
chapter 13

The crowd immediately erupted with screams as civilians began scrambling for the nearest exits. As the audience dispersed, they found themselves blocked in by the multiplied clones of Midoriya's team member called Twice. Several other duplicates rushed out onto the field to surround the heroes in training, a precaution Izuku took to keep everyone in check.

"Please, don't mourn over the loss of a sex object such as 'Midnight'. It's a joke for someone so vain to be called a hero. If her suit wasn't enough to tell you she used her ample sex appeal to further popularity, then you're just as blind as the hormone raging children.", Midoriya kept a calm demeanor as the crowds were reigned back in.

It didn't take long for the pro heroes placed as security to arrive after such a show of force. A massive shadow loomed over the entire stadium as Mt. Lady used her Gigantification quirk to become an enormous giant. Using her arm as a grappling point, Kamui Woods controlled his Arbor quirk to branch off and swing into the field.

"Ah, it looks like reinforcements have arrived.", Izuku couldn't help but smirk under his mask.

"Lacquered Chains Prison!", Kamui Woods announced his 'Super Move' as branches wrapped around Midoriya like Shota Aizawa's cloths would have done. Izuku allowed the wood to immobilize him, surprised that the bindings weren't tighter.

"I wouldn't be so hasty. I took precautions for you as well. You'll find my own teammates have hostages in the announcer booth. I'm sure this wouldn't be of much concern under circumstances that we were alone, but you'll just have to play hero with the whole world watching, won't you?", Izuku shared another portion of his plan, resulting in Kamui Woods reluctantly releasing him from the wood prison.

"Run along and try and to save them while I carry out my speech, will you?", Midoriya teased the two pro heroes whilst causally waving them off like children.

"Mt. Lady, assist me!", Kamui Woods ordered whilst rushing the announcer booth. The giant woman jumped forward before shrinking to her average size, allowing her to crash through the booth's window. The wood quirk hero followed in pursuit, prepared to help rescue the hostages.

"With them gone, I can take a moment to share some knowledge with you all..", Izuku started his speech, knowing full well that whoever wasn't in the stadium; was surely watching the event from home. Inko Midoriya was one of those people.

Izuku's mother crawled towards the television, barely capable of seeing her son on the screen with tear flooded eyes. Inko's hand shakily lifted as if it were weighed down by an anchor, she finally gave in just in time for the fingers to brush across Izuku's masked face. Inko sobbed after witnessing such a horrific display from her child, the gruesome murder replayed in her head as live footage tried to overlap it.

Katsuki Bakugo's eyes bulged with a feeling he had never felt when encountering Izuku Midoriya, the blonde teen trembled with fear. After being confined to a hospital bed for so long, Katsuki began to realize how much more powerful his former friend had become. The physical therapy that had been paying off suddenly didn't feel like enough as young Bakugo clawed at his bed sheets to get free of the tucked in blankets. Katsuki let out a bloodcurdling shout as if he were the one that had been impaled on live television, the helplessness was just too overwhelming as the boy rolled onto the floor. Going against every sign of pained protest his body could present, Katsuki struggled to crawl across the bedroom so he could reach the Sports Festival and try to help. The wires that attached Bakugo to equipment and kept him well monitored became unplugged or fell over as he reached the doorway. Doctors and nurses rushed to lend aid as the machines beeped, indicating Katsuki needed to be replugged. The blonde teen thrashed in protest as they placed him back on the bed, his body convulsed with the movements as he slipped into something he hadn't had in a long time.. a seizure.

"Do you not find it appalling that these so called 'heroes' seek popularity to become higher ranked for higher profit? Does that just go over your head that all this is to them is a job? None of these frauds care for you, if they weren't given attention or money, there would be nobody to save you.", Izuku began explaining the same spiel to the audience.

Meanwhile, Kamui Woods and Mt. Lady squared off against Mr. Compress who had five hostages with their heads down. "Lacquered Chains Prison!", Kamui Woods informed his partner of what attack he was planning on using to capture Mr. Compress. The branches stretched outward like arms grasping for the coated being, but never once managed to grab hold of Mr. Compress who continuously dodged them.

"What you call 'heroes', people such as Uwabami pose like celebrities to be plastered across a magazine. I'm sure other examples come to mind as you begin thinking about my words.", Izuku continued sharing his ideology as the fight raged on in the announcer booth.

Mt. Lady increased the mass of her leg as she brought it down in a corner to push Mr. Compress back into Kamui Wood's trap. "Quick, help the hostages!", Kamui Woods ordered his partner as the heroine returned her leg to average size.

"When faced with true danger.. the people you look up to will run the other way just like anyone else.", Izuku promised the crowd as his plan finally kicked into 'Phase Two'.

Mt. Lady jumped back with both shock & fright as the hostages were suddenly uncloaked to show their true appearance, they were all Twice in disguise! The clones tackled Mt. Lady before she could run away, forcing Kamui Woods to release Mr. Compress and attempt to help his partner.

"Compression isn't my only trick.", Mr. Compress said whilst using his quirk to turn Kamui Woods into a brown marble that was easily put into the man's coat pocket.

