
Chapter 13

Kusa can be seen hanging out with a girl with Red eyes and ankle-length ivory hair. Wears a light brown shirt that appears as if it has been discoloured from fire and dark red overalls that are randomly decorated with paper charms. Her hair is tied with these same red and white paper charms.

Kusa: Mokou~ let me hug you

Mokou: No!

Kusa: why~

Mokou: you are acting weird this time

Kusa: it can't be helped the moon is replaced with fake and the moon didn't emit enough solar energy to make me energized

Kusa: That's why I need to hug you~

Mokou: Hah? You are telling me that the moon right now is fake?!

Kusa: yup

Kusa hugs Mokou when she let her guard down

Mokou: Seriously... it's very weird to hug you now that you look like a human

Kusa: it can't be helped I'm not an immortal I need to evolve or else my life will be cut short~

Mokou: Wait! are you serious?

Kusa: yes~ especially I will lose another petal soon means my life is officially lost a year~

Mokou: how many 'petals' do you currently have?

Kusa: six it will be five sooner~

▪︎Kusa when she lacks sun energy she will be in a state of light-headedness, she used sun energy on a battle against Yuuka again▪︎

Mokou: I see...

Mokou seems closing her eyes and thinking deeply

Kusa: you can't because you close your eyes~

Mokou: not in the literal sense idiot!

Kusa: hehehehe~ Hey... you still remember our first meeting~?

Mokou: Of course, one day I'm just walking around when a strange creature suddenly hug my foot

Mokou: no matter how much I pry it won't come off

Mokou: so I let it be and it comes off a few hours later

Kusa: Hahahahaha~ who wonder who is that creature was~

Mokou karate chopped Kusa's head

Kusa: It hurts~

Mokou: who else it is? It's probably the grass on my side

Kusa: Mokou no wonder you have no friends you only talk to grasses~

Mokou Chopped Her head with her hand but harder

Kusa: It Hurts!~

Mokou: your low energy side is pretty annoying like someone that I knew of

Kusa: Hmm? Maybe perhaps your wife~


Kusa: wuwuwuwu~

Kusa can be seen crouching holding her head that has a bump because Mokou decided to hit it with a wooden stick

Kusa: you are mean Mokou!!!

Mokou: maybe perhaps you shut up for a second!

Kusa creates a wooden board and decided to put some clothes on it similar to Mokou

Mokou: you little shit!

Kusa runs while Mokou is trying to burn Kusa

▪︎Touhou canon she is fking flat while Sakuya is medium sakuya▪︎


Kusa can be seen now full of soot carried by Mokou into her house

Mokou: Seriously you make me chase so hard

Kusa: becuase~ you are mean~

Mokou: your intellect become childish... its a pain

Kusa: heh~

Mokou: do it one more time and I'll pummel you hard


Mokou: you should take a bath first... to clean up yourself

Kusa: Let's take one together ~

Mokou looks at Kusa if she was joking but because of her current light-headedness she is smiling nonstop

Mokou: fine you won't probably remember this memory

Kusa: (The plants can tell me though~ especially I could review the memories of plants)

They both undress and goes inside a Jacuzzi

▪︎A hot tub is a large tub full of water used for hydrotherapy, relaxation or pleasure. Some have powerful jets for massage purposes. Hot tubs are sometimes also known as "spas" or by the trade name Jacuzzi. By Wiki-sensei▪︎

Kusa: ahh~ Mokou's bare body nice~

Mokou: Shut Up pervert!!!

Kusa: it can't be helped you are truly beautiful despite not having some

Mokou decided to chopped her again

Kusa: Ah!! Mokou's armpits~!!

Mokou stopped and looks at her in disgust

Mokou: I want to see you writhe in agony

Kusa: how about you make me~

Mokou: Pervert

They dipped in the tub while they are dangerously closed to each other

They scrubbed each other back and finishes the night bath

Kusa is trying to dress up while Mokou is still readying to dress up

Kusa: I always thought you are just burning your body to get the dirt removed~

Mokou: if I'm being lazy then I do it

When Mokou is still on her towel Kusa Creeps in and hugged her

Mokou: Oi! Don't mess around

Kusa decided to whisper to Mokou's ear

Kusa: Hey Mokou~

The two girls' bodies are hugging each other with no clothes separating them

Mokou's face is turning red with the unexpected development and she can't form words correctly

Kusa decided to bite Mokou's ears

Mokou is surprised so she shoves Kusa away pummels her hard

Kusa: ugh...


Kusa is now unconscious and Mokou is burning in shame and she is flustered with the sudden development

Mokou: Kusa Idiot!!!

Mokou is trying to stabilise her breathing and her beating heart

Mokou: she didn't mean it, she is currently light-headed that's all...

Plants creep in and wrapped Kusa and they leave after Kusa is fully dressed

Mokou decided to dress up and decided to carry Kusa on her bed

Mokou: eight presence in the outside?

Mokou head outside and meets Reimu, Yukari, Marisa, Alice, Remelia, Sakuya, Youmu and Yuyuko

Mokou: may I ask what are you guys doing here late in the night?

Reimu: do you know the trial of the guts?

Mokou: the trial of the guts? It's an urban legend of if you eat the flesh of the immortal you will be immortal

Marisa: Gross

Mokou: I happen to be one of the Immortals though... who is the one that tells you to partake in it?

Sakuya: it's Kaguya

Mokou is angry about hearing that name and she started to emit Heat

Mokou: I see... then all of you must be burned!!!

Due to the fighting outside Kusa stirs awake

Kusa: Annoying!

Kusa gets out of the house

Kusa: can you guys please stop-

Kusa sees Mokou severely wounded

Kusa rushes towards mokou and gives a part of her lifeforce towards her making her lose another petal earlier

Kusa seeing Mokou's unconscious filled her eyes in pure rage

▪︎Light-headedness + seeing your close friend severely wounded = Unspeakable rage▪︎

Kusa's Eyes becomes gold and her body is surrounded by the green glow

Kusa: I don't get it but you all seem to piss me off...

Marisa: Kusa it's us!

▪︎Kusa can't recognise them because of blind hatred▪︎

The surrounding Plants Grows Massively Summoning hundreds of Plant monsters

Kusa: Yes it's you all, you hurt her... that's why you'll pay for it

The monsters rushed towards the eight people and hundreds of green orbs are surrounding the area


Some nonsense rant

Kusa is the extras extra boss when Mukou is defeated she will appear if you cleared an extra 2nd time

Due to her special ability, Bombs and Bullets won't harm her

Her arsenal consists of many AoE attacks, bind attacks, and homing attacks

Defeat conditions, survive as long Mokou will be awake or The sun will appear once again

Proximately 4 hours and 20 minutes

Kusa has 241 cards in total and all of them are duration type means her health bar will automatically decrease so you just need to survive and become a dodge master


Do you know the thing that you see now is the so-called words that are made up by the alphabet?

Because alphabet is just Alpha and Beta means the alphabet is still in the middle of trial and have not released the full patch