
Chapter 1

- As you can see a new portal has opened here in C16 street, the authorities have already cordoned off the area and Lords from the Light guild are already in their way here.

"Wow guys have you heard!? The Light guild!"

"Will the Lantern be there then?"

"Omg that would be great!"

Three young men are watching the news in a hologram-like screen that floats above the most excited one's wrist. He is a blond young man taller than the normal, just a little above 1,90 m, green eyes and a slightly big nose that makes him look a little as an old-style British caricature. Still, the man is considered handsome by most girls in their class and is well built.

"I don´t know bro, it´s probably not that big as to make him go there, right?"

This other young man was a little over 1,60 m and had still some baby fat on his face that made him look younger. He has brown eyes, brown hair and it looks like he is still totally beardless. If there is something to notice about him is that he is wearing a shirt with a picture of a singer of the Old Era that had a lightning painted on his face.

"The Light guild is still a little one, so he will probably go, they need that propaganda"

"Ha! You talk as if you don´t like him Héctor, but we all know that you are his fan!"

Héctor had talked just to get reprimanded by the last of the three younglings in the group. The one that just talked is nearly as tall as Héctor, but he has a wider back and looked more muscular. Him being totally bald and that he was also wearing a shirt give him a strange look in a 18 year old boy, but not much more could be said about him.

"Juan, you say something to Héctor too. He was probably just trying to convince us to go there with him"

"Eh? Is that for real Héctor??"

"Shit, Alex, don´t tell him. I don´t want to go there alone, also, since what happened with Alberto, we don´t meet as much as before…"

"Let´s better don´t talk about it…"

"Yeah, it's still not the time…"

"Oh, who will be the next one? Its JI, no?"

At the same that Alex was saying this another young man entered from the door of the class aula and hugged Héctor from behind.

"Yep! It´s my turn today, why? You jealous?"

"JI don´t joke, do you want to come with us to the portal? It could give you good luck for later."

"I´ve never heard of something like that giving good luck…"

"Hahaha he is just trying to convince you to go because he doesn´t want to go alone"

Juan said with a smartass tone.

"Oh? So that's the reason Héctor?"

"Uh, well, haha, we can talk about it in the way…"

JI set free Héctor from his hug, and before leaving, while waving off gave them a final message.

"Tell Alberto, Natalia, Mafex and the two Jorges that I'm leaving sooner today"

"Ok, good luck, and don't worry about the result, we´ll be here if you need us"

"Hahaha okay, see you later."

JI´s home isn´t far away from the training ground where he´s been going for the last year, but the journey still took him a little over 15 min on foot. He lives in a flat that his mother had inherited from her family and he lives with his mother, father and little brother.

"Ugh, okay, today is Friday, here we go…"

While he introduced the key in the door, he suddenly heard a hoarse voice shouting, he rapidly opened the door to see a scene that would be shocking if not for how many times he had already seen it.

"Who do you think you are you bitch? Do you think you are better than me?"

In front of him, his mother was lying on the floor and his father was kicking her while shouting and trying to drink from an empty bottle of alcohol that he had in his hands.

"I´m sorry! I´m sorry! I promise this won´t happen again, please!"

This happened every Friday since JI could remember. His father doesn´t have to work on Fridays, so he usually goes out drinking on Thursdays and ended up with a big hangover that made him act especially harsh with his mother.

"Dad, stop it!"

"You little bastard… Why did you come home so early today? Do you want to get beaten too? Uh!?"

"If you don´t stop it I will record this and send it to the police, so stop right now"

This kind of things happened nearly every day in his house, but Fridays were especially hard days.

"Mom, is lil bro already at home?"

"Yes, in his room"

His mother didn´t even thank him, she just stand up and went directly to the bathroom. JI approached his brother's door and knocked at the door.

Knock knock

"Who is it? It´s you big bro?"

A timid voice could be heard from the other side of the door.

"Yes, it´s me, open the door I won´t be able to give you the sweets I've brought for you."


After a second some latch noises could be heard and the door opened and a young boy that looked around 8 years old could be seen inside the room.

"Eeeh you lied! You don´t have sweets!"

"Yep, I lied, what you gonna do?"

"I´ll beat you!!!"

His little brother jumped on him and hugged him as hard as he could.

"Oh no, lil bro, you are too powerful…"

JI hugged his brother back and jumped on to the bed.

"Hehe surrender big bro and I will let you live!"

"I surrender! I surrender!"

"Yeees, I´m the strongest! Next time bring me sweets or prepare to be defeated again!"

"With one condition"

"Yes yes, tell me."

"Wish bro good luck, tomorrow I turn 18"

"What, so soon?"

The tone of his little brother sounded excited.

"Yes, do you remember our promise?"

"Yes, you will move out of home and bring me with you once you turn 18, will that really happen?"

"Yes of course, so don´t worry, in a few days we will be living alone."

"Mmm ok big bro. Good luck with your awakening!"

After playing for a while with his brother JI decided to go to the kitchen and take a meal before going to sleep. Inside the kitchen he found his mother.


"You! Why did you say that to your father!?"


"You know that he works very hard to feed the family, he just gets a little angry and you threaten your own father with calling the police!? You unfilial son!"

Now it didn´t even hurt anymore. He could still remember the first time he protected his mother, only to her to turn on him and getting punished by her. His father had never slapped him, but his mother did. His mother didn't like to take a beating, but she genuinely thinks that it's her husband's right as the one that brings food to the table to blow off steam by using his family.

"If you don´t like your father that much you will just not eat what he brings from work! Today you won´t be having dinner!"

JI didn´t talk, he just exited the kitchen, in the Livingroom his father was looking at him with a crooked smile. He passed over it and went back to his room.

His room wasn't big, it was big enough to put a bed and a closet that was half empty, after all his parents didn´t like spending money in an "unfilial" son and preferred to spend it on themselves.

'I can´t believe they don´t even remember tomorrow it´s my birthday… I´ll change how things are and leave this house!'

After laying on his bed he immediately fell asleep, and at exactly 00:00…


This is just a test, but the real one will be quite similar hahaha

Pls tell me if there´s any typo

Josavicreators' thoughts