

"I kissed a Beta and I liked it" A forlorn Werewolf, Liam Grayhide, appoints himself to protect Grindelwald and Keiran the Nephew of the man who had saved him. He protect them against Maximo a Malevolent Alpha, and the pack of wolves. While Keiran protects him against ruthless hunters. The two became friends and having a mutual understanding. But a secret kiss from Keiran changes everything in a fraction of seconds. Keiran is falling in love with Liam. Liam has a right to give up protecting Keiran and leave him alone, or later he learns to love a dapper city guy? Only his time with Keiran can tell.

PlumangTboli · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Chapter One

The burning gold color sun settled a heart on the horizon and gently kissed each top of the Alpine trees on the hill of Grindelwald, like a huge hand embracing every mountainscape. The sea that's blue in a natural color becomes red as sunset blood, adding red sparkle that seems to have been kissed the lower part of the water surface by the sun's rays. Eventually, it slowly returns to the natural color of nature the sun slowly disappears and slowly hides while approaching a night chasm like a sweet symphony that was quieting down.

The trees, the huts, the yellow flowers that gave life to the hill, the pond, and everything was swallowed by the night. Everyone is going to their bed early and sleeping. Everyone is scared about the rumors regarding the werewolves seen in the woods. No one dared leave the house. It's said that the werewolves hide in the shadow of their human form when the moon is full in its bright they turn into huge wolves. One says that he saw a transformation of a beautiful hunk man into a gray wolf. Everyone's heart has aghast and surely everyone was scared in the night. You won't hear jazz music, baby crying, or any kind of sound at night in that town. It looks like a dead town. Sad and scary reign for a long time.

A few months ago before the rumors spread, the town of Grindelwald was festive. Every night you hear different kinds of songs in every house but as rumors spread the songs are gone seems forever.

Children use to play in the ground full of yellow flowers, children are playing hide and seek in the woods but when the rumors spread the whole town is dead. It looks like an abandoned place. You cannot hear a laugh and chuckles, everyone is alert because they being alert for their welfare. Hunters no longer go out every night as they often did before the story spread in the town of Grindelwald. Going out became forbidden like a flower that lost its essence and fragrance.

There's an old hunter named Brad Fergus. He's the best hunter in the town. And that night he was secretly looking outside the window as his dogs didn't stop barking. He was secretively looking into the darkness. He saw nothing. The dogs continue barking facing the entrance of the woods. His dogs seems to urged him to chase what they saw in the woods that his eyes can't be seen. They barked now and then, barking to face the forest. These past few nights his dogs were chasing something around his house that he thought might be a thief.

Mr. Fergus was never scared. He was never afraid of what his eyes could not see. When the dogs stop barking, Mr. Fergus went back to his bed and laid down with his shotgun. He closes his eyes and falls asleep. Exactly at midnight he suddenly woke up when he heard the howl of dogs- not a howl or woof of an ordinary dog ​​that fell in the sense of his hearing and he concluded that it was a howl of a wolf, a howl that like an alarm clock that woke him up from a good dream. That night he heard the frightening howl of a wolf again. Last week was the last time he heard about the howl that he heard this time.

He thought it was a wolf that everyone was talking about. The howl seems closer and closer. A question mark embraced him. He did not know why the howl of the wolf was approaching. Will that wolf attack Grindelwald? But after a few minutes the tone of that wolf's howl changes. It was as if he could hear it asking him for help. He knows that there are some hunters from the other village that haunts a wolf. Mr. Fergus tried hard to stop them but he couldn't because he was alone. What was his power against the twenty brutal hunters from the neighboring village that were fully equipped, always carrying weapons and deadly traps. He can't beat them up, he can do nothing. Those hunters abused so much the law of the woods.

He went out bravely with his shotgun and six bullets. If that wolf attacked him he would use his weapon to protect himself. He knows that a wolf is scared of a silver bullet. He runs to the wood. Mr. Fergus panted as he hid in the root of a big tree. The howl closer. It wasn't scary, but a caitiff howl of a wolf. He embraced himself. His heart beat became faster and faster like he's just been in a race. He didn't know if it was because of the fear that had crept into his being.

The howl suddenly out of hearing and when he raised his head he was about to scream as he face a black big wolf with burning red eyes. This time the old man was scared and as the wolf sniff him Mr. Fergus was scared to death. Only then had he seen such big wolf. The wolf didn't attack him. The wolf steps back and as if by magic it suddenly transforms into an old lady. His eyes widened, that was what the people in the village were talking about, about the werewolf they were seeing. The old lady looks weak and senile. She looks at him with a lamentable look, the old woman seems helpless. Her eyes are full of bitterness and agitation. He did not know why. He was feeling sorry for her. Yet scared for her presence.