"See how easily they panic when their lives are suddenly put on the line?", Midoriya laughed.

The moment of superiority is short lived with the arrival of another pro hero, Gunhead uses gun like organs to fire keratin mass bullets at Izuku. Midoriya's laughter continues as he easily dodges the suppressive gunshots and whacks the pro hero aside as if he were stuffed doll. Izuku is about to finish Gunhead off when he hears a familiar voice say his name, "Izuku..?", Ochaco Uraraka can't believe her eyes. Midoriya turns around, sharing the same shocked feeling & even a tinge of remorse as he sees his old ally again.

Izuku shakes off the hesitant emotions, "It's Deku now.", Midoriya replies.

"Wh- Why are you doing this?", Uraraka doesn't try to fight back tears upon seeing her friend turned into an enemy.

"Because.. it's what's right.", Izuku replies. "Join me.", the green suited man offers with an extended hand. "If you heard what I said, then you must surely understand now.", Midoriya reasons.

"I did hear what you said, and you're wrong! When we're heroes, our lives are ALWAYS on the line!", Ochaco argues. "We found that out the day we were attacked during our Battle Trial!", Uraraka adds.

"And what did you do when we were attacked? You cowered behind me, you froze up rather than fight. Don't pretend like you wouldn't have run if your legs worked.", Izuku felt a small amount of guilt for talking to his friend this way, but reassured himself that it was necessary to make her understand.

"Yes.. but you didn't. So what suddenly changed, Izuku?", Ochaco pushed back.

Midoriya clenched his fists, She's far too stubborn. There's no use.., Izuku thought to himself with disappointment. "I became Deku.", the green haired man replied, answering two questions in one fatal swoop.

Ochaco then kicked into action, using her quirk to remove Izuku's gravity and send her opponent soaring into the sky. Whilst Midoriya lifted higher and higher, she leaped from the stage to help the students kept in check by Twice clones. "Come on, let's help her!", Shoto Todoroki encouraged his classmates to fight back as he froze one of the duplicates. It wasn't long before the others were pitching in, from both classes 1-A & 1-B. A girl with viney green hair wrapped one of the clones up while Mashirao Ojiro used his tail to sideswipe multiple.

"That wasn't part of the plan..", Mustard grumbled whilst emitting his gas onto the field to detain the troublesome students and Uravity.

Momo Yaoyorozu spotted the oncoming mist and used her Creation quirk to conjure up gas masks for her teammates. "Quick, put these on!", she beckoned the classes. Only a select few managed to put the masks on before the gas reached everyone, rendering the slower ones unconscious. Uravity was one of the people unable to get a mask in time, she unwillingly released her quirk upon passing out.

Izuku Midoriya had to think fast as he began plummeting back down towards the stadium. Instantly, he thought of using his arms to create a downward whirlwind so his fall would become more cushioned. Like a landing helicopter, Izuku safely dropped to his feet with the self created updraft. While he was still recovering from Uravity's attack, another familiar former ally rushed Midoriya.

Tomura Shigaraki extended his leg out as he aimed a kick at Izuku's head, but was shocked to see his enemy recover fast enough to dodge the attack. The One For All powered kick connected with the stadium's floor instead, creating a massive crater. However, this impact was different from when Tomura used One For All in his fist, the leg was now broken. The blue haired boy cried out in agonizing pain as he was rendered immobilized. How come I injured myself that time?! Unless.. my Decay quirk must have counteracted with One For All and evened out the power! Since my legs don't share the same point of power, it resulted in an over extensive use., Tomura reasoned in his head.

"Interesting. Since when did you have such a powerful attack impact?", Izuku wondered as he analyzed the injured boy. Tomura glanced at his classmates who were too busy battling the remaining Twice clones to help, his worry increasing as Midoriya grew closer.

Then, like a miracle, someone landed in between the two and rescued young Shigaraki. "Have no fear! Why? Became I am here now!", All Might announced his arrival much to the relief of the audience taken hostage & remaining conscious students.

"All Might. I was wondering when you would arrive.", Izuku got into a battle stance.

"You can count on it that I'm not alone this time.", All Might countered as Endeavor, Cementoss, and Death Arms also arrived.

"I wish I'd thought of that.", Izuku Midoriya sarcastically responded as his own teammates joined the fray. Mustard used his gas to attack the trio whilst Twice and Mr. Compress attempted to overpower them. While the others were preoccupied, Izuku and All Might had a one on one standoff covered by live television. Everybody was on the edge of their seat as the two charged each other.

"Delaware SMASH!", All Might exclaimed as his fist connected with Izuku's. The amount of force put into Midoriya's speed & velocity was enough to counteract the attack and render both hits useless as they bounced off one another like rubber. The two were blown back by the forceful winds emitted, but quickly gathered their bearings before rushing one another a second time.

Midoriya dodged and weaved as many of All Might's punches missed the green suited man by a fraction. Izuku occasionally returned the favor with his own attacks, landing a few hits that didn't seem to do much. Both fighters constantly picked up speed to match one another, leaving nothing but a rapidly wavering blur for everyone to watch. As Midoriya focused on building up his speed, his attacks became more ferocious and started scathing the pro hero. After a few hits, All Might had to create distance between himself and Izuku by using the same tactic Tomura had done during the obstacle race. The pro hero shouted, "SMASH!", before driving his fist into the pavement.

