
Greece: From Kingdom To Empire

Nikolas Papadopoulos is a greek american officeworker who lived in Manhatton,USA for his work. One day he finds himself involved in an terrorist attack, which takes his life. But he quickly finds out that he is reincarnated into the body of the first greek king of 19th century,Otto of Greece. Now how will he able to survive in this political scenario? How will he institue reforms in the new but poor greek nation? How will he use modern knowledges in the new greek nation? A/N:-It is my first time writing novels. This novel will not follow all historical events properly. English is not my native language.But I will try my best to make this a good novel. I appriciate your support and feedback.Thank you for reading my novel!

Lord_sid · Lịch sử
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26 Chs

Chapter- 21 Encounter (Part-2)

For a moment, Otto really didn't know what to say. Whether it was in the past or the present, his experiences with women had always been lacking. In the past, he had attended countless banquets in Germany, following his mother's advice in an attempt to gain some knowledge and understanding of the fairer sex. He believed that he had acquired a certain level of experience with women, but all of that seemed insignificant after encountering this woman in Greece.

Her eyes, like twin pools of liquid amber, held a depth that could drown any sorrow or doubt. They sparkled like those of a cunning and mysterious fox, hinting at secrets and adventures yet to be discovered. Otto couldn't help but get lost in their gaze, feeling a magnetic pull that seemed to draw him closer with each passing moment.

The gentle breeze played with her dark silk hair, causing it to dance in harmony with her every move. It was as if the wind itself was enchanted by her presence, whispering sweet melodies that only she could hear.

Her delicate features were sharp, smooth and defined, akin to the sleek and graceful contours of a fox's face. Her slender figure was perfectly proportioned, with curves that seemed to add an air of sophistication to her enchanting face. Her mere presence seemed to ignite a fire within him, stirring emotions that he had never known before.

In that moment, as Otto stood in awe of this extraordinary woman, he knew that his experiences with women, however limited they may have been, had led him to this profound encounter.

"Sir, I am sorry for my rudeness."

And as he gathered his thoughts due to her voice, he found himself overwhelmed with the desire to explore the depths of her fox-like beauty, to discover the mysteries that lay hidden within and to be forever entwined in her mesmerizing charm. Otto sighed.

"It's okay. I am fine, lady. What's your name?"

The lady he had unintentionally bumped into, seemed startled but quickly regained her composure. She dusted off her dress with a polite smile and graciously accepted his assistance in standing up.

Then she answered with a smile,

"It's Helena, Sir."

As Otto steadied her, a hint of curiosity crossed his face. He realized this woman was quick witted. He couldn't help but wonder how she had seen through his facade, how she had recognized the noble hidden beneath the guise of a commoner.

With genuine interest, he posed his question, "Nice to meet you, Lady Helena. My name is Nikolas. How did you realize that I am a noble pretending to be a commoner?"

Helena's eyes twinkled with a mixture of amusement as she met his gaze.

"Oh, Sir Nikolas, it wasn't just one thing that gave you away," she replied with a warm smile. "It was a combination of subtle details that caught my attention. The way you carry yourself, the elegance in your movements, and the air of confidence that exudes from within and last but not least the smell your of expensive men's perfume. I won't need to tell the name of the brand, right?"

Otto listened intently and laughed,

"Oh, your power of observation is truly remarkable. Few have been able to see through my disguise so effortlessly, Lady Helena."

Otto reassured himself in his mind that at least she didn't realise who he was. But their brief exchange left Otto both humbled and intrigued. He realized that, in Helena, he had encountered someone perceptive and insightful, someone who could see beyond the surface and recognize the essence of a person.

Helena returned his smile, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of intrigue and admiration. "You give yourself too little credit, Sir Nikolas. No matter how skilfully you try to hide it, the nobility within you shines through. It is a gift that cannot be concealed completely."

Otto returned her words with his nice gesture,

"Thank you for your praise, beautiful lady. But if is it alright, can I ask you where are you going alone this fast?"

She couldn't help but giggle, charmed by Nikolas's eloquence and handsome demeanour. There was an undeniable magnetism about him that drew her in, despite her lingering confusion about his true background. Helena pondered the possibility of accompanying him, should the need arise. After all, she possessed the skills to defend herself, thanks to her proficiency in knife and sword fighting.

She admired his intelligence and the way he carried himself, a true noble in both appearance and mannerisms. Although the situation was peculiar, Helena's instincts told her that Nikolas was someone she could trust. She had encountered her fair share of deception and danger in her own life, honing her ability to read people and situations.

With a flicker of determination in her eyes, Helena made up her mind. She would let Nikolas follow her, not just for the thrill of adventure, but also because she sensed an unspoken connection between them.

"It's alright. Just going for a walk. Do you want to go with me?"

Otto got intrigued hearing her words. He smiled,

"Sure, Let's go."

Sometime later, Otto and Helena found themselves strolling towards a vast meadow at the outskirts of the city. The gentle breeze rustled through the tall grass, creating a soothing soundtrack to their conversation.

Otto got amazed watching the meadow. He would have never known about it if he didn't accompany Helena.

"Thank you for accompanying me here. I really didn't know here such a meadow exist."

Helena smiled hearing his sincere words.

"Pleasure is mine."

Then she stopped and sat on the grassy field. Seeing the sudden change of mood, Otto frowned.

He asked,

"Is there anything happened? You look upset."

Helena thought that opening everything to someone might ease her mind. Since he didn't know her, it would be okay to tell him. Helena decided to open up to Nikolas about her dreams and aspirations.

"You know, Sir Nikolas, ever since I was a child, I've had this burning desire to become an administrator, to shape policies and make a difference in people's lives. I yearn to bring about positive change, to create a more just and equitable society."

Otto listened, his eyes filled with genuine interest and respect for her ambitions.

"That's a noble aspiration, Lady Helena,"

He remarked, a hint of admiration in his voice. "To have such a strong sense of purpose and the determination to follow your dreams is truly inspiring."

A flicker of sadness momentarily crossed Helena's face as she continued, "Unfortunately, my family doesn't share my vision. They come from a traditional background, where women are expected to conform to societal norms and follow a predefined path. They believe that my dreams are frivolous and I should focus on more 'suitable' endeavours like how to become a good lady, a good wife, a good mother."

Her voice wavered slightly, betraying the emotional struggle she had faced. Then she looked at Otto with a sheer determination,

"But I refused to let myself become wasted like this. I believe that everyone deserves a chance to pursue their passions. So, I read books hiddenly, make myself ready for my dream. I want to prove to myself and to them that I can achieve greatness in my own way. I know it will not be easy. But today my father told me about my fiancé suddenly. I told them that I don't want to marry. They refused to heed my words and decided the date of my marriage after four months. When I tried to find a way, I only see darkness. Tell me should I give up, Sir?"

Otto said with an encouragement in his eyes,

"Don't give up. You really have a good luck that you have met me. I have a news that our new King will arrange an examination for some Government post. You must try it out."

Helena got bewildered hearing his words. She looked at him again and asked,

"Are you really telling the truth? Please tell me."

Otto nodded with smile.

"So, cheer up. You will get an announcement soon."

Helena suddenly hugged him. Otto just didn't know what to say.

So, he let her do as she wish for some time. When she realised, she embraced him. She got embarrassed and apologized

"Sorry for showing you this unpleasant sight."

Otto said,

"It's alright. So, you should not give up. Now, you need to go back. The sun has already set."

"Thank you." Helena said

"It's my pleasure to meet you. I shall get going now."

Otto left with this word. After realising he left, Helena also left the place with a new unyielding determination.

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