Time flies quickly; may you enjoy a cup of drink. I know not the height of the green mountain, nor the depth of the earth. Only watching as the seasons change, that it took people's lives.
The crowd looked and were shocked to see She Dengke's sleeve slashed open by a sharp weapon, cut all the way from his wrist to his elbow, his clothes torn and blood pouring out.
Old Yao tore open the torn part of the clothes, saw the wound gaping open, and his expression immediately darkened, "What kind of thief is this cruel? If you're going to steal, just steal, why hurt someone like this?!"
As he was speaking, a carriage slowly stopped at the door. It was Shopkeeper Yuan jumping down from the carriage, holding two bags of pastries as he walked into the Medical Hall with a beaming smile.
Shopkeeper Yuan was dressed in bright red satin, his head adorned with a gold crown, exuding an aura of wealth.
He placed the pastries on the counter and smiled as he bowed his hands together, "Doctor Yao, I've come to visit Chen Ji again. Is he feeling any better today?"
Doctor Yao gave him a cold glance and spoke indifferently, "Chen Ji is in the yard. Go see for yourself."