Both fighters breathed heavily as they prepared for their ultimate attacks. Izuku had decided to use the punch he had created to break past the Nomu's shock absorption so long ago. The attack was a difficult one to pull off, but Midoriya figured it was the only way he could truly go toe to toe with the likes of All Might. The pro hero had a similar mind set as he thought about the time frame of his muscular form and how much he had left before One For All wore off for the day. I'll give it my all with one finalizing blow.., All Might & Izuku shared the same thought.

"United States.. Of..", All Might began building up controlled power into his fist.

Izuku Midoriya used the distance between himself and All Might to run as fast as he could manage. "Super Sonic..", Izuku felt the world around him begin to slow as he rocketed forwards.

"SMASH!", the two cried out triumphantly as their fists collided.

A shockwave emitted across the entire stadium as Izuku Midoriya broke the sound barrier. A super sonic boom erupted against All Might's ultimate move, one again canceling each other out. However, these certain punches had repercussions for both fighters as they were blasted back by the gusts of wind created from their attacks.

One of All Might's arms erupted with steam like a volcano as it shrank into a shriveled up form. Izuku shared a similar problem as the arm he used completely shattered every bone in it. Both fighters cried out in pain as they clutched the injuries, shocking the entire viewing world. The cloth around their arms was completely burnt away, leaving nothing but disheveled flesh.

I have no choice.. they may not be ready yet.. they may not even work.. BUT I HAVE TO USE THEM!, Izuku thought to himself as he closed his eyes in desperation. Upon reopening them, Midoriya saw the world in a whole new color. Red engulfed Izuku's vision like an infrared form of sight, the supposed heat signature focusing on All Might. The steam that had been seen coming out of the pro hero like a chimney after the U.S.J battle & collided punches began pouring off All Might completely. When the fog cleared away, a skeletal looking version of the hero remained.

It worked! Then that must mean.. that's All Might?!, Izuku said a silent prayer for Eraserhead's transplanted eyes actually working. "Another form of proof that you have no true heroes! The one you looked up to the most hid such a secret from you?! Your 'symbol of peace'?!", Midoriya pushed his cause to the shocked crowd.

The once confidently smiling hero could only share a frown similar to Midoriya's mask now, feeling the full blown guilt of Izuku's words. "I wanted to instill hope in everyone.. I didn't want them to worry about me not being capable of protecting them!", All Might tried to explain the reason for his hidden secret.

"And here we are. You're not capable of protecting them.", Izuku threw the words back in his fallen idol's face. "Don't feel too bad though, the truth is.. you never were.", Midoriya adds.

"Stop your slander already!", Shoto Todoroki shouted whilst firing an ice beam at Izuku in an attempt to save the weakened form of All Might. The ray glazed by Midoriya as the green suited man weaved to dodge it, then in the blink of an eye, Izuku retaliated in a counter attack.

"SHOOTTOO!", Endeavor cried out upon watching his son beaten like a ragdoll. The pro hero rushed to the boy's side immediately, clutching his son closely.

Little did anyone know, the whole attack was meant to be a distraction planned by Shoto & Momo. While Todoroki took all the attention, Yaoyorozu would conjure up a tracking device to toss onto Midoriya so it could go unnoticed.

Despite the plan having had worked, nothing stopped what happened next. Izuku Midoriya used his unbroken arm to strike the weakened All Might with another attack. "Super Sonic Smash!", the green suited man roared as the sound barrier erupted against All Might's jaw.

The once instilled shock from watching All Might bested in combat wasn't compared to that of witnessing the hero's gruesome death. Even though she wasn't there to see it in person, Inko Midoriya clutched her chest in the most immensely hurt way she could. The hero her son once idolized just had his life taken by the same boy. Inko could have sworn she was having a heart attack as she fell to the floor, barely able to breathe as she went into a state of shock. Katsuki Bakugo drifted into unconscious as the doctors applied anesthetic, the last thing he saw was his former friend murdering their idol. It was quite the opposite for Ochaco Uraraka as she reawakened, the first thing she saw was the death of such a symbolic figure. Everyone else had been forced to watch the entire match and its gorey end.

The only one who celebrated in the downfall of All Might was All For One, the masked man laughed to himself with an applaud for his disciple. Before anything else could transpire, All For One used his warping ability to help Izuku escape; along with Mr. Compress and Twice.

Mustard began panicking as his allies were warped away in an instant, leaving him behind. "Wait, what are you doing?! NOO!", the villain emitted his gas once more as a last ditch effort to escape. However, the pro heroes were quickly upon him and disposed of the toxin. "Ah, screw it!", Mustard resorted to the revolver he kept concealed just in case his quirk wasn't enough. Before he could get a gunshot fired off, Uravity used her quirk to make the gun float from Mustard's grip. It wasn't long after that for the villain to be hastily handcuffed and defeated.

"Just as planned.", Izuku Midoriya grinned.