"I'm Luna," she said in a sad yet welcoming and friendly voice. "I was chased by the ruthless hunter and they fired me." She showed him her deep wounds, on her belly on her shoulder, and her hands.

Mr. Fergus let out a sigh and spoke. "Then why you don't attack me since I'm also a hunter too?" His lips quivered as he spoke

"I know your good deeds old hunter" The old woman took a deep breath. "The day will come and the inhuman hunters who chased me will regret what they are doing. Old man, you have to do me a favor. Those hunters are looking for me because of my child, they want to kill him, I ask you to take care of him, I already placed him in your room while you are going here. " She added in a soft and sad voice.


"Please Mr. Hunter. I can't live long" She pleaded. "My day has come, my soul will return to the place where my ancestors gathered. Like you people that when you die your spirit will return to God. I beg you. I know when he grows up he will understand his nature, but he will have a chance to become a normal person if he will break the curse. " She roughly wiped her wet cheeks with the back of her hands.

Then they heard an approaching voice. Gunfire rang near him, he looked at the old lady, and in her belly a blood spurt. Mr. Fergus was beffezzed and unable to move. Another gunshot sound and a death call rang, the silver bullets were buried in the chest of an old lady wolf. She gave him a sad look.

"Please flee and take care of my child, named him Liam," She said before transforming into a black wolf again and went scudding away as the hunters chased her. Mr. Fergus continued to hear the sound of gunshots until he heard a voice whose sounds celebrating.

Mr. Fergus quickly ran home and when he checked his room he saw a jubilant little young boy in his room. In his prediction, the child is one year old. He felt sorry for the boy and he lifts him into his welcoming arms. He knows that the boy is a werewolf but he promises to take care of him and he named him Liam because that's what Luna wished him to name the child. He felt sorry every time Luna's pitiful look tempted his mind. He cannot protect her against the greedy hunters. He cannot protect Liam's Mother. His chest tightened and one by one his tears dripped.

The boy grew up like an ordinary child, he ate what Mr. Fergus ate, he plays with other children, and he wears clothes decently. It's heartbreaking every time he sees Liam playing with other kids. He thought of the last thing the old werewolf said that Liam might become a normal person. He didn't know how, but she mentioned the curse that confuses the old Mr. Fergus.

Every day he witnessed how Liam grows, he was like he was his child. He didn't go out hunting either because he didn't want to be parted of Liam. The latter does not yet know his individuality or his nature. But the time will come and he will know and understand that soon.

Days become weeks, weeks become months and months become years. Liam becomes a handsome ten years old. He's a perfect boy, very handsome, and a lively child.

One night Mr. Fergus thought of going out again and hunting he left Liam in his room sound asleep.

Night was serene and the moon was full on its bright. As Mr. Fergus went out he was unaware that Liam wakes up. Liam went out and braces himself with coldness. When he peering to a serene heaven, he stared to the full bright moon.

He feels itchy over. He feels like he was freezing to death rigidly standing and looking up to the moon. Suddenly his golden-brown eyes began to change to a green with an accent of chartreuse.


Why? What's happening? Why I do feel strange? He asked himself with a series of questions. He was feeling heavier and strong. His body was in pain. Ten years old Liam can't explain why he feels so different. Liam felt something creep in his every vein, something moving. He was hurt and he winced in pain.

The ten years old Liam feels an excruciating pain that caused him to fall to the wooden floor. He screamed in agony as he feels his spine break and change its structure followed by his arms and legs twisting inversely.

He saw his hands grow a white fur and his fingers became claws, he grows a fangs. He screamed again and his screams slowly turned into a howl as soft white fur sprouted his whole body, his decent clothes tore from his body when his muscles increase in size.

The time has finally come.

Ten years old Liam no longer looks like a boy but a white wolf with green eyes. He jumped off and went amble to the dark woods. Only his howl can be heard, howl went farther and farther away.

Inside the forest, Mr.'s Fergus heartbeat became faster and faster like he's just been in a race. He did not know why. But as far as the old man is concerned, something bad has happened. He thought of Liam alone in the house. So he immediately went home, his feet nimbler and he ignored the rocky and slippery path as he closed to the house his chest tightened.

He didn't know what was going on. Something bad happened tonight, and he wished that Liam is safe, he run faster and faster and the old man was in speed.

When he reached the house he immediately looked for Liam but he was nowhere to be found. Then, his eyes met the pieces of Liam's clothes and the scratch of the wolf claws on the wooden floor. Liam's time finally comes and he finds his nature. He did not budge in his position, from where he was standing.

His chest tightened even more. He hasn't prepared for that yet. He was not ready for Liam's absence. He knows that Liam will never return for him and because of that thought his tears flowed. He bitterly looked into the dark woods and then he heard a howl in a distance. He took a deep breath and the sequel was his sob. He wants Liam to come back but that seems impossible.