had his hand on a gun. That is a threat.

"That's kid. He lives with us. Next time you see a wolf, maybe don't look like you're about to shoot it and it's friends."

Izuku decided he didn't like these teachers. They were jumpy and unpredictable, especially when faced with an unknown. It wasn't very heroic of them.

"Plus, if you shot him, you'd have to explain to Nezu why one of his students is missing. He's a quirked kid."

Midnight seemed interested now. "That's a kid? I'm an aunt?"

No. Izuku snapped his teeth and Shouta grinned. "Not unless you earn it. Kid doesn't like you very much."


"Nemuri you did just look ready to go all 'pro hero' on him. Lil' listener has good reason to be wary. Now, if you'll excuse us, I want food and I can't get it here."

Izuku was sure now that he had made the right choice to trust Aizawa's opinion of Yamada. Yamada was a gift from heaven that saved Izuku from listening to Pro heroes talk about him like he was nothing better than a dumb dog. He led them out of the school with a hand in Aizawa's and a hand on Izuku's side. This time it's Aizawa that leaves to drive the car home, leaving Yamada to walk home with him. Izuku presses his nose to Mic's chest, the smell of his citrus soap and that strange cologne sticking to his clothes. He can smell the bubblegum scented hair gel from here too, which causes him to huff, unable to laugh. Mic pats his head with a smile, rubbing his ears softly. They walk through the streets together, people moving aside for them, occasionally stopping to talk to Mic. Izuku likes walking with Yamada, but he much prefers the peace of walking with Aizawa, an amazing hero, but one who doesn't get recognised and stopped in the street. The people are hesitant to get to close to Mic, especially with Izuku practically wrapped around him, his tail swishing gently at being so close to Mic. There's definitely going to be a video or photo floating around of them and Mic won't be able to hide from it, unlike Aizawa.

Eventually they make it home, Yamada opening the door for him and letting him slump into his bed to sleep. He's woken an hour later with food in the widest bowl they own, set beside his bed so he can eat without having to hide away in a room to do so. He tries to eat as quickly and quietly as possible, not wanting to bother them. He wants to be more help and do the dishes or even bring his bowl in, but the fear doesn't go away, no matter how illogical it is. He can hear Aizawa talking to Yamada about class plans for tomorrow and he hears about the surprise trip to USJ. He thumps his tail in excitement, a pair of black eyes locking onto him.

"Don't be telling any of your friends kid. It's supposed to be a surprise."


Aizawa smiles and pets his head, taking his bowl and heading back into the kitchen, so Izuku curls up and falls asleep again. When he wakes up, Aizawa is on the couch wearing a new capture scarf. He can smell the difference, this one doesn't smell like him or Yamada and the last of Toshi's scent doesn't cling to it. When Aizawa asks him if he wants to join his patrol later that night, Izuku thumps his tail against the ground too many times for them to use their limited communication, but he seemed to understand Izuku is excited and he smiles, taking off the new capture scarf and setting it aside to pull his old one over his head. Izuku leaves the house first, not noticing Yamada watch him with a smile as he wraps the spare capture scarf over his own shoulders and heads out of the house not long after them.

Izuku sprints as hard as he can through the streets, people making way for him without looking twice. He always liked that about the shady side of town, no one gave a shit that he was running around as a wolf at night. Sometimes people even greeted him if they remembered him being around. He knows they're more hesitant now, especially with the stranger on his back, holding onto his fur so he doesn't fall off. Aizawa had asked Izuku to stay back from fights, which Izuku did, only because Aizawa asked. He got a little banged up in some of his fights, so Izuku lay down for Aizawa to climb on his back. After he was seated properly, Izuku rose slowly, carefully starting to trot so he didn't scare Aizawa. Toshi had liked when he ran, but Aizawa might not.

"Say kid, fancy getting us home early so we can raid the kitchen before Zashi gets home?"

So Izuku sprinted as hard as he could, paws beating against the road as he went. He noticed a fence, one he could definitely clear, so he stared at it, Aizawa catching onto his plans. "Kid I swear to god you're gonna kill us."

Izuku pushed off on his back legs, tucked his front paws to his chest and cleared the fence, yipping when he landed and continued running, Aizawa muttering a string of curses, Izuku huffing in response.

They arrived with half an hour to spare, Aizawa spooning out some leftovers for them both and setting Izuku's bowl on the counter beside his own, both of them scarfing it down in the dark like men starved. Izuku finished before Aizawa, licking his snout clean when the apartment light switched on, Izuku caught red handed cleaning his snout and Aizawa freezing, chopsticks halfway to his mouth.

"Shouta? Kid? What are you two doing?"

"…You're home early."

"Are you eating the leftovers?"


Aizawa shot him a fond glare. "Snitch."

Thankfully, Yamada wasn't actually mad at them. He joined their little leftovers scrounge up, all of them heading to bed stuffed full. Izuku didn't know it yet, but Yamada hadn't been at work at all, but shopping for things to put in the spare bedroom of their apartment for Izuku. Including the biggest dog bed he could get his hands on, incase Izuku preferred it to the bed, or he genuinely liked sleeping in his wolf form.

Izuku curled up on the floor, Aizawa wrapping his blanket over him and patting his head, Yamada crouching to rub his ears and scratch his chin. They headed to bed, Izuku laying his tail over his eyes like always, closing his eyes and drifting off surrounded by the smell of 2/3 of his family.